Cort clears after a hairy moment with Hamer there, argh, Delaney vs Evina, Evina to Rhoys to break now, Haynes down the left, Wiggins, blocked out though by Marrow. Our throw, Evina to take, 7 and a half to go, up to Wiggins, cross, given as a corner, come on Charlton...
Fuller, edge of the area, cutback, but spills over, and Halsey says no, went down easily it seems. Headed away by Delaney, Pritchard under control, Dobbie away from him, Cort, away...
Oh fucking hell here we go, he should have made 3 subs at 55 minutes because a nothing commentator suggested it zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz bore off
Not because a commentator suggested. I said even a commentator suggested it. Why dont you read the post before taking the piss, dick?
So he should have made 3 substitutes at 55 minutes then? He made a sub just before the goal - did people miss that or something? Doesn't matter what he does really does it? Everyone but Powell knows best apparently...
And Jacko off for yann
palace fans giving it big time at the moment
Dobbie has helped, hamer brill save on the line from phillips
Why is it still 1-0 on Player????