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St. Valentine's Day

What a bloody swizz !! £4.50 for a crappy little card.

Worse thing is we've been married 13 years and I f***ing hate the old hag!!!

I'm making my own card next year !!


  • First year in seven I don't have to bother.

    Although saying that, I got the ex a thank you card last year as there was not much else left on the way home from work.
  • Fancy going for a drink?
  • What a bloody swizz !! £4.50 for a crappy little card.

    Worse thing is we've been married 13 years and I f***ing hate the old hag!!!

    I'm making my own card next year !!

    Card Factory, is the way to go. Good quality cards for 99P.
    Don't every buy cards & flowers from Moon Pig, flowers are shite.
  • edited February 2013
    Good night to pull. Go to the gym/ pub/ anywhere and most women there are likely single and unfulfilled having failed to find a man to give their life a modicum of meaning and validity.

  • Good night to pull. Go to the gym/ pub/ anywhere and most women there are likely will be single and unfulfilled having failed to find a man to give their life a modicum of meaning and valididity.

    Probably right. I should have gone to the Gym. But no. Spurs v Lyon at WHL for me. And I wonder why I'm single lol.
  • edited February 2013
    Charlton fans don't have Eurpean nights to worry about which has enabled us to enhance our rep as out and out ladies' men studs ;-)
  • Good night to pull. Go to the gym/ pub/ anywhere and most women there are likely single and unfulfilled having failed to find a man to give their life a modicum of meaning and validity.

    This. I've a date with my gym, no doubt it will be 100% blokes when I get there.
  • I plan to buy junk food and sit watching cute red panda vids on Youtube. I wish I was joking.
  • Best thing about Valentines this year is Die Hard 5 comes out
  • please don't let this turn into a thread where images are posted of sexy any women in Valentines lingerie.
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  • Macronate said:

    please don't let this turn into a thread where images are posted of sexy any women in Valentines lingerie.

    You mean like this?

  • Every day is Valentines Day with my missus.
  • Every day is Valentines Day with my missus.

  • pmsl nice one Rodders.
  • Five pound fucking fifty nine pence for a bloody card in WH Smiths. What a rip off!
  • Got a really nice one from Marks for just £2.75.
  • Every day is Valentines Day with my missus.


  • JT

    Love your gifs mate
  • Lol. Got to love lloyd christmas
  • So romantic .

    "I'm going to buy the Mrs flowers and a card and take her to dinner all because clinton cards tell me to"

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  • buckshee said:

    So romantic .

    "I'm going to buy the Mrs flowers and a card and take her to dinner all because clinton cards tell me to"


    I completely agree but not worth the shit I'd face from 'Er Indoors if I just ignored it totally. Hence a token card and a vague promise to take her out for dinner some other time.

  • Booked a table for two. Hope she likes snooker.
  • Im going football training Thursday. She'll love that im sure
  • roses, balloon, chocolates all delivered to the house...£30. job done.
  • JTJT
    edited February 2013
    ..and what about the actual missus?
  • Trevors sorting hers
  • My first Valentine day with my now wife was spent sitting next to Stuart Balmer in a restuaraunt in Blackeath.
  • anyone know who st valentine is and where i can find the bastard?!
  • Bloody nightmare every year. I think we have fallen out at least 7 times out of the 10 Valentines Days we have been together. Expectations are always set way too high which just sets you up for a big disappointment. Tomorrow it's (1) Nice Card (2) Bottle of nice/expensive perfume to open (3) Cute mug - to replace the one she hinted was broken at work (4) bring flowers home from work and (5) M&S meal for 2 - cooked by yours truly for a change (6) watch all her stuff and stay off the Ipad for the evening........................and yet I'll bet ya it still all goes wrong!! :-(
  • Blimey, sounds like you picked yourself a very high maintenance woman Meldrew.

    Good luck!
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