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Royal Mail



  • My daughter Hannah, living at flat 1 of a block, was expecting a package from O2 - it didn't arrive. She contacted O2 who said it had been delivered and signed for by "Hannah". Obviously, the delivery driver had not been entirely truthful. However, the following evening, the parcel was delivered to my daughter, by a Hannah that was expecting a parcel from O2 and who lived at house number 1 in the same street. Sometimes things aren't what they seem!
  • A lot of drivers never ask the name, just assume the person who is signing is the person to whom the parcels are addressed.

    Hermes (say it carefully) regularly throw packages (usually clothing) my fiance has ordered, from an adjacent alley, over my neighbours garden, and into mine, usually landing in the mud or wet grass. Delivery at all costs mentality I guess. This is the same company that left our Ipad propped up against our wheelie bin.
  • I don't think its unreasonable for posties not to want to be debt collectors and carrying money round with them waiting to be mugged.
    However, the fact that the RM have made A5 envelopes 'large letters' which can't have a normal 2nd class stamp, is a scandal and has meant I have been up the post office twice in the last month to pay £1.12.
  • How come you get a collection card when you're in when they knock? Always annoys me big time, especially as the parking vultures are always hanging around Eltham sorting office. Wish they hadn't closed the handy one here in Lee.
  • edited April 2013
    Royal Mail service as a whole has certainly deteriorated, but I have to say that our regular postman is excellent. I live out in the country and he always makes an effort to deliver our post even if there is thick snow.
  • I sell a fair bit on ebay and normally pay £3.55 for first class recorded delivery. Last week, I sold something and asked for the normal and was told that due to the new system of size priced parcels it would now cowt £6.00. It is just plain day light robbery to almost double the price. Neary wverything I sell is the same size, weight etc so unless I charge the extra to the person buying them, i am going to be out of pocket. Just take a look on ebay now at the postage costs, it is madness!
  • But how to make the post office pay for itself is a massive dilema. We would be paying way more for it if we actually had to pay what it costs to send a delivery person to every single house in the country.
  • I bought a t shirt from ebay on the 31st March which was posted out by first class signed for on the 2nd April and yet I go on the Royal Mail tracker and it says it's "progressing through our network" still after two weeks. Proper joke shop.
  • 10 years on but what’s going on at Royal Mail, we are now down to one delivery a week if we are lucky.

    Total system failure, it’s not only me many people I have been speaking with are having the same issues.
  • 10 years on but what’s going on at Royal Mail, we are now down to one delivery a week if we are lucky.

    Total system failure, it’s not only me many people I have been speaking with are having the same issues.
    Worked there for 4 years almost. Severely understaffed, suffering from primes success and slightly outdated. 

    When I was last working there (early 2021) there was so much stuff not going out everyday and they were relying on casual staff.

    It's a shame cause its a fantastic job and my favourite job I've had to date. I just think unfortunately, the world is changing and they didn't adapt correctly. 
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  • we get daily delivery
  • 10 years on but what’s going on at Royal Mail, we are now down to one delivery a week if we are lucky.

    Total system failure, it’s not only me many people I have been speaking with are having the same issues.
    I've got family members who live in Hartley and they say that they seem to get post only once a week.

    Where I live we get our post more frequently, but they do seem to store it and make fewer deliveries than they used to.

    With the cost of postage for 1st class being so high now, Royal Mail should be delivering next day, but keep missing their targets.
  • I think we get a couple of deliveries a week but we get so little post it's difficult to say for certain.
  • I have a parcel being delivered to me on their 48 service which I thought meant 48 hours. The company sending my parcel delivered it to their Royal Mail on Monday, I am due to receive it Saturday. Obviously not 48 hour delivery 
  • I think we are down to a couple of times a week. 

    I get the Economist delivered weekly, where I used to live it would arrive Friday/Saturday, now it arrives the following Wednesday/Thursday sometimes later, and occasionally never at all.

    My mum lives in the new development that rose out of the hell on earth that was the Ferrier estate and at one point didn't get post for 4 weeks. 

    Feel like it's gone massively down hill in the past decade. 
  • With the decline in the amount of physical mail that is sent I think the amount of days we get a delivery will be less. Not because it is being held back, although on occasions that may happen due to staff sickness etc, but because there is just nothing to deliver to your address everyday.
  • My postman has Dyslexia, either that or he thinks it is ok drop off letters for others at my house.
    Think I may have worked with this guy years ago, he was either Bulgarian or Albanian, couldn't read or write English and hardly spoke any. Part of RM's diverse policy!
  • edited December 2023
    I'm shocked it's gone to shit since being privatised, still at least a few posters made a couple of hundred pounds.
  • Not had any mail this week.

    Until today that is when half a dozen things turn up...

    ...on Sunday morning! 
  • On our local Facebook group someone has posted a message to say that there are severe shortages of staff in the local sorting office, partly due to sickness, but that Royal Mail are not recruiting temporary staff and won't sanction overtime.
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  • still not received my MOD magazine as of yet. Ordered it early last week, first class delivery. 
  • Got my birthday cards today. 

    My birthday was on Saturday.
  • ME14addick said:
    On our local Facebook group someone has posted a message to say that there are severe shortages of staff in the local sorting office, partly due to sickness, but that Royal Mail are not recruiting temporary staff and won't sanction overtime.
    We had a similar message in the Sn odland area and were advised to go and collect from the sorting office.  It's only open a few hours a day I think and has about 6 spots for cars to park.  My neighbourwent today and saw the traffic wardens were lurking trying to get their quota up I expect
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