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Dorothy stopped and searched

A sign of the times? She was only tying to go home....


  • usual bullshit from the usual suspect, do us a favour and leave off the politics, it only ends up with rows on here, not big, clever or wanted.
  • usual bullshit from the usual suspect, do us a favour and leave off the politics, it only ends up with rows on here, not big, clever or wanted.

    +1. Well said Steve.

  • Thank God for the silent majority. Let the fools scream and shout...
  • JohnBoyUK said:

    usual bullshit from the usual suspect, do us a favour and leave off the politics, it only ends up with rows on here, not big, clever or wanted.

    +1. Well said Steve.

    JohnBoyUK said:

    usual bullshit from the usual suspect, do us a favour and leave off the politics, it only ends up with rows on here, not big, clever or wanted.

    +1. Well said Steve.


  • Classic Banksy though
  • yawn....................................
  • Toto should have been put down under the Dangerous Dogs Act. The lack of Health and Safety on the farm would have had it shut down. I would also question the welfare and documentation of the casual labour they empolyed. Dorothy stole (a number of times) and murdered with impunity.
    That family are clearly a mence to society.
  • DRF said:

    Toto should have been put down under the Dangerous Dogs Act. The lack of Health and Safety on the farm would have had it shut down. I would also question the welfare and documentation of the casual labour they empolyed. Dorothy stole (a number of times) and murdered with impunity.
    That family are clearly a mence to society.

    I find that a lot of 'Dorothy's' are a mince to society!
  • Don't know about that but a number of her friends are!
  • usual bullshit from the usual suspect, do us a favour and leave off the politics, it only ends up with rows on here, not big, clever or wanted.

    The funeral is a political act in itself, to think it wouldn't start a reaction is naive.

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  • iainment said:

    usual bullshit from the usual suspect, do us a favour and leave off the politics, it only ends up with rows on here, not big, clever or wanted.

    The funeral is a political act in itself, to think it wouldn't start a reaction is naive.

    and to start their 2nd thread on the topic is what? after afka had specifically outlined his wishes on how to deal with it on here in a thread entitled 'margaret thatcher has died...please read'. wishes anna-kissed acknowledged in his/her 1st thread but not surprisingly being very selective in what she/he remembers,sees, reads, believes etc.
  • I just don't understand why people start threads on this sort of stuff on what is primarily a football forum. I assume there are left/right wing forums set up to talk specifically about this. The only reason I can think one might post this sort of stuff on Charlton Life is that they know there are broad spectrum of political beliefs here (where's I'd imagine political forums tend to lean one way or the other) and therefore you'll get a reaction from those who do not agree with your politics.
  • 1203: Gerry Holt BBC News One: protester with a megaphone is speaking to the crowd, although it is hard to hear what he has to say as he is drowned out by booing. An impromptu sing-song of Land of Hope and Glory receives a cheer, as does the raising of a banner saying: "Margaret Thatcher. She put the Great back into Great Britain." The pro-Thatcher contingent appears to be ruling the roost here.
  • The problem to me is that there is a line set about what can and can't be discussed when it comes to politics. When apart from Charlton there is no other overarching connection between us - so there will inevitably be opinion from all sides wanting to be aired.
    And unfortunately some on here quickly go into abuse and self righteousness which destroys any chance of a reasoned debate.
  • iainment said:

    The problem to me is that there is a line set about what can and can't be discussed when it comes to politics.

    If you don't like it, go elsewhere then? Frankly, it's AFKA's house, AFKA's rules.

    Other that than, it's boring.
  • i raised the green/wagstaff debate here.

  • iainment said:

    The problem to me is that there is a line set about what can and can't be discussed when it comes to politics.

    For the benefit again for you, Incorruptable or anyone else who takes this far too seriously that i somehow inpinged on your civil rights.

    I was in bed when the news broke over the radio that she had died. I had about 30 seconds to publish a post setting out what i thought was the right approach as if not it was clear it would quickly evolve into an aggressive thread we try and avoid.

    I took the approach 'if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all'. Why ? Well its not because i'm some form of raging right-wing Thatcherite. i don't support any political party, think they are all as bad as each other. It just supports my basic form of posting principles, and would have been exactly the same approach if it had been Nelson Mandela or Tony Blair.

    I apologise for clearly not understanding just how impossible it is for some people to read something and not be able to say something nasty or spiteful about someone.

    And in answer to @se9addick about why do some people like Anna Kissed post this sort of stuff, it is simply to provoke a reaction. Everyone knows full well that people's political and religious persuasions are ingrained. No one will ever reply to a post saying, do you what, you are completely right and i have changed my mind. People do it to get a reaction, and that is very sad.
  • I have personally enjoyed a lot of the non-Football posts on this site it's great to get other peoples opinions etc. and it ends up like a kind of CAFC chat room. That said I agree with AFKA when someone dies let it be and show some class. I am not a political animal and was not a great fan of Mrs. T on the other hand I don't think that everything she did was bad either so let her rest in peace now...she's gone lets move on.
  • 3 minutes.
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  • i find it very difficult to understand people who support political parties the way they might follow a football team
  • I agree with AFKA about unprovoked nasty comments :)
  • I also agree with AFKa re the nasty comments --the c++nts should all just f++k off.
  • iainment said:

    The problem to me is that there is a line set about what can and can't be discussed when it comes to politics.

    For the benefit again for you, Incorruptable or anyone else who takes this far too seriously that i somehow inpinged on your civil rights.

    I was in bed when the news broke over the radio that she had died. I had about 30 seconds to publish a post setting out what i thought was the right approach as if not it was clear it would quickly evolve into an aggressive thread we try and avoid.

    I took the approach 'if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all'. Why ? Well its not because i'm some form of raging right-wing Thatcherite. i don't support any political party, think they are all as bad as each other. It just supports my basic form of posting principles, and would have been exactly the same approach if it had been Nelson Mandela or Tony Blair.

    I apologise for clearly not understanding just how impossible it is for some people to read something and not be able to say something nasty or spiteful about someone.

    Have I said anything nasty or spiteful?

    The problem you will always have to struggle with is that politics are intertwined with football and it's probably impossible to mod it out of a forum like this - unless you have 24 hour monitoring.

    Why not allow a specific politics thread? Then those interested can debate away to their hearts content and those who don't want to read political stuff can just ignore it.
  • why not go to a specific politics forum?
  • iainment said:

    iainment said:

    The problem to me is that there is a line set about what can and can't be discussed when it comes to politics.

    For the benefit again for you, Incorruptable or anyone else who takes this far too seriously that i somehow inpinged on your civil rights.

    I was in bed when the news broke over the radio that she had died. I had about 30 seconds to publish a post setting out what i thought was the right approach as if not it was clear it would quickly evolve into an aggressive thread we try and avoid.

    I took the approach 'if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all'. Why ? Well its not because i'm some form of raging right-wing Thatcherite. i don't support any political party, think they are all as bad as each other. It just supports my basic form of posting principles, and would have been exactly the same approach if it had been Nelson Mandela or Tony Blair.

    I apologise for clearly not understanding just how impossible it is for some people to read something and not be able to say something nasty or spiteful about someone.

    Have I said anything nasty or spiteful?

    The problem you will always have to struggle with is that politics are intertwined with football and it's probably impossible to mod it out of a forum like this - unless you have 24 hour monitoring.

    Why not allow a specific politics thread? Then those interested can debate away to their hearts content and those who don't want to read political stuff can just ignore it.
    And why can't you & the OP have the good grace to do as you are politefully requested by the person who set up & owns this private site, at considerable cost to himself, of which you are an invited guest ?
  • edited April 2013
    What exactly have I done that is so wrong - I am asking questions that's all.
    BTW what is the non sports related category for?
  • Boom said:

    why not go to a specific politics forum?

    I do.
    But I sometimes respond to political points raised by others on here - I don't start them.
  • iainment said:

    The problem to me is that there is a line set about what can and can't be discussed when it comes to politics.

    And in answer to @se9addick about why do some people like Anna Kissed post this sort of stuff, it is simply to provoke a reaction. Everyone knows full well that people's political and religious persuasions are ingrained. No one will ever reply to a post saying, do you what, you are completely right and i have changed my mind. People do it to get a reaction, and that is very sad.
    I changed my mind.

    I was a tory, I watched and listened and learned (this is NOT a pop at anyone else, so please don't take it as such) and became more left wing as I got older. I am not a hippy or a communist, and there is no political party that reflects my views, but certain ones are closer than others to how I see the world.

    In today's world of "off the production line" politicians, I can't see anyone coming along who will persuade me there is another way, but I am always willing to listen to reasoned argument and am open to change if it is for the better.

  • edited April 2013
    <blockquote class="Quote" rel="se9addick">I just don't understand why people start threads on this sort of stuff on what is primarily a football forum. I assume there are left/right wing forums set up to talk specifically about this. The only reason I can think one might post this sort of stuff on Charlton Life is that they know there are broad spectrum of political beliefs here (where's I'd imagine political forums tend to lean one way or the other) and therefore you'll get a reaction from those who do not agree with your politics. </blockquote>

    When Charlton Life is at its best, sadly becoming rarer and rarer these days, and people engage with the issues rather than abuse each other, non-footballing topics, including politics, can engender some fascinating and genuinely educational threads.

    This is a forum of very different people with one common interest / obsession and thus includes a broad spectrum of knowledge.

    It's a shame, in my view, that we cannot enjoy the benefits of that because of a minority of abusive cyber warriors.
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