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Dorothy stopped and searched



  • I blame the parents

    Too much info given to kids at a young age instead of

    " you cant do it because i said so "

    Has made a whoke generation of spoilt brats who refuse to take instruction because it impacts on their right to challenge

    Pathetic really
  • In your opinion NLA.
  • iainment said:

    What exactly have I done that is so wrong - I am asking questions that's all.
    BTW what is the non sports related category for?

    Tits n stuff.
  • Nope mog not IMO but FACT
  • iainment said:

    What exactly have I done that is so wrong - I am asking questions that's all. BTW what is the non sports related category for?

    I agree. While this is a predominantly Charlton site we do have general discussions. The issue of Thatcher's death has appeared on Blogs everywhere. Why not here?

    While it is a general rule that one does not speak ill of the dead I would contend that that only applies to private, not public figures. The reasoning is that when someone like Thatcher dies, if we only allow eulogies and not criticism we are creating a false history by only recognising the opinions of those who support her. It is not unfair to say that she was a very divisive figure. Whether you are a fan of hers or not, that has to be recognised.

    We are all Charlton fans but we are affected by other issues. It would unrealistic to ignore those issues and concentrate only on football.

    It is possible to have a debate on the pros and cons of Thatcher. If a few people resort to abuse or crude insult then they should be brought into line. The behaviour of a minority should not affect the rights of the rest of us.

  • You have no rights on here ! It's AFKA's site & he can do what he likes. If he doesn't want to spend hour upon hour deleting abuse re Thatcher, which would undoubtedly happen, then it's his choice.
    He has got a full time job & very young twins at home !
    I can't believe how people think they have the right to say & do what they want & to completely ignore the owners request.
    AFKA's got more patience than me !
  • If everyone just agreed about anything then there would be no point in a forum such as this.
    I do respect that this has been set up by someone else but that doesn't mean you have to accept everything without question.
  • You have no rights on here ! It's AFKA's site & he can do what he likes. If he doesn't want to spend hour upon hour deleting abuse re Thatcher, which would undoubtedly happen, then it's his choice.
    He has got a full time job & very young twins at home !
    I can't believe how people think they have the right to say & do what they want & to completely ignore the owners request.
    AFKA's got more patience than me !

    What a very odd post.
  • You have no rights on here ! It's AFKA's site & he can do what he likes. If he doesn't want to spend hour upon hour deleting abuse re Thatcher, which would undoubtedly happen, then it's his choice.
    He has got a full time job & very young twins at home !
    I can't believe how people think they have the right to say & do what they want & to completely ignore the owners request.
    AFKA's got more patience than me !

    What a very odd post.
    Not odd just the truth. We don't have any rights on this forum, we are guests. If we paid a subscription then maybe so, but until then we tow the live.

  • You have no rights on here ! It's AFKA's site & he can do what he likes. If he doesn't want to spend hour upon hour deleting abuse re Thatcher, which would undoubtedly happen, then it's his choice.
    He has got a full time job & very young twins at home !
    I can't believe how people think they have the right to say & do what they want & to completely ignore the owners request.
    AFKA's got more patience than me !

    What a very odd post.
    Not odd just the truth. We don't have any rights on this forum, we are guests. If we paid a subscription then maybe so, but until then we tow the live.

    I take the point, and I respect AFKA's request. BUT if you just want your own opinion expressed, you don't start an open forum and invite people to join. You start a blog.
  • Sponsored links:

  • Do you live overseas @Algarveaddick ?
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