I think any reasonable person will understand AFKA's stance over THE RECENT EVENT even if they disagree with it.
It has evolved into an unfortunate fact that many threads (not just political ones hence I'm not all together sure why they have been singled out) are ruined or diminished because of the abusive nature of a minority of ill mannered cyber warriors towards other posters who disagree with their viewpoint.
Defining "the line" is difficult because one of the undoubted attractions of this forum, in my view, is the spontaneous wit and interchanges of banter that take place and I for one certainly wouldn't want to lose that but the "don't go if you don't like it" "piss off then" or worse nature of some rejoinders has become tiresome to the point that I wonder whether it is worth bothering posting here at all or at the very least just stick to Kent cricket or something like that!
In the next breath I think why the hell should a minority, and it IS a minority, of cyber warriors spoil it for the rest of us and I decide to carry on regardless.
I accept that you need broad shoulders to post anywhere and that any discussion inevitably involves agreement and disagreement but it is how that is expressed which is so important.
Am I just an old git in the wilderness bemoaning declining standards whilst brandishing the Daily Mail I don't read or do others also feel like me?
I wonder if they speak to their family,friends or work mates in a simular manner. I think not as no one could go through life with such poor manners.
I blame thatcher
I don't know how this can be changed but as I wander another part of the wilderness brandishing The Guardian I share your despair.
Sorry but I (respectfully) disagree. I think Len has raised a very pertinent point and one I was pondering myself only yesterday.
He has taken the trouble to go out on a limb with a view that was likely to be unpopular, again, and rather than engage in a proper discussion of Len's point already the thread is being used to make sarcastic comments and dig him out in effect. That is exactly the point he was making really wasn't it?
More and more it seems CL is becoming reflective of the general rudeness and intolerance in today's society and maybe that's to be expected. But what was once a very pleasant, interesting, informative and fun place to discuss all things CAFC and plenty else is beocming increasingly less so. These days it seems to be rapidly descending into a rush to the prove how edgy you are because the poster uses abusive or foul language in every post and some posters seem incapable of posting <i>anything </i>that is not snidey in nature at it's mildest.
Why they bother is beyond me and only they know why they feel they cannot engage in a proper reasoned debate and resort to sniping from the sides .
The answer? I don't know. AFKA's language warnings have a very short term effect it seems to me and this is where a lot of lack of respect seems to stem from e.g. it's very difficult to engage in an discussion with someone who's just referred to you as a miserable f##ker for taking a different view for instance.
I do believe however that CL is a poorer place for the absence of female posters who tend not to indulge in the name calling and attempts to prove how big and clever you are contests.
So in a nutshell, we need more Fannys...
It will never be perfect, and people have to accept that. There will always be someone or some comment that will wind you up or offend you. The likelihood of that increases over time as your feelings towards certain posters builds and builds once you have seen something you don’t like, exactly the same way some people find difficult to change their mind on certain players.
You do need to have a certain degree of broad shoulders, and you have to tailor your use of the forum to what suits you best. The best way to do that is to scan read. See the topics and posters you know you have time for, and concentrate on those. Scan or ignore the rest. Someone like you wouldn’t walk into a pub and straight away go and stand with the youngsters at the pool table, you’d go and find a quiet spot away from the riff raff. Forums aren’t too different when you break them down.
That’s not to say there is no control over behaviour and its down to users to make it work for you. We moderate this forum more that the vast majority of forums, but it is important that moderators don’t overly impose themselves on a forum. Forums survive on the characters and the range of characters that use them. We encourage ‘good behaviour’ and hopefully in time will find ways of rewarding good behaviour, but if everyone was the same it would be a pretty boring place. Whether you agree or disagree with them, a Leroy or Goonerhater rant for example is all part of the fixtures and fittings. Now if everyone posted like that then we would have a problem, but they (and one or two others) probably get a bit more slack because they have earned that slack over the years and formulated a character that people ‘expect’.
At the end of the day, users (i would hope) should be confident that they will use a forum that is actively moderated, largely provides a balanced collection of views with regards to Charlton and the wider world, no nudity or racism, and foul language is moderated down to a minimum. And within all that we hope that it can carry a big dollop of humour to help your working day go quicker, or your evenings more enjoyable.
There are lots and lots of female posters on here. You are in good company
Anyway i find its best to come on here after a few glasses (or bottles) of wine and really let flow... specially if something someone has said earlier that day has irked me. Then I wake up and I sometimes feel the urge to go back and edit - well it depends on who i've been abusing.
I can give you a list of best people to abuse if you like?!
half the people on here don't know the offside rule so you are in good company.