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Forum Decorum Ethics whatever



  • Mosscat said:

    You lot are funny - thats why I love this forum. COYR

    Stick to your dogs love :-) :-)
  • edited April 2013
  • I think Len that a fair degree of context needs to be applied. This forums can sometimes get around 10,000 comments a week. Out of that amount, how many fall into the category that you highlight ? Very few.

    It will never be perfect, and people have to accept that. There will always be someone or some comment that will wind you up or offend you. The likelihood of that increases over time as your feelings towards certain posters builds and builds once you have seen something you don’t like, exactly the same way some people find difficult to change their mind on certain players.

    You do need to have a certain degree of broad shoulders, and you have to tailor your use of the forum to what suits you best. The best way to do that is to scan read. See the topics and posters you know you have time for, and concentrate on those. Scan or ignore the rest. Someone like you wouldn’t walk into a pub and straight away go and stand with the youngsters at the pool table, you’d go and find a quiet spot away from the riff raff. Forums aren’t too different when you break them down.

    That’s not to say there is no control over behaviour and its down to users to make it work for you. We moderate this forum more that the vast majority of forums, but it is important that moderators don’t overly impose themselves on a forum. Forums survive on the characters and the range of characters that use them. We encourage ‘good behaviour’ and hopefully in time will find ways of rewarding good behaviour, but if everyone was the same it would be a pretty boring place. Whether you agree or disagree with them, a Leroy or Goonerhater rant for example is all part of the fixtures and fittings. Now if everyone posted like that then we would have a problem, but they (and one or two others) probably get a bit more slack because they have earned that slack over the years and formulated a character that people ‘expect’.

    At the end of the day, users (i would hope) should be confident that they will use a forum that is actively moderated, largely provides a balanced collection of views with regards to Charlton and the wider world, no nudity or racism, and foul language is moderated down to a minimum. And within all that we hope that it can carry a big dollop of humour to help your working day go quicker, or your evenings more enjoyable.

    Now I'm confused. Can we put pictures of tits up or not?
  • problem is there is only about four of those green women in the world and about four billion of those red women.
  • Mosscat said:

    Im a female poster and must admit i'm a bit nervous of saying anything on here in case you all have a go at me.

    Of course not Mosscat that will not happen . Probably best though to introduce yourself with a picture or 2
  • edited April 2013
    I've actually had dinner with Mosscat and her daughter.
  • JTJT
    edited April 2013
    Quick edit
  • Not going this year as my daughter thinks it's a bit sad.
  • Mosscat said:

    Not going this year as my daughter thinks you're a bit sad.

    well said.

  • haha macronate.
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  • Wont somebody think of the children.
  • We're going for a private meal this year.
  • I think Len that a fair degree of context needs to be applied. This forums can sometimes get around 10,000 comments a week. Out of that amount, how many fall into the category that you highlight ? Very few.

    It will never be perfect, and people have to accept that. There will always be someone or some comment that will wind you up or offend you. The likelihood of that increases over time as your feelings towards certain posters builds and builds once you have seen something you don’t like, exactly the same way some people find difficult to change their mind on certain players.

    You do need to have a certain degree of broad shoulders, and you have to tailor your use of the forum to what suits you best. The best way to do that is to scan read. See the topics and posters you know you have time for, and concentrate on those. Scan or ignore the rest. Someone like you wouldn’t walk into a pub and straight away go and stand with the youngsters at the pool table, you’d go and find a quiet spot away from the riff raff. Forums aren’t too different when you break them down.

    That’s not to say there is no control over behaviour and its down to users to make it work for you. We moderate this forum more that the vast majority of forums, but it is important that moderators don’t overly impose themselves on a forum. Forums survive on the characters and the range of characters that use them. We encourage ‘good behaviour’ and hopefully in time will find ways of rewarding good behaviour, but if everyone was the same it would be a pretty boring place. Whether you agree or disagree with them, a Leroy or Goonerhater rant for example is all part of the fixtures and fittings. Now if everyone posted like that then we would have a problem, but they (and one or two others) probably get a bit more slack because they have earned that slack over the years and formulated a character that people ‘expect’.

    At the end of the day, users (i would hope) should be confident that they will use a forum that is actively moderated, largely provides a balanced collection of views with regards to Charlton and the wider world, no nudity or racism, and foul language is moderated down to a minimum. And within all that we hope that it can carry a big dollop of humour to help your working day go quicker, or your evenings more enjoyable.

    Now I'm confused. Can we put pictures of tits up or not?
    NO, AFKA made it clear, broad shoulders only!
  • Plaaayer said:

    I've actually had dinner with Mosscat and her daughter.

    Living up to your username there!
  • Mosscat said:

    Im a female poster and must admit i'm a bit nervous of saying anything on here in case you all have a go at me.

    Never stopped you telling me off on the way to Brighton : - )
  • Yes. Don't think I will add any more to that in case I offend people or someone strongly disagrees with it.
    Have to agree that it does sometimes get a bit out of hand. There are times when I disagree with someone's point but I don't tell them to **** Off.
  • I'm a female poster and do find the liberal use of the 'c' word by some posters offensive. I can't see the point in actually typing such words. Surely a point can be put forward without actually using potentially offensive language? Whilst I try not to swear myself, I accept that some people feel the need to do so, but to actually take time to type some words seems unnecessary.
  • You sexist bastards need burning !! cant do it though as the women would have to get all the washing in first.

    The ladies on here just need to master the Curb-it head lock ----no need to be frightened of anyone again.
  • edited April 2013
    I'm always very nervous about posting, even when I've complimented people they've sometimes got nasty. I have zero anger and absolute respect for people that let me be me, and my main aim on here is to try and spread a little joy and maybe preach some understanding. It hurts sometimes when people cannot see what I'm trying to say or do, but that's the price I pay for being part of this community. CL is a big part of my life! So delicate or not, I'm staying, and no complaints.
  • Sponsored links:

  • Macronate said:


    Now that's what I call photography.

  • If everyone was a veggie, tree hugging, peace n love pinko hippy like myself then the world and Charlton Life would be a lovelier place.
  • AKFA - you rightly ban racism and nudity, but I think we should also ban homophobia. Twice a season we play Brighton and the gay jokes before each match and on the match thread are just so 1990s. We don't accept discrimination on the grounds of race so why is discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation OK?

    No, it is not 'just a bit of fun' and Brighton themselves have complained about it. Let's Kick it Out.
  • Len raises a great point but so does DM

    And as for Brenda she is the biggest (not in a fatist way ) most frightening bully on here she has ruined my life and I have now had to grow a beard change my dress sense , I loved those white kickers 8)

    This place is great IMO it's lost some fantastic posters and members who don't seem to post much anymore though

    I think people are too sensitive about Things and should just say it how it is

    But shouldn't be so forceful and enjoy be littleing those whom they feel are less educated and intelligent than them

    Yet at times some and i repeat some of those very same belligerent people are the ones who bleat and cry that they are being stopped from having an opinion and seem so needy

    This site has some of the most genuine and caring folk you could meet

    It also has some of the biggest p****s you could imagine on it and I may well be someone who falls into both categories but I ain't precious enough to worry about it
  • No, you just fit into the one category nla.
  • Your so kind off it beat but is both categories seem a fine place to sit so I wouldn't mind either

    Now that uncle bloke he is a nasty bstd
  • AKFA - you rightly ban racism and nudity, but I think we should also ban homophobia. Twice a season we play Brighton and the gay jokes before each match and on the match thread are just so 1990s. We don't accept discrimination on the grounds of race so why is discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation OK?

    No, it is not 'just a bit of fun' and Brighton themselves have complained about it. Let's Kick it Out.

  • Now that is a LOL, but I've probably condemned myself to hell :-)
  • I'm a female poster and do find the liberal use of the 'c' word by some posters offensive. I can't see the point in actually typing such words. Surely a point can be put forward without actually using potentially offensive language? Whilst I try not to swear myself, I accept that some people feel the need to do so, but to actually take time to type some words seems unnecessary.

    Agree that people should try harder to use the asterisk key. Out of interest are you secretary of Len's fan club?
  • And founding member RC ;o)
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