What are the numbers of all racing? I'm going to track you all! Ill be at tower hill from 11am until 5pm so ill defo see you at least once if not twice! Am taking camera so smile when you're running for god sake look like you're having fun. Nothing worse than miserable marathon runners.......
Good Luck all. Post up numbers/shirt colours if running so I can keep an eye out for you and give an even bigger cheer. I'll be watching from near Blackfriars.
good luck to you all. done it a few times. I am jealous of you running it. Those of you running will remember the experience for ever, the atmosphere there is always special and each area of the course seems to have it's own kind of feeling.
Good mate is running, number 34106. I feel a special responsibility for him because he is a Charlton fan because of me. He was fresh off the plane from Aussie, I hunted him down, indoctrinated him and now he is all ours, Mwhar hahahahahaha!!!!
Good luck all - pls post your numbers - will be around tower bridge so should see you all twice! Will do an 'up the addicks' shout to anyone with CAFC badge on their person!
It's the most emotional thing even just cheering everyone on (I'm never going to run it so the least I can do is cheer people on from 11am until 5pm!) encouraging people who despite the pain they're in and effort they're putting in they're still smiling as they jog past high fiving the crowd focussed on doing all they can to raise money for some amazing causes.
it's brilliant. i urge anyone to head to any part of the course and do your bit for the runners!!!!!
What are the numbers of all racing? I'm going to track you all! Ill be at tower hill from 11am until 5pm so ill defo see you at least once if not twice! Am taking camera so smile when you're running for god sake look like you're having fun. Nothing worse than miserable marathon runners.......
Hi Suzi - I am runner 34404. Running for AsthmaUK in a bright green vest with MIKEY emblazoned across the top! I will be smiling all the way and even more so should we take another 3 points this weekend!!
I'm in, no 28063 Suzi, green vest - hope to be passing you around 11:25 and 12:35 - will be looking for a big "SAALAAD" shout out! Is there a tracking app, all I'm aware of is: http://results-2013.virginlondonmarathon.com/2013/
Give us a shout if you're about!
Hope it all goes well
Good luck
And as Henry asked so nicely: http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/glennsoutham so thankful for all donations already received (especially from you lot!)
I choke up even thinking about crossing that finishing line.
It's the most emotional thing even just cheering everyone on (I'm never going to run it so the least I can do is cheer people on from 11am until 5pm!) encouraging people who despite the pain they're in and effort they're putting in they're still smiling as they jog past high fiving the crowd focussed on doing all they can to raise money for some amazing causes.
it's brilliant. i urge anyone to head to any part of the course and do your bit for the runners!!!!!
Is there a tracking app, all I'm aware of is: http://results-2013.virginlondonmarathon.com/2013/