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Bill Roache Arrested!



  • nolly said:

    So hall admits guilt after all those years

    Unbelievable, plenty of other names flying about too.

    I bet David Icke is feeling pretty pleased with himself now!
  • Bill Roache statement: Strenuously deny allegations, will focus attention on fighting to preserve my innocence in challenging times ahead

    From SkyNews Twitter
  • edited May 2013

    We've done the abuse discussion on here before. As I've said before, unless you were abused as a child, you cannot possibly know how it feels, either at the time or later in life. I suggest that you therefore shut the fuck up about it, as its marginally upsetting for those who were abused to have the legitimacy of their reaction to it questioned. Once again, for the hard of understanding, everyone deals with abuse in different ways. Much of the time, this won't make much sense to you - it often doesn't make sense to the victim either.

    This a 1000 times!

    I was abused as a child and all of this stuff stirs up those feelings which we have tried to put behind us. The person who abused me is dead - I wish I had the courage to have brought him down when he was alive. My only satisfaction is that he can't hurt any more young children.

    One of the things that I keep asking myself is was I alone and how many more suffered in silence all these years? I have looked recently to see if there was anybody else like me, frightened of not being believed, alone for many years with this terrible secret, who had spoken out about this particular individual (not a celebrity by the way). Nothing has arisen.

    Please accept that there are many reasons why it is extremely hard to speak out.

    Thank you.
  • edited May 2013
  • edited May 2013
    JaShea99 said:

    Do I understand what? I understand your idea, I don't necessarily believe it to be the case. Apart from anything else your idea only relates to a specific type of 'victim'. What about boys or children who were allegedly abused?

    I'm not saying every celebrity mentioned is innocent. And I'm not saying every accuser is making it up. But you're deluded if you cannot appreciate the sheer ludicrousity of Operation Yewtree and the way it's being carried out.

    (Im)Famous celebrity is exposed as a serious sex offender.

    Because the case is so prominent, it has a major effect on all of those who

    a) were abused by him who haven't hitherto come forward because they didn't think they were going to be believed or that they were the only one he abused
    b) were abused by other celebrities (e.g Stuart Hall who has now admitted his guilt after an indignant denial) and come forward because they now know that the authorities will take them seriously
    c) were abused by adults who were in positions of trust (not necessarily celebrities) who have had their trauma stirred up and who now feel they can speak out for the first time to helplines and the authorities - the charitable helplines have been swamped with calls and no doubt the police have been contacted on many more occasions than would otherwise have happened

    Please be aware that some of us on here have been abused or know people who have.

  • Funny how the "it must relate to a pinched bum", "they're only in it for the money", "one persons word can't be relied upon as evidence", "why didn't they report it at the time", "they never actually prosecute anyone anyway"...blah, blah, blah bunch have all disappeared from this thread since this mornings news broke and the charges against Roache were laid.

    Unfortunately the same old crap will be trotted out the next time an arrest is made or and individual charged. Ignoring the posts made from personal experience or from those of us close enough to have seen the effect of serious sexual offences on the victim and their families.

    This thread's sinking but there's a fair few people on here who should take a long hard look at themselves and think about whether their attitude is helpful to providing a supportive environment for victims to come forward. However long after the event it may be.

    If half of what I believe to be true turns out to be true there's a lot more to come yet and not everybody involved is in showbusiness...
  • Another name added to the paedo file......................
  • I'm a little surprised that the Stuart Hall thread has been closed yet this one remains open. The concerns about contempt of court seem to be reversed here. It is a legal conceit that a judge cannot be influenced so once Hall pleaded guilty to indecent assault, a jury would not be required to adjudicate on whether or not he was guilty and the matter passes to a judge to determine sentence. Therefore unless there is something I am missing, ordinary comments on this site cannot prejudice any trial because there will be no trial. In any event I assume that the judge Anthony Russell QC is not an avid CL reader.

    As for Roache, contempt of court does not start only from charge. Has everyone forgotten that the Sun and Daily Mirror were fined for contempt because they carried stories about Christopher Jeffries who was not charged with any offence. They thought that they could print what they liked until he was charged but they were wrong.

    As for those 'experts' on this site who are cynical about the 'victims', in the light of Hall's plea of guilty, perhaps they could do everyone a favour and keep quiet.
  • JaShea99 said:

    Do I understand what? I understand your idea, I don't necessarily believe it to be the case. Apart from anything else your idea only relates to a specific type of 'victim'. What about boys or children who were allegedly abused?

    I'm not saying every celebrity mentioned is innocent. And I'm not saying every accuser is making it up. But you're deluded if you cannot appreciate the sheer ludicrousity of Operation Yewtree and the way it's being carried out.

    I shouldn't really be saying this and I won't go into details not yet anyway. I am due in court in a couple of weeks (as a witness) with someone very close to me (as a victimn) in a very huge trial (non-celebrity) of historical abuse. This is a man was a boy and was abused as were many other victimns of the same person some haven't still had the courage to come forward. Most only admitted what happened after he was arrested, as each one of these men (boys) never believed that they would have enough to convict alone. Operation yewtree and other historical abuse cases is giving people the courage to come forward after years of mental/emotional torment, what is so 'ludicrous' about that?
    What's ludicrous about it is that it's giving thousands of people a license to accuse 'celebrities' of child abuse. Any adult who had any contact with a TV personality as a child of the 70s/80s could make a claim to this case and it would be entertained. That name would be dragged through the mud, innocent or guilty. And the 'if you've got nothing to hide...' argument doesn't wash because these names will always be associated with the operation thereafter. Eg. Dave Jones.

    As I said previously, it seems there are some who are guilty, but I refuse to believe that paedophilia is/was that prevelant among those in the entertainment business.
  • Looks like the Judge has played the joker, he has doubled Stuart Hall's sentence to 30 months.
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  • William Roache has been found not guilty.
  • Well there you go!
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