There are a countless amount of classic rock groups 're-uniting and coming back on the scene doing tours etc. Almost a domino effect...It's great for the fans but isn't it a time where you just leave it alone as you probably already have enough money in the bank.
Of course it's going to generate more interest than say if JLS do a comeback in 20 years (laughable) but Noel Gallagher said if oasis were to reform it would only be if him and liam were skint and that's unlikely to happen.
Of course if someone said here's rolling stones tickets or for David bowie I would happily accept (listening to rebel rebel right now)
It's just a shame that classics can't just stay classic.
Alice In Chains came back after 14 years away with a new singer after the previous one died. They're one of the very few rock bands I know who have pulled it off and have re-established themselves without the "reformed/comeback" tag. Great new album too.
What I'll never understand are the prices that are charged to see so-called tribute acts.
It's a bit sad when a musician ends up playing in his own tribute band. The great Ray Manzarek (RIP) did this. The Zombies and The Strawbs are playing the Indigo on Saturday.
: P
; )
He's my mate too, so don't dis him...GOT IT :-)
Trouble is all my favourite bands have lost members who have died but one possibility would be the original Fleetwood Mac with Peter Green, Danny Kirwen and Jeremy Spencer on guitars to hear them play "Oh Well" again would be awesome
My own fault for not paying enough attention.
Generally I'm with Robert Plant on this, I've seen him on his own and it doesn't really do it for me, but I admire the fact he's ploughing his own way. Same with Weller, I've not cared for much of his post Jam/Style Council output, but he's doing what he wants to as an artist and good luck to him. Can you imagine how dull it must be to play through the same few songs time and time again when you want to write something new? Fair play to those artists who make it clear and do their own thing - they may get much smaller audiences but they at least have the freedom to create something new.
I remember seeing the Pogues a few years back; they were great but it was noticeable when they did stuff from albums 4-6 that the audience quietened down. I can see why they all do other things as well.
Going to see Mott the Hoople at the O2 in Nov. Just seen that Trevor Bolder died this week (RIP) for all Bowie types out there.
Although I enjoyed Let's Dance as an album it wasn't real Bowie, very commercial. As far as I'm concerned he hasn't done anything decent since Scary Monsters and I have all subsequent albums. The latest one, The Next Day, is probably about the best.
I would have no interest in seeng him live again just as I wouldn't the Stones. I saw them 20 odd years ago and they were good but I sold my tickets for this years concert. I'm only seeing the Who next month because I'm taking my boys.