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Tommy Robinson quits the EDL



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    Different version from the coach driver about Yaxley-Lennon

    Looks enough evidence there to prosecute him for abh or similar.
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    Different version from the coach driver about Yaxley-Lennon

    Stephen Yaxley Lennon doesn't really have the same ring to it. Sounds like a solicitors.
    Surely it's a North London estate agents?

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    Different version from the coach driver about Yaxley-Lennon

    Looks enough evidence there to prosecute him for abh or similar.
    A couple of punches? He at least had the decency to wait for the guy to get up before he steamed into him again.

    Etiquette at it's finest

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    He's trying to portray himself as respectable - and to be fair he's done a better job lately - but you have to say this is a step backwards for his credibility.

    What a tool
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    Fucking Nazi twat.
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    Tommy Robinson's talk at the Oxford Union was just poor.
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    Different version from the coach driver about Yaxley-Lennon

    Is no one else amazed at the disappearing Coach on the full footage of it?
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    Fucking Nazi twat.

    Why has this been flagged ?

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    buckshee said:

    Fucking Nazi twat.

    Why has this been flagged ?

    Maybe because Tommy/Steven isn't a "nazi"
    Or MAYBE he is

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    Fucking Nazi twat.

    Steady on, you may not like his delivery method but he is not a nazi.
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    calling people nazi's is extremely disrespectful tbh, we dont know the full story he was there with his wife, if for example as he was getting on the coach someone went for his wife, id of done the same? we don't know the full story as we are constantly told with any other incident such as terrorism acts, the levels of hypocrisy on here are laughable. the edl it self has jewish and sikh followers, admittedly they attract a few dickheads but then you could argue that extremists are the edl of the muslim faith?
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    Addickted said:

    Different version from the coach driver about Yaxley-Lennon

    Looks enough evidence there to prosecute him for abh or similar.
    A couple of punches? He at least had the decency to wait for the guy to get up before he steamed into him again.

    Etiquette at it's finest

    Reading the mirror link it seems some drunk was harrassing constantly him so he hit him, which is understandable, but he then keeps hitting him when he's down, the drunk is lucky that people came to stop it. Obviously I don't know the whole story but that doesn't look good.
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    calling people nazi's is extremely disrespectful tbh, we dont know the full story he was there with his wife, if for example as he was getting on the coach someone went for his wife, id of done the same? we don't know the full story as we are constantly told with any other incident such as terrorism acts, the levels of hypocrisy on here are laughable. the edl it self has jewish and sikh followers, admittedly they attract a few dickheads but then you could argue that extremists are the edl of the muslim faith?

    The EDL attracts more than a few dickheads - like the BNP and NF its main appeal seems to be to racist thugs. Look at any of its marches....

    We have a long history of anti-immigrant political parties in this country who seem committed to stirring things up without having anything constructive to say.

    However respectable the far right parties have tried to make themselves they've still ended up with the same violent core support.
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    calling people nazi's is extremely disrespectful tbh, we dont know the full story he was there with his wife, if for example as he was getting on the coach someone went for his wife, id of done the same? we don't know the full story as we are constantly told with any other incident such as terrorism acts, the levels of hypocrisy on here are laughable. the edl it self has jewish and sikh followers, admittedly they attract a few dickheads but then you could argue that extremists are the edl of the muslim faith?

    The EDL attracts more than a few dickheads - like the BNP and NF its main appeal seems to be to racist thugs. Look at any of its marches....

    We have a long history of anti-immigrant political parties in this country who seem committed to stirring things up without having anything constructive to say.

    However respectable the far right parties have tried to make themselves they've still ended up with the same violent core support.
    you know the edl are not a political party they are a counter extremist group, the protest at the weekend was something to do with the football lads alliance or something to that effect. basically casuals from teams turning out to march on the streets, i dont believe any police were hurt unlike in east london by the black lives matter crowd, i've said before i dont think marching does any good just gets you in a place where your more likely to get into trouble.
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    calling people nazi's is extremely disrespectful tbh, we dont know the full story he was there with his wife, if for example as he was getting on the coach someone went for his wife, id of done the same? we don't know the full story as we are constantly told with any other incident such as terrorism acts, the levels of hypocrisy on here are laughable. the edl it self has jewish and sikh followers, admittedly they attract a few dickheads but then you could argue that extremists are the edl of the muslim faith?

    The EDL attracts more than a few dickheads - like the BNP and NF its main appeal seems to be to racist thugs. Look at any of its marches....

    We have a long history of anti-immigrant political parties in this country who seem committed to stirring things up without having anything constructive to say.

    However respectable the far right parties have tried to make themselves they've still ended up with the same violent core support.
    They seem to give a reasonable message in public but behind the scenes I don't know. I've seen footage of Yaxley-Lennon with Britian First who are anti Islam not just extremists, which is odd as he had lots of Muslim mates!
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    calling people nazi's is extremely disrespectful tbh, we dont know the full story he was there with his wife, if for example as he was getting on the coach someone went for his wife, id of done the same? we don't know the full story as we are constantly told with any other incident such as terrorism acts, the levels of hypocrisy on here are laughable. the edl it self has jewish and sikh followers, admittedly they attract a few dickheads but then you could argue that extremists are the edl of the muslim faith?

    The EDL attracts more than a few dickheads - like the BNP and NF its main appeal seems to be to racist thugs. Look at any of its marches....

    We have a long history of anti-immigrant political parties in this country who seem committed to stirring things up without having anything constructive to say.

    However respectable the far right parties have tried to make themselves they've still ended up with the same violent core support.
    I agree, I always think they'll attract the wrong people. I heard an interview with one of their speakers from saturday and came across very bad and to be honest not very intelligent. That's why Tommy Robinson left them originally because it became too far right. On the other side of the spectrum, we have Anifita, i'm sure like much of the EDL they have good intentions but it seems like they also have their fair share of violent scum, attaching themselves looking to make trouble. I also don't think they help themselves by constantly organizing counter protests, it gives me the impression that they are looking for clashes and trouble. Surely if you want to organize a protest on opinions you have then it holds a better impression doing it on your own back and not because a organisation you disagree with is holding theirs.
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    calling people nazi's is extremely disrespectful tbh, we dont know the full story he was there with his wife, if for example as he was getting on the coach someone went for his wife, id of done the same? we don't know the full story as we are constantly told with any other incident such as terrorism acts, the levels of hypocrisy on here are laughable. the edl it self has jewish and sikh followers, admittedly they attract a few dickheads but then you could argue that extremists are the edl of the muslim faith?

    The EDL attracts more than a few dickheads - like the BNP and NF its main appeal seems to be to racist thugs. Look at any of its marches....

    We have a long history of anti-immigrant political parties in this country who seem committed to stirring things up without having anything constructive to say.

    However respectable the far right parties have tried to make themselves they've still ended up with the same violent core support.
    you know the edl are not a political party they are a counter extremist group, the protest at the weekend was something to do with the football lads alliance or something to that effect. basically casuals from teams turning out to march on the streets, i dont believe any police were hurt unlike in east london by the black lives matter crowd, i've said before i dont think marching does any good just gets you in a place where your more likely to get into trouble.
    EDL and Britain First are both far right groups that attract supporters that are anti immigrant - their marches are frequently provocative and the openly racist language used by their supporters is indefensible. You had supposedly respectable leaders in the British Brothers, British Union of Fascists, NF, BNP, British Movement etc yet throughout history they've always attracted the same racist violent support.

    Anarchist and far left groups have had violent protests but in general they haven't had an openly racist support.

    We only have to go back to the Second World War to look at the dangers of far right politics.

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    calling people nazi's is extremely disrespectful tbh, we dont know the full story he was there with his wife, if for example as he was getting on the coach someone went for his wife, id of done the same? we don't know the full story as we are constantly told with any other incident such as terrorism acts, the levels of hypocrisy on here are laughable. the edl it self has jewish and sikh followers, admittedly they attract a few dickheads but then you could argue that extremists are the edl of the muslim faith?

    The EDL attracts more than a few dickheads - like the BNP and NF its main appeal seems to be to racist thugs. Look at any of its marches....

    We have a long history of anti-immigrant political parties in this country who seem committed to stirring things up without having anything constructive to say.

    However respectable the far right parties have tried to make themselves they've still ended up with the same violent core support.
    you know the edl are not a political party they are a counter extremist group, the protest at the weekend was something to do with the football lads alliance or something to that effect. basically casuals from teams turning out to march on the streets, i dont believe any police were hurt unlike in east london by the black lives matter crowd, i've said before i dont think marching does any good just gets you in a place where your more likely to get into trouble.
    EDL and Britain First are both far right groups that attract supporters that are anti immigrant - their marches are frequently provocative and the openly racist language used by their supporters is indefensible. You had supposedly respectable leaders in the British Brothers, British Union of Fascists, NF, BNP, British Movement etc yet throughout history they've always attracted the same racist violent support.

    Anarchist and far left groups have had violent protests but in general they haven't had an openly racist support.

    We only have to go back to the Second World War to look at the dangers of far right politics.

    anyone that gets involved in the protest that damage things in my eyes are scummy, the students swinging off the cenotaph and throwing paint at police and police horses i personally think is worse than a bit of racist singing, but maybe thats just me, on the edl marches they need to stop lads turning up with cans of lager etc and treating it like an away day.
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    calling people nazi's is extremely disrespectful tbh, we dont know the full story he was there with his wife, if for example as he was getting on the coach someone went for his wife, id of done the same? we don't know the full story as we are constantly told with any other incident such as terrorism acts, the levels of hypocrisy on here are laughable. the edl it self has jewish and sikh followers, admittedly they attract a few dickheads but then you could argue that extremists are the edl of the muslim faith?

    The EDL attracts more than a few dickheads - like the BNP and NF its main appeal seems to be to racist thugs. Look at any of its marches....

    We have a long history of anti-immigrant political parties in this country who seem committed to stirring things up without having anything constructive to say.

    However respectable the far right parties have tried to make themselves they've still ended up with the same violent core support.
    you know the edl are not a political party they are a counter extremist group, the protest at the weekend was something to do with the football lads alliance or something to that effect. basically casuals from teams turning out to march on the streets, i dont believe any police were hurt unlike in east london by the black lives matter crowd, i've said before i dont think marching does any good just gets you in a place where your more likely to get into trouble.
    EDL and Britain First are both far right groups that attract supporters that are anti immigrant - their marches are frequently provocative and the openly racist language used by their supporters is indefensible. You had supposedly respectable leaders in the British Brothers, British Union of Fascists, NF, BNP, British Movement etc yet throughout history they've always attracted the same racist violent support.

    Anarchist and far left groups have had violent protests but in general they haven't had an openly racist support.

    We only have to go back to the Second World War to look at the dangers of far right politics.

    anyone that gets involved in the protest that damage things in my eyes are scummy, the students swinging off the cenotaph and throwing paint at police and police horses i personally think is worse than a bit of racist singing, but maybe thats just me, on the edl marches they need to stop lads turning up with cans of lager etc and treating it like an away day.
    You seem a bit of an expert on the EDL. Like you I'm not a fan of rent-a-mob protests that turn violent.
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    Different version from the coach driver about Yaxley-Lennon

    Is no one else amazed at the disappearing Coach on the full footage of it?
    To be fair I think they skipped :2:30-3:00 minutes of rain falling on the coach windshield
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    calling people nazi's is extremely disrespectful tbh, we dont know the full story he was there with his wife, if for example as he was getting on the coach someone went for his wife, id of done the same? we don't know the full story as we are constantly told with any other incident such as terrorism acts, the levels of hypocrisy on here are laughable. the edl it self has jewish and sikh followers, admittedly they attract a few dickheads but then you could argue that extremists are the edl of the muslim faith?

    The EDL attracts more than a few dickheads - like the BNP and NF its main appeal seems to be to racist thugs. Look at any of its marches....

    We have a long history of anti-immigrant political parties in this country who seem committed to stirring things up without having anything constructive to say.

    However respectable the far right parties have tried to make themselves they've still ended up with the same violent core support.
    you know the edl are not a political party they are a counter extremist group, the protest at the weekend was something to do with the football lads alliance or something to that effect. basically casuals from teams turning out to march on the streets, i dont believe any police were hurt unlike in east london by the black lives matter crowd, i've said before i dont think marching does any good just gets you in a place where your more likely to get into trouble.
    EDL and Britain First are both far right groups that attract supporters that are anti immigrant - their marches are frequently provocative and the openly racist language used by their supporters is indefensible. You had supposedly respectable leaders in the British Brothers, British Union of Fascists, NF, BNP, British Movement etc yet throughout history they've always attracted the same racist violent support.

    Anarchist and far left groups have had violent protests but in general they haven't had an openly racist support.

    We only have to go back to the Second World War to look at the dangers of far right politics.

    anyone that gets involved in the protest that damage things in my eyes are scummy, the students swinging off the cenotaph and throwing paint at police and police horses i personally think is worse than a bit of racist singing, but maybe thats just me, on the edl marches they need to stop lads turning up with cans of lager etc and treating it like an away day.
    You seem a bit of an expert on the EDL. Like you I'm not a fan of rent-a-mob protests that turn violent.
    not an expert but do take offence at ( i know it wasn't you ) people banding the word nazi around a few years back was at chelmsford for v festival the same day as an edl protest so i saw 1st hand what they are like, not all of tommy robinsons views i oppose in fact in some interviews he talks with a lot of sense, and makes some very good points, he says what many are thinking but afraid to say, as he wasn't at the protest on Saturday it does show that he is maybe trying to distance himself from it again.
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    calling people nazi's is extremely disrespectful tbh, we dont know the full story he was there with his wife, if for example as he was getting on the coach someone went for his wife, id of done the same? we don't know the full story as we are constantly told with any other incident such as terrorism acts, the levels of hypocrisy on here are laughable. the edl it self has jewish and sikh followers, admittedly they attract a few dickheads but then you could argue that extremists are the edl of the muslim faith?

    The EDL attracts more than a few dickheads - like the BNP and NF its main appeal seems to be to racist thugs. Look at any of its marches....

    We have a long history of anti-immigrant political parties in this country who seem committed to stirring things up without having anything constructive to say.

    However respectable the far right parties have tried to make themselves they've still ended up with the same violent core support.
    you know the edl are not a political party they are a counter extremist group, the protest at the weekend was something to do with the football lads alliance or something to that effect. basically casuals from teams turning out to march on the streets, i dont believe any police were hurt unlike in east london by the black lives matter crowd, i've said before i dont think marching does any good just gets you in a place where your more likely to get into trouble.
    EDL and Britain First are both far right groups that attract supporters that are anti immigrant - their marches are frequently provocative and the openly racist language used by their supporters is indefensible. You had supposedly respectable leaders in the British Brothers, British Union of Fascists, NF, BNP, British Movement etc yet throughout history they've always attracted the same racist violent support.

    Anarchist and far left groups have had violent protests but in general they haven't had an openly racist support.

    We only have to go back to the Second World War to look at the dangers of far right politics.

    anyone that gets involved in the protest that damage things in my eyes are scummy, the students swinging off the cenotaph and throwing paint at police and police horses i personally think is worse than a bit of racist singing, but maybe thats just me, on the edl marches they need to stop lads turning up with cans of lager etc and treating it like an away day.
    A bit of racist singing.

    Are you for real ?

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    calling people nazi's is extremely disrespectful tbh, we dont know the full story he was there with his wife, if for example as he was getting on the coach someone went for his wife, id of done the same? we don't know the full story as we are constantly told with any other incident such as terrorism acts, the levels of hypocrisy on here are laughable. the edl it self has jewish and sikh followers, admittedly they attract a few dickheads but then you could argue that extremists are the edl of the muslim faith?

    The EDL attracts more than a few dickheads - like the BNP and NF its main appeal seems to be to racist thugs. Look at any of its marches....

    We have a long history of anti-immigrant political parties in this country who seem committed to stirring things up without having anything constructive to say.

    However respectable the far right parties have tried to make themselves they've still ended up with the same violent core support.
    you know the edl are not a political party they are a counter extremist group, the protest at the weekend was something to do with the football lads alliance or something to that effect. basically casuals from teams turning out to march on the streets, i dont believe any police were hurt unlike in east london by the black lives matter crowd, i've said before i dont think marching does any good just gets you in a place where your more likely to get into trouble.
    We only have to go back to the Second World War turn to the USA to look at the dangers of far right politics.

  • Options

    calling people nazi's is extremely disrespectful tbh, we dont know the full story he was there with his wife, if for example as he was getting on the coach someone went for his wife, id of done the same? we don't know the full story as we are constantly told with any other incident such as terrorism acts, the levels of hypocrisy on here are laughable. the edl it self has jewish and sikh followers, admittedly they attract a few dickheads but then you could argue that extremists are the edl of the muslim faith?

    The EDL attracts more than a few dickheads - like the BNP and NF its main appeal seems to be to racist thugs. Look at any of its marches....

    We have a long history of anti-immigrant political parties in this country who seem committed to stirring things up without having anything constructive to say.

    However respectable the far right parties have tried to make themselves they've still ended up with the same violent core support.
    you know the edl are not a political party they are a counter extremist group, the protest at the weekend was something to do with the football lads alliance or something to that effect. basically casuals from teams turning out to march on the streets, i dont believe any police were hurt unlike in east london by the black lives matter crowd, i've said before i dont think marching does any good just gets you in a place where your more likely to get into trouble.
    EDL and Britain First are both far right groups that attract supporters that are anti immigrant - their marches are frequently provocative and the openly racist language used by their supporters is indefensible. You had supposedly respectable leaders in the British Brothers, British Union of Fascists, NF, BNP, British Movement etc yet throughout history they've always attracted the same racist violent support.

    Anarchist and far left groups have had violent protests but in general they haven't had an openly racist support.

    We only have to go back to the Second World War to look at the dangers of far right politics.

    So it's okay to have violent protest just as long as there's no racism? very strange. For me the biggest issue in protests is when they become violent and damage gets caused. Also for the record, I've witnessed a video of a German being told "Go back home" by a women cheered on by other Anifita members, is that not racism?
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    if you actually look over the weekend and at the images, the more people causing trouble are the antifa crowd, i dont see why they counter march on edl/right wing rallies, they know its going to kick off its like me fancying a stroll around selhurst on match day with a charlton shirt on if i got a pasting it would be my own stupidity.
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    @Chizz whats funny about calling people nazi's i think its quite a strong word to call someone, a lot of people on here lost family members due to the "nazi's"
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