You are 66% London! You must have spent your life just outside the M25 looking in ... you can still be a Londoner if you decide to take the plunge ....
70% London Enough to respect my cockerney routes, but also acknowledges I was one of the lucky chosen few that has lived most of his life in gods own county of essex
70% London Enough to respect my cockerney routes, but also acknowledges I was one of the lucky chosen few that has lived most of his life in gods own county of essex
Eugh norf of the river and in the county of chavs. I am lucky to be in one of the parts of Kent that does not even have to look down on Essex, just to open sea and our French friends beyond. Vive la entente cordiale avec Kent & francaise, we hate essex!
I didn't get the Red Rockin. I didn't know the nickname for the Waterloo and City Line either. I was interested to find when I Googled it afterwards, that it is the only tube line whose speed limit is set in kph not mph.
Proper london me!!
Reckon the one I got wrong was the "Up North" one. I put north of the Thames, which it is to me.
Well, considering I'm born & bred in Gravesend, that's about right...............
You just need to keep your minces and lords peeled a bit better and you'll be there. There's London blood in your veins
Probably about right born & breed in Woolwich, but have lived half my life in Kent.
Enough to respect my cockerney routes, but also acknowledges I was one of the lucky chosen few that has lived most of his life in gods own county of essex
And I've spent half my life in Cornwall.