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  • Yes, you could, the same as a burglar alarm. At least you'd have a chance of getting some pictures if you set them up correctly, i.e. ftp'ing it to a website or email.
  • I live on the 30th floor, I think that should be enough!
  • Unplugging the cam or wifi would require going passed the cam first, as it's indoors and sited before the plug.
    By then a nice mug shot should have been taken and emailed to your phone or PC.

    I think the main problem would be the blocking of the transmission frequency, which I understand could be done, but may be above the capabilities of the average chancer..
  • Curb_It said:

    This is England not South Africa!
    Frightening me you lot..

    From what I have heard it would take a brave man or men to break into your place. :-)
    Im sure you are referring to Mental Mickey and nothing else?
  • Don't you need a static IP address for viewing?
    Also, when you install an alarm, let the fucker ring.
    Most of the time it is people local who know.
    Keep em peeled. And don't have nightmares.
    Police 5 signing off.
  • B its burglary time of Year, Bridey had someone call her and say they were the bank and that someone was trying to use her cards, they then pretended to transfer her to OB and they asked her to confirm her pin number to them,

    they then said yes that is the number and that they are sending a taxi to her to collect the cards,

    she realised something was not right and phoned my mum, my mum told her not to open the door and give anyone anything , when her and my brother got there a cab driver was there knocking and when he was told to feck off he wanted paying for the journey

    these scum need really hurting and in some cases taking out totally

    This scam is common. I hope she cancelled the cards if they had details.
  • Was burgled several years ago just before Christmas. Was convinced my house had been watched. The police said it was chancers. They usually strike when its dark - look for the house without lights, without an alarm and no sign of a dog. knock on the door, If no one answers they will attempt to break in. The police said that making your house look more secure than your neighbours was probably the best way to protect your property.
    I fitted an alarm system, put a 'Beware of The Dog' sign on my gate (I do not own a dog) and fitted a time switch to my hall light.
    The police thought it was probably a drug addict that had burgled before and would do it again until he/she was caught.
  • I've got four Cams watching my property, I've also got a dog, and a Alarm system.
    You have got to put up as much deterrents and make it hard as possible for them to get in.

    Them Euro locks on pvs doors are a joke too - google it and see.

    What happened to the days when you northern folk used to leave your back doors open for anyone to pop in, have a chat and a brew ? :-0

  • Obviously we have these two mean looking beasts who would I believe do some serious damage to anyone venturing in out of hours, but also an alarm on the house and cctv to protect the dogs and the house. But there is only so much you can do, if they want to get in they will. The professional burglar isn't likely to target my house, it's the the little bastard that wants some quick cash for his next fix I'm more concerned about. Incidently the marking of garden gates is also used by people looking to steal dogs either for fighting/bait dogs or for breeding.
  • My mrs is meaner than the pair of them. Especially before feeding
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  • Ps. Please god she doesn't read this
  • barnsey has FB'd it to her already I bet
  • I got burgled on Christmas eve when I was a kid. Woke up xmas day to find it. Even as a kid the worst part was feeling of someone in your house who had not been given permission.

    Had the garage broken into a few years back which was still bad enough. Hadn't closed the door by accident. Wouldn't have noticed as I don't go down there often, fortunately the neighbour did. I am convinced they would have come back the following night and was all for camping out down their with a baseball bat but the wife talked me out of it!
  • The sad thing is that even when caught burglars rarely get a custodial sentence.
    The CPS don't give a s**t about this crime.
  • We've been burgled today and I feel furious about it. They threw a large break through our bedroom window and then opened the window and climbed in. We live in a bungalow so I suppose it was pretty easy. Fortunately they only took my jewellery box which didn't have anything of any great value but they made a lot of mess. We've had broken glass everywhere and the brick broke a mirror on the other side of the room.

    The Police were very good and visited very quickly and also sent a scene of crimes officer, though he thinks they wore gloves so there were no fingerprints. He took the brick in case there was some DNA. I hope they do catch the scum who did this but they'll probably get away with it.
  • Sorry to hear that ME14addick.

    I have said this to people before, if a burglar really want to get in they will like in your case they have smashed the window.
  • Gutted for you ME14 I hope the burglar next time slices an artery on the next window he breaks scum bag
  • Sorry to hear that ME14addick.

    We were burgled whilst in the house around 4-5 in the morning a few years back. Horrible feeling knowing people have been in your house, going thru your possessions. Luckily they only wanted my car, which was a company one anyway. I'd highly recommend you get yourself a call centre alarm, we had ADT. Dependant on the number of sensors you need works out around £25 a month. The comfort you get from knowing the place is safe when alarm is set is worth every penny, save when a spider walks across the sensor and sets it off in the middle of the night. You cant change whats happened but seriously recommend one!
  • So sorry about that ME14.........
    The police called here yesterday handing out leaflets as someone broke in to a house in next road, Lynne asked the policemen to wait while she put dogs away, unfortunately he misheard and thought she invited him in.......big mistake
    We are ME12 whereabouts is ME14?
  • Ray please tell me bailey and zena ate the OB
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  • On top of the downs near Bearsted so quite remote - it's a rented cottage but even so we've had to sort out someone to come out this evening to board up the window. The glass made a terrible mess so we've had to completely strip all the bedding and the radiator was knocked of the wall but is still connected at the bottom. We've had to prop it up so I can get into bed!
  • That sucks ME14addick. Sorry for your loss.
    Were to soft on Burglers. I'd chop the f@ckers hand off,
  • Ray please tell me bailey and zena ate the OB

    He retreated rather lively back out the door.
    That's the first copper we've seen moving here and as for sirens never heard one. Apparently they still think they are called "Peelers" round here. ;)

  • Sorry to hear about that ME14
  • edited February 2014
    Sad news ME14. At least you were not in the house, people who do this really are the scum of the earth.

  • sorry to hear that ME14, we got done a couple of years ago whilst on holiday - horrible thing to happen and burglars are absolute scum and down there with the lowest of the low in my opinion.
  • Sorry to hear that ME14, as above (robroy)...scum of the earth.
  • edited February 2014

    sorry to hear that ME14, we got done a couple of years ago whilst on holiday - horrible thing to happen and burglars are absolute scum and down there with the lowest of the low in my opinion.

    That'll make them all Millwall supporters then EA :-) Sorry to hear of your plight ME14 nowt good will come of it for them in the long run trust me.
  • edited February 2014
    Sorry to hear that as well ME14. I was visiting friends in Herne Hill on Monday and three of them had been burgled since Christmas. Apparently it's one of the most burgled places in the UK. They did pick on the wrong person with my friend Jonny though, who is a Kick Boxer and went after them with a hammer, don't think they will target that house again.
  • Sorry to hear this, have been burgled a few times (though not recently, thankfully). It's a sodding pain, and in some ways the fact that not a lot is taken makes it all the more frustrating, liked being mugged for a packet of sweets... (one time, all i lost was a broken, cheap, watch). You think: "why create all this mess & disruption, just for this"

    Hope they get caught of course, but not just them but all the geezers prepared to buy dodgy gear off them. Stop that behaviour and burglary becomes less attractive. The good news, of course, is that is gradually happening with some stuff harder to push.

    Hope you get back to normal quickly ME14...
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