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The Archers

As an avid radio listener all my life, I have flirted with this long running programme for many years. However in the last few months I have finally succumbed and now the Sunday omnibus is my entertainment highlight of the week.
Is it because I am fast approaching 50? Is it because so much TV simply doesn't appeal to me? Or is it just because I'm a bit sad?
The Archers is not the cosy little harmless thing it was 25 years ago, it has had it's racy moments and has tackled some controversial issues in recent years.
Is it just me on Charlton Life that likes to let himself drift off on a Sunday into another world or are there plenty of Ambridge Addicts on here who just needed someone like me to come out?

Please no spoilers! I only listen on Sundays. But I would not shed a tear over Darrell's dimise if that is the case....


  • c) Because your a bit sad.

    What do I win?
  • c) Because your a bit sad.

    What do I win?

    BBC Predictable Post of The Year
  • edited December 2013
    I am a huge fan of Radio Four. I listen to most of it's output and absolutely love it. Many times I have argued that R4 is worth the licence fee on its own. There is no other station quite like it.

    That said, there are two programmes that I just can't stick. The terribly patronising snapshot for the permanently muddled; Thought for the Day and the record breaking borefest; The Archers. This dreadful show is so tedious and uninspiring. It has no place on that great station being neither entertaining nor informative. It's nothing but a audio diarrhoea for those that can't stand the cut and thrust pace of Little House on the Prairie. It should be sold of to ITV Digital, that's its level. The only good thing about The Archers (midweek at least) is that you know that it won't be long until Mark Lawson is on.
  • I was with you all the way Stig until you dissed "little house on the prairie".

    Radio 4 Rules (other than Thought for the Day and the Archers)
  • Sorry Henry. When I was young I used to like Little House, but I watched a repeat a while ago and it was so slow I thought I must be moving at the speed of light ;-)
  • edited December 2013
    Stig said:

    Sorry Henry. When I was young I used to like Little House, but I watched a repeat a while ago and it was so slow I thought I must be moving at the speed of light ;-)

    Watch The Godfather and you'll see that everything was slower then. The wedding scene goes on for what seems like hours. We've now become use to five murders and ten car crashes in the first five minutes of dramas so older programmes appear slow when actually they are paced.

  • Radio 4 used to play all the Sherlock Holmes stories on a Sunday night.

    Brilliant were they.
  • havnt listened for years but when growing up it was on all the time. Is Jack still alive?
  • The Archers has been a favourite for a certain group of people, cruelly refered to as little old ladies in care homes. But now its followers are starting to grumble. The style has changed, the new editor insists that it has always been on the cutting edge ( he was being serious). He used to work on Hollyoaks and Footballers Wives and it shows. The program has got racier and is trying to tackle some social issues. For me, it's a bit like taking away Grandads antimacassars and giving him a designer cushion. Neither appeals to me but I always listen to Thought For the Day because I know it won't last for long.
  • Riviera said:

    As an avid radio listener all my life, I have flirted with this long running programme for many years. However in the last few months I have finally succumbed and now the Sunday omnibus is my entertainment highlight of the week.
    Is it because I am fast approaching 50? Is it because so much TV simply doesn't appeal to me? Or is it just because I'm a bit sad?
    The Archers is not the cosy little harmless thing it was 25 years ago, it has had it's racy moments and has tackled some controversial issues in recent years.
    Is it just me on Charlton Life that likes to let himself drift off on a Sunday into another world or are there plenty of Ambridge Addicts on here who just needed someone like me to come out?

    Please no spoilers! I only listen on Sundays. But I would not shed a tear over Darrell's dimise if that is the case....

    Ok I'll emerge from the closet.

    When I was a young lad at my grandmother's house quarter to seven on the Home Service (or was it the Light programme thinking about it) was always Archers time. Sometimes on Sunday morning the omnibus wwould be on and at the start Tom Forrest would pontificate about something or other rather like dear old Jack Warner in Dixon of Dock Green.

    Like you I've flirted with it over the years and recall highlights such as Shula losing her virginity to Simon Parker, a sleazy journo on the Borchester Echo, and more recently Sid and Jolene in the shower.

    I heard the episode where Darrell was found outside the houses on the Green and Shula was blaming herself but didn't realise he had actually snuffed it. These days it's conveniently timed for my journey home if I leave work as early as seven so I catch the odd episode perhaps one or two a week.

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  • For some strange reason I have always liked listening to the shipping forecast , even though I don't understand what most of the terminology means.
    It's strangely soothing .
  • havnt listened for years but when growing up it was on all the time. Is Jack still alive?

    Jack Archer (long gone) or Jack Wooley (still hanging in there)?

    I'm a confirmed Archers addict - been listening since I was 8 (I'm now 53). People often grumble that it's not what it was or the new editor has ruined it but I've rolled with the changes and can't imagine Sunday morning without it.
  • edited December 2013
    Likewise Len, my grandparents used to be avid listeners before they passed away in the early sixties. Unless anyone can give me a brief resume of the goings on over the last 50 years I'll stick with Corrie and Eastenders :0)
  • Yes, Riviera, you are indeed a sad individual, but I must confess to suffering from the same affliction / addiction. Part of the toe-curling pleasure is in spotting the clunky dialogue. Two minor and frequently uttered examples: no-one who has lived in a country village for decades would refer to "the village green" - "the green" would suffice - and no-one would refer to the pond on said green as "the duck pond". The scriptwriters have a blithe ignorance of how people actually speak; I heard one Ambridge woman asking another: "Are you going to the South Borsetshire and District ploughing competition on Saturday afternoon?" The answer, surely, is an emphatic "No."

    Forget the official BBC Archers fan club, and join the Archers Anarchists. We are committed to exposing all the absurdities: in our ranks is an expert ornithologist who listens intently to the background sounds and spots the wrong birdsong for the time of year. What happened to the Disappeared - those residents who have voluble speaking parts but suddenly fall silent, forgotten? Why does Tom Archer, Ambridge born and bred, have a Lancashire accent? Why has Clarrie Grundy's voice suddenly changed completely? Continued at 7.03 p.m. this evening....
  • Radio 4 used to play all the Sherlock Holmes stories on a Sunday night.

    Brilliant were they.

    Plenty of that sort of thing on Radio4Extra.
  • For some strange reason I have always liked listening to the shipping forecast , even though I don't understand what most of the terminology means.
    It's strangely soothing .

    True enough but nevertheless irritating when it interrupts Teat Match Special.
  • LenGlover said:

    For some strange reason I have always liked listening to the shipping forecast , even though I don't understand what most of the terminology means.
    It's strangely soothing .

    True enough but nevertheless irritating when it interrupts Teat Match Special.
    Invest in a DAB Radio LG it doesn't go to the shipping forecast on TMS .
  • edited December 2013
    Closet Archers and Radio 4 fan here too. Gave up watching TV about 6 years ago when I moved to France for 6 months over the Winter and found there was no TV set. So, made a forced return to the radio via my laptop and got hooked. Rediscovered a world with immense choice and generally a high quality of entertainment. Radio 4 Extra and 5Live also cracking stations.
  • great theme tune .. shame about the programme
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  • The Archers. WTF? Whatever next.

    Yes, I have to admit also that I listen in to the omnibus on Sundays while I'm pottering in the shed. Always found it quite soothing and harmless, but must confess I don't follow the storyline that closely.

    Plenty of good stuff on R4. Woman's Hour anybody? I know at least one Lifer who listens in. Learnt more about women from this programme, than any top shelf magazine!

  • The Archers. WTF? Whatever next.

    Yes, I have to admit also that I listen in to the omnibus on Sundays while I'm pottering in the shed. Always found it quite soothing and harmless, but must confess I don't follow the storyline that closely.

    Plenty of good stuff on R4. Woman's Hour anybody? I know at least one Lifer who listens in. Learnt more about women from this programme, than any top shelf magazine!

    * Checks that nobody is looking*

    Jenny Murray is better than Jane Garvey

    *Got away with that one I think*

  • edited December 2013
    Never really got into the Archers , am i missing something, and should i have?

    But then again never got into Emmerdale, Hollyoaks & Coronation street , which i always thought were for people who lived past Watford, correct me if i'm wrong?
  • I have radio 4 on as background all day while sitting at the computer working/surfing.

    Many is a time I have been nodding in agreement at some point being made to find I am in fact listening to Womens Hour and some sexually frustrated harridan banging on about how unfair life is for wimmin.

    As for the Archers my favorite character is Daryl the Brumish layabout dole scrounging alchey, oh and the impossibly ridiculous posh couple (the women is currently running the Ambridge Christmas Panto...) whose voices make me want to reach through the interweb and smash their fucking faces in.

    R4 is top listening.
  • LenGlover said:

    The Archers. WTF? Whatever next.

    Yes, I have to admit also that I listen in to the omnibus on Sundays while I'm pottering in the shed. Always found it quite soothing and harmless, but must confess I don't follow the storyline that closely.

    Plenty of good stuff on R4. Woman's Hour anybody? I know at least one Lifer who listens in. Learnt more about women from this programme, than any top shelf magazine!

    * Checks that nobody is looking*

    Jenny Murray is better than Jane Garvey

    *Got away with that one I think*

    With you on that one Len.
  • Other half has Radio 4 on all the time.She says it relaxes her. I sometimes like the comedy and can cope with the news programmes, and sometimes there'll be something else on I like. So I've heard various bits of the Archers by default, but TBH in the last couple of years even she has decided its not worth the effort. Generally I don't like soaps and I find a lot of the rest of the programmes either don't interest me or are not aimed at me.
  • I have Radio4 on a lot too and the good thing about it is that the output is so diverse. The wonder of having the radio on is that you can do other things but you often end up listening to, and enjoying something you'd never have selected yourself.
  • Never really got into the Archers , am i missing something, and should i have?

    But then again never got into Emmerdale, Hollyoaks & Coronation street , which i always thought were for people who lived past Watford, correct me if i'm wrong?

    @MendoncaInAsdas, you're wrong :0)
  • R4 for me too and getting into the archers. Must be a sign of old age.
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