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The Archers



  • edited December 2013
    Love listening to it while driving through shitholes like Tottenham just cos it feels odd!

    The programme makes me laugh and squirm.

    Thought of the day immediately makes me reach for the off-button. Some R4 stuff is tedious, but I love the way they just start going on about some weird subject, and how diverse it can be in a day... all sorts of bizarre stuff. Was driving most of yesterday, and was a good example.
  • The Archers. WTF? Whatever next.

    Yes, I have to admit also that I listen in to the omnibus on Sundays while I'm pottering in the shed. Always found it quite soothing and harmless, but must confess I don't follow the storyline that closely.

    Plenty of good stuff on R4. Woman's Hour anybody? I know at least one Lifer who listens in. Learnt more about women from this programme, than any top shelf magazine!

    You have a tranny in your shed?

  • I have listened to Archers on and off for years. The trouble is that they have some miserable, or ridiculous story lines that they draw out for months. I then have to stop listening for a few months until they get onto something else.
  • HarryAMuse converted to me to be an Archers addict. Love omnibus frames our Sunday activity.
  • Shipping forecast more interesting than the Archers and so soothing; you feel like you are in a warm cosy room knowing a storm is raging
    Rockall, North Utsire, South Utsire Southwest gale 8 to storm 10, veering west, severe gale 9 to violent storm 11. Rain, then squally showers. Poor, becoming……..zzzzzzzzzzz
  • Shipping forecast more interesting than the Archers and so soothing; you feel like you are in a warm cosy room knowing a storm is raging
    Rockall, North Utsire, South Utsire Southwest gale 8 to storm 10, veering west, severe gale 9 to violent storm 11. Rain, then squally showers. Poor, becoming……..zzzzzzzzzzz

    Does depend whose reading it. The black fella with the deep booming voice just don't do it for me.
  • Shipping forecast more interesting than the Archers and so soothing; you feel like you are in a warm cosy room knowing a storm is raging
    Rockall, North Utsire, South Utsire Southwest gale 8 to storm 10, veering west, severe gale 9 to violent storm 11. Rain, then squally showers. Poor, becoming……..zzzzzzzzzzz

    Does depend whose reading it. The black fella with the deep booming voice just don't do it for me.
    that's Neil Nunes from J'Maker .. he looks nothing like his voice .. I was expecting a James Earl Jones type .. in fact, Nunes looks more like Tiny Tempah ((:>)

  • edited November 2014
    Meanwhile, in The Archers, it sounds like Brookfield is to be sold because a new by-pass is going to cut the farm in two. Can this be true? Dan and Doris must be spinning!

  • Nearly crashed the car when I heard the councils decision. What next?
  • I can't reach for the off button quick enough when I hear that soppy tune. This programme should never be on Radio 4.
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  • It won't be on for much longer, the way things are going.
  • enjoy the Archers, when I was a kid I was allowed to listen to it just before bedtime.

    Don't see why David & Ruth can't farm Brookfield with a road through it, just need a bridge between the 2 parts.
  • The Archers began as an entertaining way of informing farming communities about new issues in the years following the second world war when food shortages meant we could not afford to keep farming the way we had. So antibiotics, nitrogen fertilizers, the ways in which other technologies could be used to increase production were all introduced and discussed on this programme. I first got into listening to it because it was frankly an escape from my grim life at the time. As it has increasingly become a radio country version of Eastfuckingenders I enjoy it less.
  • vffvff
    edited November 2014
    Archers at its best, has people who experience problems, suffer a bit, find some answers, get on with it and life goes on. They have some annoying and dumb storylines but if you stop listening and come back in 4 months, then it usually goes onto an even keel.

    The trouble is that they got a new writer bloke in. Tom Archer, from getting married and building a house on the farm to a big problem with dad, who overnight changed into a different actor and a weak and whiny character. He then left to go to Canada. Then Elizabeth Archer had an affair with Roy, her manager. Now the bypass thing. Its all gone a bit Brookside. Haven't listened to it in quite a while. The whole thing got a bit stupid and doesn't seem to getting back to an even keel. Archers needs to get rid of the writer bloke they hired and get back to the basics.
  • The Bowmans. Hancocks Half Hour, classic episode.
  • "I hate archers, archers lemonade and the archers. To be fair the last one are a bit of a mixed bag"
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