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MP's Vote in Favour of Car/kids Smoking Ban...



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    Stig said:

    Enforcement may prove tricky, but that's no reason not to have it as a law.

    No harder than for seat belts and signalling
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    sseaddick said:

    How exactly can this be enforced though ?

    That is my problem with this law, how many people are stopped and prosecuted for using mobile phones in their cars, from what I can see very few, won't this be yet another law that will be firstly ignored and then forgotten.

    I honestly believe the route forward is education and hard hitting Gov't information tv ads during programmes like coronation street, East Enders and Match of The Day. Two of the strongest ads I have seen in recent years were for in-car smoking and mobile ohoines they just did not get the airing levels.
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    edited February 2014
    Well at least it might make the morons think... oh i am actually breaking the law whilst i puff away with the windows shut up tight. Ive seen it loads of times in cars. Some people are that silly.
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    edited February 2014
    PL54 said:

    Stig said:

    Enforcement may prove tricky, but that's no reason not to have it as a law.

    No harder than for seat belts and signalling
    Yeah, definately trickier. With seat belts there's a compulsion to wear them all the time, yet with smoking the act is over in a few minutes. With smoking you're looking for a tiny light inside a car which could be hidden most of the time. With signalling you are looking for (a lack of) a much larger flashing light fixed to each corner of the car whose sole purpose is to be seen by other drivers.

    Granted, the authorities do seem more than a little lax on pulling people for poor signalling.
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    Does anyone know why this is being presented as banning smoking in cars with kids? Does that mean it's okay to do it in a van? What about in the confined space of a caravan or small flat?
    Personally I'm against smoking in vehicles (mainly on safety grounds). It is amusing though that you see these moron mums smoking with their kids on board while having the temerity to have a "child on board" sign obscuring their view out of the rear window!
    On a similar topic, that couple that have been arrested for child neglect in Blackburn following the dog mauling: surely, by definition, bringing a kid up in Blackburn should be enough on its own to prove neglect!
    Kap10 said:

    sseaddick said:

    How exactly can this be enforced though ?

    That is my problem with this law, how many people are stopped and prosecuted for using mobile phones in their cars, from what I can see very few, won't this be yet another law that will be firstly ignored and then forgotten.

    Well, since the law on mobile phone use was introduced, there have been a million fines handed down. (It seems it's the third most common offence recorded in Scotland and there have been two hundred thousand cases in London alone). In most instances prosecution is not necessary - just a fixed penalty notice, fine, points on a licence and more expensive insurance too I guess.
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    Well most vans are used for work purposes and they are covered by the smoking at work/public place ban.
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    Riviera said:

    Well most vans are used for work purposes and they are covered by the smoking at work/public place ban.

    Think I read somewhere that this is no longer the case and is down to company discretion. Might be wrong though (it has been known once or twice)...................
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    smiffyboy said:

    I smoke but never ever in the car when the kids are in it and also when indoors even on my own I go outside asi hate the smell getting on clothes and property, it's filth I think but am slowly winning my battle against it

    Not getting at you personally SB but smokers by definition are selfish and stupid. The stench of the tobacco gets on your clothes wherever you smoke. Sorry smokers - you stink! And if a non-smoker (ie someone who has a working sense of smell) gets in a car that a smoker previously lit up in, they can tell straight away. The solution is to ban smoking in vehicles completely and make the owner responsible. It would work because the evidence can't be got rid of.
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    sseaddick said:

    How exactly can this be enforced though ?

    Just like using a mobile while driving, it won't be.
    Anyway, OB are far too busy sending each other porn on their phones and lumping people to worry about smokers in cars.

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    Amazing that today people will buy a substance stick it their mouths and burn it knowing it will shorten their life and most probably be the cause of their demise.
    Even more amazing a company can produce it and a shop sell it in the knowledge its harmful and will cause death and a wide array of illnesses.
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    Amazing that today people will buy a substance stick it their mouths and burn it knowing it will shorten their life and most probably be the cause of their demise.
    Even more amazing a company can produce it and a shop sell it in the knowledge its harmful and will cause death and a wide array of illnesses.

    sounds like my wifes cooking.
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    Amazing that today people will buy a substance stick it their mouths and burn it knowing it will shorten their life and most probably be the cause of their demise.
    Even more amazing a company can produce it and a shop sell it in the knowledge its harmful and will cause death and a wide array of illnesses.

    sounds like my wifes cooking.
    I suspect your wife will not read that coment. they get very strange mood on if dare say say the foods not up to scatch.
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    Amazing that today people will buy a substance stick it their mouths and burn it knowing it will shorten their life and most probably be the cause of their demise.
    Even more amazing a company can produce it and a shop sell it in the knowledge its harmful and will cause death and a wide array of illnesses.

    People drink alcohol too.
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    Amazing that today people will buy a substance stick it their mouths and burn it knowing it will shorten their life and most probably be the cause of their demise.
    Even more amazing a company can produce it and a shop sell it in the knowledge its harmful and will cause death and a wide array of illnesses.

    sounds like my wifes cooking.
    I suspect your wife will not read that coment. they get very strange mood on if dare say say the foods not up to scatch.

    funnily enough my wife is the first to admit she is not good at cooking, where she comes from they have servants for that sort of thing.
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    Does anybody else not agree that policing this issue would just put further strain on an already stretched police force who are continually having budget cuts? Surely there are much more important crimes to be dealing with, because everyday in my local rag you have people getting away with sexaul assualts, mugging, violence and other crimes that are much more important. This whole country as a whole needs to sort their priorities out!
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    sseaddick said:

    Does anybody else not agree that policing this issue would just put further strain on an already stretched police force who are continually having budget cuts? Surely there are much more important crimes to be dealing with, because everyday in my local rag you have people getting away with sexaul assualts, mugging, violence and other crimes that are much more important. This whole country as a whole needs to sort their priorities out!

    But, in the main, it'll be the Black Rats doing the ticketing anyway. What else they going to be doing other than having a kip in a side turning, pointing a radar gun at someone, appearing in a fly-on-the-wall documentary or eating doughnuts?
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    sseaddick said:

    Does anybody else not agree that policing this issue would just put further strain on an already stretched police force who are continually having budget cuts? Surely there are much more important crimes to be dealing with, because everyday in my local rag you have people getting away with sexaul assualts, mugging, violence and other crimes that are much more important. This whole country as a whole needs to sort their priorities out!

    I can't see anything more important than protecting an innocent child from potentially dying very painfully of lung cancer. If that means the government stepping in to make parents accountable for the welfare of the child then so be it.

    Economically it makes sense for a government to reduce the risks posed from smoking in cars with kids.
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    edited February 2014

    JiMMy 85 said:

    Walked past a guy with a pram and a cigarette last week. Told him it was a silly thing to do. He chased me into Waitrose.

    But what's so bad with it if he's outside and not blowing the smoke into the pram? Might as well say that anyone walking down the street smoking should cross the street if anyone is walking towards their direction, especially if the have a pram...................
    .......which is more or less what happens in Japan.
    Well kind of. You cant walk outside and smoke.

    No smoking on the streets except in marked and shielded enclaves.
    With crowded streets the risk of stubbing a child's eye with a lit ciggie combined with the effects of smoke proved too much for law makers a few years back.
    Strangely many restaurants still allow it, so you can smoke indoors but not outside!




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    Riviera said:

    Amazing that today people will buy a substance stick it their mouths and burn it knowing it will shorten their life and most probably be the cause of their demise.
    Even more amazing a company can produce it and a shop sell it in the knowledge its harmful and will cause death and a wide array of illnesses.

    People drink alcohol too.
    And that is banned in some countries
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    edited February 2014
    Maybe this should be banned too?
    Certainly in cars!

    Nice neck reaction from the victim!
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    Riviera said:

    Well most vans are used for work purposes and they are covered by the smoking at work/public place ban.

    Think I read somewhere that this is no longer the case and is down to company discretion. Might be wrong though (it has been known once or twice)...................
    You are wrong. It's not discretionery and if the vehicle is used (at any time) by anyone other than the smoker then smoking is banned in it - even if they are not in the vehicle at the same time,
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    cafcfan said:

    Does anyone know why this is being presented as banning smoking in cars with kids? Does that mean it's okay to do it in a van? What about in the confined space of a caravan or small flat?
    Personally I'm against smoking in vehicles (mainly on safety grounds). It is amusing though that you see these moron mums smoking with their kids on board while having the temerity to have a "child on board" sign obscuring their view out of the rear window!
    On a similar topic, that couple that have been arrested for child neglect in Blackburn following the dog mauling: surely, by definition, bringing a kid up in Blackburn should be enough on its own to prove neglect!

    Kap10 said:

    sseaddick said:

    How exactly can this be enforced though ?

    That is my problem with this law, how many people are stopped and prosecuted for using mobile phones in their cars, from what I can see very few, won't this be yet another law that will be firstly ignored and then forgotten.

    Well, since the law on mobile phone use was introduced, there have been a million fines handed down. (It seems it's the third most common offence recorded in Scotland and there have been two hundred thousand cases in London alone). In most instances prosecution is not necessary - just a fixed penalty notice, fine, points on a licence and more expensive insurance too I guess.
    interesting stats maybe they should be more widely circulated. I see so many drivers with a phone stuck to their ears. Maybe if people realised prosecutions were being made they would stop.
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    sseaddick said:

    Does anybody else not agree that policing this issue would just put further strain on an already stretched police force who are continually having budget cuts? Surely there are much more important crimes to be dealing with, because everyday in my local rag you have people getting away with sexaul assualts, mugging, violence and other crimes that are much more important. This whole country as a whole needs to sort their priorities out!

    I would if they didn't still find the time to have at least 2 officers, often more on Westhorne Avenue trying to catch people out in a 30mph zone on a dual carriageway nearly every day.
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    Speed kills...
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    Speed kills...

    I think you mean 'Passing Gas' kills?

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    I don't smoke but been a passive smoker all my life. My parents used to smoke 40 a day and also used to smoke in the car during my childhood days.

    Touch wood, I have never suffered any health issues in relation to this. I think the government is going way over the top.
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    JiMMy 85 said:

    Walked past a guy with a pram and a cigarette last week. Told him it was a silly thing to do. He chased me into Waitrose.

    But what's so bad with it if he's outside and not blowing the smoke into the pram? Might as well say that anyone walking down the street smoking should cross the street if anyone is walking towards their direction, especially if the have a pram...................
    Really? You have no problem with smoking within two feet of a new born baby?
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