Things seemed so much better under TJ and MS. For all their shortcomings they didn't interfere in the Football and they didn't sell any of our best players.
Because under those two, we had no 'best players' save for Kermorgant, Stephens, and Wiggins (Solly notwithstanding through injury.) and if you don't think the first two would have been flogged ASAP then more fool you frankly, and Wiggins would certainly not have got a four year contract. They may not have interfered with the football, but we've been shit all season, not just since they went. RD looks like bad news, but better under TJ and MS? Fuck no.
Well it was actually those two who signed Kermorgant, Stephens and of course Chris Powell. Ok, so they winged it a little bit in terms of planning on the financial side. I'd much rather that approach than entering a pocksy 'network' set-up where we just get a load of loaned foreigners and a "manager" who has done hardly any managing and nobody knows who he bleedin is!
You have nothing to back up the suggestion that TJ/MS would have sold any of those players, simply because they didn't have a history of selling anyone worthwhile when they were with us.
1 league win since boxing day, no away wins since November, lowest scorers in the entire 4 divisions. On countless occasions this season, the football has been absolutely dire and Sunday was our worst performance in months.
Powell is a good man and a club legend but perhaps it was time for a change. I certainly don't think the new man can do much worse and i'd hope he at least tries to play players like Cousins in their proper positions.
Got to get behind the new man, Liege fans weren't happy when they sacked their manager but now look at them. Southampton fans weren't happy when they sacked Adkins but now look at them.
Absolutely devastated by this appalling treatment of a man who never gave Charlton Athletic less than his best as a man, player and manager.
Harry Corbett Roland Duchatelet, Sooty Katrien Meire you are a disgrace.
You can tell your spivvy shiny suited double glazing salesman Kensell that he can have my seat for his empty Crossbar. I will not support a regime next season via a season ticket that conducts itself in such a cowardly fashion. I also will not now be attending the Huddersfield game and quite possibly any more matches this season.
Ben you can rub your hands together and think "well we've already got your money Len you MUUUUUUGGGG!!!!" but you won't have it next season mate.
Customer "churn" doesn't apply to third division football clubs. Football fans have been pushed around for long enough. I'm doing something about it by voting with my feet for at least one match.
Chris Powell will get a better job and I hope his team come to The Valley and give Charlton a tonking. The one and only time I won't support my beloved club.
I'm beyond angry with this decision.
Absolute utter rubbish sit in the away end if this ever happens then. You are a Charlton fan first supposedly...
Things seemed so much better under TJ and MS. For all their shortcomings they didn't interfere in the Football and they didn't sell any of our best players.
Because under those two, we had no 'best players' save for Kermorgant, Stephens, and Wiggins (Solly notwithstanding through injury.) and if you don't think the first two would have been flogged ASAP then more fool you frankly, and Wiggins would certainly not have got a four year contract. They may not have interfered with the football, but we've been shit all season, not just since they went. RD looks like bad news, but better under TJ and MS? Fuck no.
Well it was actually those two who signed Kermorgant, Stephens and of course Chris Powell. Ok, so they winged it a little bit in terms of planning on the financial side. I'd much rather that approach than entering a pocksy 'network' set-up where we just get a load of loaned foreigners and a "manager" who has done hardly any managing and nobody knows who he bleedin is!
You have nothing to back up the suggestion that TJ/MS would have sold any of those players, simply because they didn't have a history of selling anyone worthwhile when they were with us.
They didn't 'wing it' they had no plan whatsoever except giving Chris Powell someone else's money and letting him get on with it. And yes, I can be damn sure that they would have flogged the whole squad if they could get money for them, as they were skint. This is not speculation, it is proven fact. There was no money, they were running big losses, they would have sold anyone and everyone to try and scrape that back a bit.
And so the transition into becoming Standard Liege's reserve team continues apace, with a very clear message sent to future managers that when their sub-par players are loaned to us, they will be played or else.
I don't want to be part of a European network of clubs, I detest the idea. I don't choose to support a club because they're good at exploiting international economies of scale or because they've worked hard on the matchday experience (no amount of cheerleaders and oompaah bands will make up for the fact that I don't care that much when we score anymore) and I don't expect our sporting achievements to be realised by winning the f*cking Belgian league.
My relationship with this club has reached its lowest ebb in the 27 years that I've been supporting them today.
Over the last few years everything that formed the character of the club has gradually been stripped away and the last piece of it drove away from Sparrows Lane this morning as his replacement passed him on the way in.
So when people are telling Len Glover to get a grip, maybe they can remember that he's slowly watched something that he loved morph into something unlovable. From a model club with a unique character, into a cog in an entrepreneur's Europe wide plaything, the summit of whom's sporting ambitions is to provide a training ground and breeding zone for other clubs' talent.
Of course it's an emotional response, in the cold light of day I will probably see it as an overreaction but supporting a football club has always been about an irrational emotional attachment - if it wasn't then I sure as hell would have been spending my Saturdays somewhere else for the past few years.
Cawley saying the reason is because CP wouldn't play RD's players.
Only just heard this sad news.
Well, I for one will never believe anything that KM/RM/RD tell us again.
Totally lied to as a fan, a FF member and a VIP who has put her money up front....but not to support THIS.
Communication with fans ?
Just forget it .
Thoughts are totally with Chris now- he knows what I think of him , not that it helps.
( Away from home all day but will post something for SCP tonight )
Feel for you Jean....been there and done that to a certain extent. I dont think it pays too well for fans to get as close to the club as some of us have done in the past......for what its worth Ive always thought RM came over as being rather cynical and definetly someone who plays to the crowd.....anyway thats an aside. Im not at all shocked but its somehow left me with a bitter taste in my mouth...I fully expected a change in the summer regardless of whichever division we found ourselves in. Best wishes to Chris, a real Gentleman.
Just wanted to wish Chris all the very best for the future. As a man, you couldn't wish to meet a nicer or more honourable person. As a Charlton man, for me, it has been an honour to have him as our player and our manager. It's pretty obvious what this club means to him and I am gutted that he wasn't supported in the summer, or again in January.
Have been going to Charlton since I was 4 (1970-71) and have never felt this bad about losing a manager. Theo Foley would be closest for me.
Hopefully, we'll see you at some stage after the experiment Chris. Good luck with your new club.
also think we will see ALL the players RD bought in in jan start on wednesday!! i really really think that was the problem chrissy didnt want the players near this team! expect polish piotr, reza, AA,nego,thuram plus i think more youngsters too
1 league win since boxing day, no away wins since November, lowest scorers in the entire 4 divisions. On countless occasions this season, the football has been absolutely dire and Sunday was our worst performance in months.
Powell is a good man and a club legend but perhaps it was time for a change. I certainly don't think the new man can do much worse and i'd hope he at least tries to play players like Cousins in their proper positions.
Got to get behind the new man, Liege fans weren't happy when they sacked their manager but now look at them. Southampton fans weren't happy when they sacked Adkins but now look at them.
spot on. Not as if CP was going to be Manager forever. Give Jose a chance and let's see how it pans out before rushing to judgement.
Right now I can't help thinking about what the then Tottenham manager Keith Burkinshaw is alleged to have said when he left the club after winning the UEFA Cup in 1984. The story goes that as he walked down Tottenham High Road, he turned round, gestured in the direction of the stadium and said: 'There used to be a football club over there.'
Whether true or not, those words sum up exactly how I feel today. Disgusted by this news and after Sunday's 'performance', our current league position, the state of the squad, the farce and embarrassment of our pitch fiasco and the damage to our reputation, not to mention wondering if there will be any 'Charlton' people working at the club in a year's time, I'm feeling as low about the club as I can remember in my nearly 30 years of active support.
Just wanted to wish Chris all the very best for the future. As a man, you couldn't wish to meet a nicer or more honourable person. As a Charlton man, for me, it has been an honour to have him as our player and our manager. It's pretty obvious what this club means to him and I am gutted that he wasn't supported in the summer, or again in January.
Have been going to Charlton since I was 4 (1970-71) and have never felt this bad about losing a manager. Theo Foley would be closest for me.
Hopefully, we'll see you at some stage after the experiment Chris. Good luck with your new club.
At least Theo got a glass fruit bowl from Gilksten before his last game in charge.
As much as I love Chris Powell and will use the other thread to thank him for giving me my best season following Charlton in my (relatively short) following of the club, I feel like this was a case of twist or bust.
We may well go down under the new guy too but with the transfer window now slammed shut the only way to significantly change things is to put a new guy in charge. That's exactly what Roland has done. Fingers crossed it pays off.....
It's been said many times already but I'm gutted that he's gone. Chris had his limitations, and they were highlighted by a lack of support from owners both new and old, but overall he had the dressing room and had 4 games in hand too. Dont agree at all with RDs choice, however whoever comes in needs our support as does the team. No amount of noise from fans will bring back SCP, but negativity from the stands will affect the players.
Football aside Chris has always come across as a great man with an attitude that would see they game improved if shared by more players and managers alike.
Good luck in your next venture Chris, I hope one day to see you manage the national team as one thing I'm certain you can do is motivate players to play.
And so the transition into becoming Standard Liege's reserve team continues apace, with a very clear message sent to future managers that when their sub-par players are loaned to us, they will be played or else.
I don't want to be part of a European network of clubs, I detest the idea. I don't choose to support a club because they're good at exploiting international economies of scale or because they've worked hard on the matchday experience (no amount of cheerleaders and oompaah bands will make up for the fact that I don't care that much when we score anymore) and I don't expect our sporting achievements to be realised by winning the f*cking Belgian league.
My relationship with this club has reached its lowest ebb in the 27 years that I've been supporting them today.
Over the last few years everything that formed the character of the club has gradually been stripped away and the last piece of it drove away from Sparrows Lane this morning as his replacement passed him on the way in.
So when people are telling Len Glover to get a grip, maybe they can remember that he's slowly watched something that he loved morph into something unlovable. From a model club with a unique character, into a cog in an entrepreneur's Europe wide plaything, the summit of whom's sporting ambitions is to provide a training ground and breeding zone for other clubs' talent.
Of course it's an emotional response, in the cold light of day I will probably see it as an overreaction but supporting a football club has always been about an irrational emotional attachment - if it wasn't then I sure as hell would have been spending my Saturdays somewhere else for the past few years.
Sums it up for me. I said on here in the last few days of the transfer windows I wanted the old Charlton back. As the weeks have gone by it hasn't got any better. Very worried of what our future holds
Posted earlier...still gutted. But one thing in RD's statement interested me: "Time will tell if this is the right decision". A certain modesty there and there is no doubt that whatever the short term pain, RD has a long term strategy. Hopefully enough of us will still be around to see this pay off. And for what it's worth, I blame the previous regime for 90% of our current problems. I don't go to many games but I was a long term season ticket holder and VIP member in the past and the only sure thing is that I will continue to support CAFC whoever the owners may be. Managers do return after being sacked and I hope we will see CP back in charge at The Valley one day.
I AM H-E-A-R-T-B-R-O-K-E-N. I read the Mail news on lunch break but didn't expect it to happen really as I thought it would be CRAZY to sack SCP at such a crucial time, not to mention bringing in someone who knew almost nothing about the league. Over the years there've only been two occasions where I've shed tears as a Charlton fan, May 2006 when Curbs left, May 2007 when we got relegated from the Prem League. Today, it's my third time. Even after our defeat at Bramall Lane, I still thought we had a chance to stay up this season. Now it's time to throw in the towel. I mean how the players are going to give their 100% when they know they won't even be here in the summer??? In hindsight, no wonder they failed to perform on Sunday - they must have known it. I don't blame them now. Duchatelet shoud have been the one to blame. I feel devastated and angry at the same time. I actually want to swear now.
Posted earlier...still gutted. But one thing in RD's statement interested me: "Time will tell if this is the right decision". A certain modesty there and there is no doubt that whatever the short term pain, RD has a long term strategy.
Duchatelet will not have written that and the "time will tell" line is probably only to make us think 'aww, it must have been such a tough decision for them'. It wasn't.
You have nothing to back up the suggestion that TJ/MS would have sold any of those players, simply because they didn't have a history of selling anyone worthwhile when they were with us.
Powell is a good man and a club legend but perhaps it was time for a change. I certainly don't think the new man can do much worse and i'd hope he at least tries to play players like Cousins in their proper positions.
Got to get behind the new man, Liege fans weren't happy when they sacked their manager but now look at them. Southampton fans weren't happy when they sacked Adkins but now look at them.
“We will look to quickly appoint a replacement who we feel will give us the best chance of avoiding relegation from the Championship."
Go on then, keep us up.
I don't want to be part of a European network of clubs, I detest the idea. I don't choose to support a club because they're good at exploiting international economies of scale or because they've worked hard on the matchday experience (no amount of cheerleaders and oompaah bands will make up for the fact that I don't care that much when we score anymore) and I don't expect our sporting achievements to be realised by winning the f*cking Belgian league.
My relationship with this club has reached its lowest ebb in the 27 years that I've been supporting them today.
Over the last few years everything that formed the character of the club has gradually been stripped away and the last piece of it drove away from Sparrows Lane this morning as his replacement passed him on the way in.
So when people are telling Len Glover to get a grip, maybe they can remember that he's slowly watched something that he loved morph into something unlovable. From a model club with a unique character, into a cog in an entrepreneur's Europe wide plaything, the summit of whom's sporting ambitions is to provide a training ground and breeding zone for other clubs' talent.
Of course it's an emotional response, in the cold light of day I will probably see it as an overreaction but supporting a football club has always been about an irrational emotional attachment - if it wasn't then I sure as hell would have been spending my Saturdays somewhere else for the past few years.
Just wanted to wish Chris all the very best for the future. As a man, you couldn't wish to meet a nicer or more honourable person. As a Charlton man, for me, it has been an honour to have him as our player and our manager. It's pretty obvious what this club means to him and I am gutted that he wasn't supported in the summer, or again in January.
Have been going to Charlton since I was 4 (1970-71) and have never felt this bad about losing a manager. Theo Foley would be closest for me.
Hopefully, we'll see you at some stage after the experiment Chris. Good luck with your new club.
Whether true or not, those words sum up exactly how I feel today. Disgusted by this news and after Sunday's 'performance', our current league position, the state of the squad, the farce and embarrassment of our pitch fiasco and the damage to our reputation, not to mention wondering if there will be any 'Charlton' people working at the club in a year's time, I'm feeling as low about the club as I can remember in my nearly 30 years of active support.
We may well go down under the new guy too but with the transfer window now slammed shut the only way to significantly change things is to put a new guy in charge. That's exactly what Roland has done. Fingers crossed it pays off.....
Football aside Chris has always come across as a great man with an attitude that would see they game improved if shared by more players and managers alike.
Good luck in your next venture Chris, I hope one day to see you manage the national team as one thing I'm certain you can do is motivate players to play.