Matt I am curious as to how your ultras avoid getting white marks in the armpits of their black clothes? Or does their mummy just use some vanish as she washes their clothes whilst they tuck into Petit Filous as they sit and watch Noddy. Seeing your away following today I thought Zippos circus had taken a wrong turn into Upton Park with all the weird looking freaks and colourful clowns there?
Good question Banstead. I have no insight to provide on the sartorial habits of he HF.
I guess they may have taken a leaf out of your book as keeping oversized shoes, oversized tuxedos, multi coloured wigs and red noses clean must be one massive struggle for you. In this respect, you truly are 'Number One in South London'.
Are you describing your trip to Wembley last May? What colour are you wearing this season yellow, blue, black, white, pink, ecru? Mixture of them all? I have no interest in your club and would not know where any of you and your little friends post messages on some clown forum? Just a small club in Croydon, always have been, always will be. Couldn't you just go on a Brighton forum and spend your Easter Sunday there? Joke fan, joke club just do one you clown.
Whereas Charlton are well respected team, with a huge following, successful recent history, positive owners who are engaged with the fans and a bunch of fans who aren't deluded, bitter Danny Dyer wannabes?
Your trajectory is down, ours is up. That is the reality you need to face, mate.
How far do you think your board can take you? Like us (we did for a few years) mid table prem is a very good achievement for the size of club. I would imagine Palace will have to invest massively in facilities and players to enable them to push on and thats where so many before have gambled and lost. Although I remember Chelsea being a club that gambled and won. It could happen but are the owner prepared to risk millions on the dream?
Why is there a 3 page thread on another football team? Just makes us look bitter and jealous. Let's worry about trying to stay in the championship before laughing at other clubs who are mid table in the prem!
palace have done brilliant , unlike most on here I think their support is decent as in it gets behind their team constantly without the need of encouragement from the team and they create a decent atmosphere of course they have helms that follow them but so do we
on the hatred scale they have 5% of what I give out the other 95% is for the scum
I don't care what their view on us is , I want them to lose every game and slide down the leagues , that isn't happening now so I've just got to console myself its the surrey boys not the scum who are doing well
And sadly their support , in numbers, will be bigger than ours for a good while cos they'll have picked up new fans during this decent spell ...... We've just gotta sit it out and hope for the inevitable slide back that will happen at some stage Fucking Wednesday are all to blame for this , pricks couldve sent them down a few years back
palace have done brilliant , unlike most on here I think their support is decent as in it gets behind their team constantly without the need of encouragement from the team and they create a decent atmosphere of course they have helms that follow them but so do we
on the hatred scale they have 5% of what I give out the other 95% is for the scum
I don't care what their view on us is , I want them to lose every game and slide down the leagues , that isn't happening now so I've just got to console myself its the surrey boys not the scum who are doing well
And sadly their support , in numbers, will be bigger than ours for a good while cos they'll have picked up new fans during this decent spell ...... We've just gotta sit it out and hope for the inevitable slide back that will happen at some stage Fucking Wednesday are all to blame for this , pricks couldve sent them down a few years back
Sadly I agree with most of this. I don't hate them at all though. As the majority of my mates are palace it's difficult to hate them, just like they don't seem to hate us.
Just the bell end fans on each side bite at eachother all the time... It's wholly embarrassing.
Matt I am curious as to how your ultras avoid getting white marks in the armpits of their black clothes? Or does their mummy just use some vanish as she washes their clothes whilst they tuck into Petit Filous as they sit and watch Noddy. Seeing your away following today I thought Zippos circus had taken a wrong turn into Upton Park with all the weird looking freaks and colourful clowns there?
Good question Banstead. I have no insight to provide on the sartorial habits of he HF.
I guess they may have taken a leaf out of your book as keeping oversized shoes, oversized tuxedos, multi coloured wigs and red noses clean must be one massive struggle for you. In this respect, you truly are 'Number One in South London'.
Are you describing your trip to Wembley last May? What colour are you wearing this season yellow, blue, black, white, pink, ecru? Mixture of them all? I have no interest in your club and would not know where any of you and your little friends post messages on some clown forum? Just a small club in Croydon, always have been, always will be. Couldn't you just go on a Brighton forum and spend your Easter Sunday there? Joke fan, joke club just do one you clown.
Whereas Charlton are well respected team, with a huge following, successful recent history, positive owners who are engaged with the fans and a bunch of fans who aren't deluded, bitter Danny Dyer wannabes?
Your trajectory is down, ours is up. That is the reality you need to face, mate.
How far do you think your board can take you? Like us (we did for a few years) mid table prem is a very good achievement for the size of club. I would imagine Palace will have to invest massively in facilities and players to enable them to push on and thats where so many before have gambled and lost. Although I remember Chelsea being a club that gambled and won. It could happen but are the owner prepared to risk millions on the dream?
Well done. A sensible post and sensible question.
I would be happy if we finished mid table for many years, with the occasional cup run. I would like the club to up its investment in the Academy and produce more Zaha's. I would like the good feeling between the board, manager and fans to continue (although history suggests this may be difficult).
When you say Palace will have to invest massively in facilities, the cost of building a stand is little different from the total cost of buying and paying the wages of player like Kenweyne Jones. Crazy world that it is.
I would like to congratulate you on your incredible achievement Matt. I really do think that Palace deserve the plaudits that they are getting.
I suppose you feel the need to come on here and gloat because of that awful taunting we gave you when you went down in 2005. I felt uncomfortable with that myself, not only because I knew it would come back to haunt us but also because as those who weren't singing on that day would tell you, our real rivals are Dover Athletic anyway.
I didn't come on here to gloat. I was genuinely concerned that you had all died or had taken up Morris Dancing professionally, as none of you post on the BBS anymore.
I am glad we won't find you all in your bedsits, lying motionless in a gas filled room holding a note saying how unfair everything is.
A year ago when they won the play offs...we all said don't worry they will get battered every week by premier league quality clubs and humiliated to the core. It will be entertaining.
Just because Palace are in the Premier League it doesn't mean that they aren't always an utter joke to everyone else.
And you call us a joke!
Like us (we did for a few years) mid table prem is a very good achievement for the size of club.
I would imagine Palace will have to invest massively in facilities and players to enable them to push on and thats where so many before have gambled and lost. Although I remember Chelsea being a club that gambled and won.
It could happen but are the owner prepared to risk millions on the dream?
and i give a fuck.
Total joke fans.
of course they have helms that follow them but so do we
on the hatred scale they have 5% of what I give out the other 95% is for the scum
I don't care what their view on us is , I want them to lose every game and slide down the leagues , that isn't happening now so I've just got to console myself its the surrey boys not the scum who are doing well
And sadly their support , in numbers, will be bigger than ours for a good while cos they'll have picked up new fans during this decent spell ......
We've just gotta sit it out and hope for the inevitable slide back that will happen at some stage
Fucking Wednesday are all to blame for this , pricks couldve sent them down a few years back
Just the bell end fans on each side bite at eachother all the time... It's wholly embarrassing.
I would be happy if we finished mid table for many years, with the occasional cup run. I would like the club to up its investment in the Academy and produce more Zaha's. I would like the good feeling between the board, manager and fans to continue (although history suggests this may be difficult).
When you say Palace will have to invest massively in facilities, the cost of building a stand is little different from the total cost of buying and paying the wages of player like Kenweyne Jones. Crazy world that it is.
where's that video of the HF initiation with the geezer running head first into a parked car loads of times?
A year ago when they won the play offs...we all said don't worry they will get battered every week by premier league quality clubs and humiliated to the core. It will be entertaining.