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Football Hooligans and Proud - Channel 5

Just watching this now, very interesting even though its Channel 5 dumb down

What a bunch of nobbas but I can totally understand where this "English Disease" originates.

You spend 1000 years as a nation of warriors, then no doubt the psychology for many generations is severely affected ... stand dont run good for the nation on the first day of the Somme but not so understandable in 2014

All the geezers just seem to be searching through their vacuous lives for something to belong to and it leads to comments such as Casualisim is no different to other sports!! Unbelievable

Ive seen very little analysis on the national psyche being the root cause of this problem due to historical % of citizens forced to take arms to defend the Island...blaming individuals will never solve the problem as more will come to stand in their place.

Milwall doubt there was some Rorks's Drift type stand off in Bermondsey circa AD55 and its been no-one likes we dont care ever since.

One of the better documentaries Ive seen on this issue....doesnt glamorise, mugs them right off IMO


  • edited June 2014
    If I was that 'lad' from Bristol I wouldn't volunteer to take a lie detector test on Jezza Kyle. I could smell his pants burning up here.
  • I can't believe channel 5's still going!
  • On the virtual eve of a World cup in which England are playing. Channel 5 attempt to make a 'program' about the 'English disease' that features four or five (from a population of around 55 Million) bone headed numpties who think they represent something other than stupidity.
    Should i be surprised?.............I'm not.
  • One of the blokes they've just shown is 59!


  • Why give them this coverage - they probably love it.

    It must be very embarrassing for the clubs involved who are no doubt trying to attract young kids and families to their games.
  • Its like all hooligan programs and films. Intelligent people watch it and laugh at it and stupid people feel a sense of pride and belonging. Everybody goes away happy.
  • Football hooligans crack me up. All that plotting and parallels with military campaigns and battles. The sole role that they or any of their ilk would fill in a real war is target calibration.
  • @NorfolkAddick‌ - totally agree. Actually thought this one had far less glorification than the rest. I would be astounded of there is anyone who thought the selection they chose were anything other than losers.

    I mean the old skinny fella with jeans from Oxfam and a dirty old stone island number...who wants to belong to that?

    Initially I thought well down to the producers for selecting such ugly trampy pikey bastards - gets the message across. Then I realised it probably wasnt some genius plan, they were the only ones prepared to talk to Channel 5

    I just wanted to PACIFY that "one man army" west country muppet. I reckon he will get nabbed for that, enough evidence just from that programme.
  • I shouldn't think there were too many exam passes among that lot.

    I'm just hoping that we don't get Chester or Rochdale in the FA Cup, in case those grandads turn up.

    Apart from that it's was the usual, England, Rangers guff.
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  • Bizarre that anyone genuinely involved would get in front of a camera and admit it. With the jails sentences what they are these days, surely the aim of the game is to remain as 'under the radar' as possible.
  • We never found out how much the chelsea headhunter had to front the best young film producer in the business to cover the rising price of DVD cases...
  • Pwopa noughtie.
    I hope Danny Dyer was involved in the production.
  • Whereas most shows glorify it. I think it's fair to say that last nights show was making fun of them!
  • If people take that show seriously they need help.

    Never going to get a 'proper' documentary as those who can speak with intelligence aren't going to put their faces on tv!
  • If people take that show seriously they need help.

    Never going to get a 'proper' documentary as those who can speak with intelligence aren't going to put their faces on tv!

    Or try and go to a game whilst under a ban by wearing a wig and moustache and telling your friends this plan whilst being filmed by a documentary film crew.
  • Whereas most shows glorify it. I think it's fair to say that last nights show was making fun of them!

    Only saw a few bits and pieces of it tbf but I got the impression it intended to go down the 'glorification' route but the producers quickly realised that everyone involved in this nonsense is really easy to (self)parody so they basically let them embarrass themselves and edited accordingly.

    Sadly, this will have been lost on any of the saddos attracted to that sort of lifestyle.
  • All a bunch of knob heads, kids is one thing.. But Middle aged men doing it are just morons
  • shine166 said:

    All a bunch of knob heads, kids is one thing.. But Middle aged men doing it are just morons

    Kids doing it are morons as well... just not quite perhaps as pathetic as those old enough to surely have been given multiple chances to just walk away and not taken them.

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  • Am I the only one in a state of terror worrying the Northern Ireland peace process might unravel if the Wrexham FC brigade of the IRA kick off again?

    If you were fortunate enough to miss last night's comedy show on Channel 5 according to the Chester thug featured their north Wales Conference rivals are not just a football team but in fact a front for the Provos.
  • Greenie said:

    What a bunch of sad little men. If they want to fight and 'get their fix' why don't they go to a boxing or MMA club and at least learn how to fight and fight with people who know how to?
    Ah yes, that would be too tough for them.

    It's not comparable is it. Having experienced both to varying degrees, they aren't similar.
  • Wanted to watch it, but the missus was catching up with Emmerdale and it all come on top

    It'll be on 5+24hrs tonight.

  • afka the acting was better in Emerdale
  • It's not comparable is it. Having experienced both to varying degrees, they aren't similar.

    Correct, one is sometime against a fellow thug or an unlucky passerby.... The other is against someone who could break you face with a punch
  • Watched it and was screaming with laughter at some bits. Jason Marriner is an absolute fucking prawn
  • shine166 said:

    Correct, one is sometime against a fellow thug or an unlucky passerby.... The other is against someone who could break you face with a punch
    My point exactly.
  • Greenie said:

    My point exactly.
    I don't follow hooliganism (and yes some people do!), but there was a British MMA champion who was a Birmingham City hooligan.
    Carter said:

    Watched it and was screaming with laughter at some bits. Jason Marriner is an absolute fucking prawn

    He's hilarious! I like the shots of him playing pool on his own, geezer!

  • his pool game was weak
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