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St Georges Day - Bank Holiday

I hope you will join me and finally get a debate about this in the commons.

David Cameron says St George’s day has been overlooked ‘for too long’ and the country should celebrate what it is to be English. If the Irish can get 'pissed', arrange festivals and have a good time then us 'boring' English can be as well.

This petition I know has been tried before, but I think it's time now that the goverment did something. Show the country that he means what he says. My challenge is to get the 100,000 signatures to take this to the commons for debate.


  • You might get more support if you just stuck to having St Georges Day as a bank holiday rather than having a dig at other nations' celebrations.

    Diminishes your argument.
  • Honestly don't see any dig involved there.
  • You might get more support if you just stuck to having St Georges Day as a bank holiday rather than having a dig at other nations' celebrations.

    Diminishes your argument.

  • edited July 2014
  • You might get more support if you just stuck to having St Georges Day as a bank holiday rather than having a dig at other nations' celebrations.

    Diminishes your argument.

    Where's the dig?
  • Signed. I should imagine the English haters will be out in force if this gets under way. Good luck.
  • edited July 2014
    "If the Irish can get 'pissed', arrange festivals and have a good time then us 'boring' English can be as well."

    Why bring the Irish who get "pissed" into it?

    I'm English and take great pride in our history and culture. I want to celebrate being English and Englishness not moan about the Irish.
  • "the Irish can get "pissed."
  • It's not a dig though, and he's not really moaning about Irish doing it he's just stating they do organize things like festivals and getting pissed etc
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  • Jints said:

    I'd much rather we celebrated something English. St George has nothing to do with us. It's the 1000th anniversary of the Magna Carta next year - It woudl be better if we commemorated the anniversary of real event which has something to do with our story as a country.

    100% agree with this.

    Dates are a problem if we're talking about national holidays - 23 April St Georges and 15 June for Magna Carta are too near other existing Public Holidays. Then, what type of event do you use to celebrate Englishness? Trafalgar and Agincourt are both October events so would fit with the calendar but the PC brigade would probably baulk at celebrating military victories.
  • Not really sure i can afford another day off work
  • edited July 2014
    What with a PC brigade and a Glass Half Empty brigade we could be an army.............Oh hang on a minute, 'Red Army, Red Army, Red Army' :-)

  • what type of event do you use to celebrate Englishness?
    We could have a fight amongst ourselves. ;)
  • Signed. (because I didn't look for excuses not to sign it)
  • Do people really think anyone would celebrate Englishness on that day? Would basically just be another drinking day with as much meaning as St. Patricks.
  • I'd rather have a Bank Holiday to celebrate Guy Fawkes Day: It's a very English event and there is already a history of celebrating so there's no need to invent any sham-traditions. There are no bank holidays in November.

    I'd actually be inclined to make the 6th the bank holiday on most years so that everyone could stay up late with their fireworks on the 5th. But I'd look to severely restrict the use of fireworks on all other dates.
  • "If the Irish can get 'pissed', arrange festivals and have a good time then us 'boring' English can be as well."

    Why bring the Irish who get "pissed" into it?

    I'm English and take great pride in our history and culture. I want to celebrate being English and Englishness not moan about the Irish.

    Not sure why you think my post is a dig towards the Irish?

    It's a admiration towards the Irish and we should try and follow their example. If I was having a dig it would be towards us English because we are boring compared to the Irish.
  • Fair enough but still don't see what the Irish do or don't do has to do with St Georges Day being a bank holiday.

    And as for the English being "boring" are we? I don't think so. I don't think we English are that slow at getting "pissed" either.
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  • Is it the full arguement today or just a short one ?
  • Not really sure i can afford another day off work

    Agree. We have too many bank holidays in this country as it is.

    We should scrap one in May and the August one as well. Stick to Easter and Christmas and one in May, in fact sod it, get rid of both in May.

    Get everyone back out working on these days, not slumming around drinking cheap lager and shouting profanities at passing motor vehicles (or is it only me that does that??)

  • bobmunro said:

    Jints said:

    I'd much rather we celebrated something English. St George has nothing to do with us. It's the 1000th anniversary of the Magna Carta next year - It woudl be better if we commemorated the anniversary of real event which has something to do with our story as a country.

    100% agree with this.

    Dates are a problem if we're talking about national holidays - 23 April St Georges and 15 June for Magna Carta are too near other existing Public Holidays. Then, what type of event do you use to celebrate Englishness? Trafalgar and Agincourt are both October events so would fit with the calendar but the PC brigade would probably baulk at celebrating military victories.
    I guess I am one of the legendary PC brigade, as I try not to be offensive to people about things they have no control over, but I don't have a problem with celebrating Trafalgar day. Just so you know like.
  • Some people celebrate it every year already.
    Bank Holiday would be great but why do we need the government to arrange it for us.
    Those people who genuinely care about the day will I dare say already celebrate it, like loads of people I know.
  • Half the country don't even seem to know when St Georges Day is!
    I'm sure I've signed a petition like this at least twice in recent times. Is the same subject debated over again?
    But bank holiday or not I always go out to celebrate our national day.
  • You are petitioning the British government to recognise St George's day as a day to celebrate Englishness?
    Succesive British Governments have failed to even recognise the existence of England (except when attemting to chop us up into Euro-regions)
    Since devolution, England has become the country that doesn't exist.
    The Scots get a parliament, the Welsh get an Assembly, even N.Ireland gets an Assembly. England gets nothing. Westminster constantly refers to England as Britain and you think they will grant you a day to recognise England.
    In football parlance, you're 'avin a laugh'
  • edited July 2014
    What was quite refreshing about living in Scotland for 7 months last year was the fact that even as slimy as the "fishy twins" Salmond and Sturgeon are, along with the rabid bunch of socialists they head up, they actually like their citizens.
  • edited July 2014

    Some people celebrate it every year already.
    Bank Holiday would be great but why do we need the government to arrange it for us.
    Those people who genuinely care about the day will I dare say already celebrate it, like loads of people I know.

    Because if the government organised it... apart from the self employed the rest wouldn't have to take a day out their measly annual leave allocation.

  • Some people celebrate it every year already.
    Bank Holiday would be great but why do we need the government to arrange it for us.
    Those people who genuinely care about the day will I dare say already celebrate it, like loads of people I know.

    Good luck to those who can

    But it depends what you class as celebrating it.

    If you are talking about taking a day off work to get pissed, then you are in the small minority.

    Out of my annual leave I don't get to take the day off for my birthday, my wifes birthday or my kids birthday. Celebrating 'being English' features a lot lower on my priorities.

    The majority of organised St Georges celebrations I've been on in the last few years have ended up in widescale disorder.

    I'm proud to be English to the core because that was my birth (though I done see us as being 'better'than others in the Western world). Personally I don't feel the need to make a song and dance of it though.

    If it was a bank holiday instead of one of the May ones, then.great. But to be honest I've got a lot more things I'd.rather campaign about.

  • Well, down here in Cornwall, me lovers, we'm don't pay much attention to this 'ere St George.

    The patron saint of Cornwall is our St Piran and tis 'bout time March 5th be made a Bank Holiday down 'ere.

    Reckon this 'ere St George is a bit of a upstart, he'm never been to England in all his life and nothin' much to do with England this St George, foisted upon the English in recent times.
    He'm a Roman, ruddy foreigner.

    Let all the English everywhere remember; your proper Patron Saint is St. Edmund the Martyr; honour him on the 20th November.

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