Don't really see the difference. If it's not Halal meat it will just be from some other meat 'factory' where the animals are injected with different hormones and never see daylight.
Any Liquor if not I'm not interested and whats a East street Burger?
“There will be fresh pies back on the menus in three different flavours using a well known supplier who will bring in fresh pies on the day before the match. There will also be a pie, mash and gravy offer in some stands. Sacrilege !!!
“We’ll also have some real local favourites like slow-cooked salt beef and we’ll be using a local butcher to supply our meantime sausages that will be oven roasted in a locally-baked roll.
From what I gleaned yesterday there is no vegetarian choice at all both in the main food and the outlets. Now I know carnivores will gleefully chortle at that, but the caterers will miss out on business from groups/families of both vegetarians and meat eaters so they have lost a potential income stream there.
Or maybe they will react, and then also miss the point by making the vegetarians an afterthought, and bunging on a vile cheese and onion pasty option.
Any Liquor if not I'm not interested and whats a East street Burger?
“There will be fresh pies back on the menus in three different flavours using a well known supplier who will bring in fresh pies on the day before the match. There will also be a pie, mash and gravy offer in some stands. Sacrilege !!!
“We’ll also have some real local favourites like slow-cooked salt beef and we’ll be using a local butcher to supply our meantime sausages that will be oven roasted in a locally-baked roll.
That's delightful, but what lagers will they have??
Supporters were picked randomly during Sunday’s fan day to take part in the test and season-ticket holder Graham Hefferman (fantastic name for the person given the task of sampling all the food and drink) was excited to sample the food set to be on offer next season.
“What I’ve seen and what I’ve tasted today was fantastic,” he said.
“I had a couple of pies, both were fantastic and the mash was very creamy. My wife had the fish and chips and the feedback was that it was incredible.
“It looked fantastic value for money but more importantly fantastic taste. Probably the most important for me and most fans was the beer and what I’ve tasted today was full of life and great.”
That's delightful, but what lagers will they have??
Supporters were picked randomly during Sunday’s fan day to take part in the test and season-ticket holder Graham Hefferman
(fantastic name for the person given the task of sampling all the food and drink) was excited to sample the food set to be on offer next season.
“What I’ve seen and what I’ve tasted today was fantastic,” he said.
“I had a couple of pies, both were fantastic and the mash was very creamy. My wife had the fish and chips and the feedback was that it was incredible.
“It looked fantastic value for money but more importantly fantastic taste. Probably the most important for me and most fans was the beer and what I’ve tasted today was full of life and great.”
Season ticket holder Fat Frank Fatface said "I had four free pies, fish and chips, a burger a sausage roll and six waffles. Whilst they tasted great at the time I was as sick as a pig this morning so I must have got food poisoning. Bring back the meat slices. I don't want all this new muckl".
From what I gleaned yesterday there is no vegetarian choice at all both in the main food and the outlets. Now I know carnivores will gleefully chortle at that, but the caterers will miss out on business from groups/families of both vegetarians and meat eaters so they have lost a potential income stream there.
Or maybe they will react, and then also miss the point by making the vegetarians an afterthought, and bunging on a vile cheese and onion pasty option.
Oh well, it's still veggie samosas from Ambala (my new favourite) or Dadoo's for me then. No money for food to Charlton from me.
From what I gleaned yesterday there is no vegetarian choice at all both in the main food and the outlets. Now I know carnivores will gleefully chortle at that, but the caterers will miss out on business from groups/families of both vegetarians and meat eaters so they have lost a potential income stream there.
Or maybe they will react, and then also miss the point by making the vegetarians an afterthought, and bunging on a vile cheese and onion pasty option.
Oh well, it's still veggie samosas from Ambala (my new favourite) or Dadoo's for me then. No money for food to Charlton from me.
With enough evidence I'd change my stance but for now my problem is with inhumane treatment of animals and not the concept of Halal.
It's not that. I am allergic to horses. I am scared of Anaphylaxis if I were to eat one..
would you be taken to horspital?
With the trotts?
fair enough
Any Liquor if not I'm not interested and whats a East street Burger?
In Canter-bury.
“We’ll also have some real local favourites like slow-cooked salt beef and we’ll be using a local butcher to supply our meantime sausages that will be oven roasted in a locally-baked roll.
“There will also be traditional fish and chips that will be hand battered on site and cooked up fresh for the fans, which goes back to the days of 'The Addicks' and hopefully put a bit of tradition back into the food at the club."
Or maybe they will react, and then also miss the point by making the vegetarians an afterthought, and bunging on a vile cheese and onion pasty option.
“What I’ve seen and what I’ve tasted today was fantastic,” he said.
“I had a couple of pies, both were fantastic and the mash was very creamy. My wife had the fish and chips and the feedback was that it was incredible.
“It looked fantastic value for money but more importantly fantastic taste. Probably the most important for me and most fans was the beer and what I’ve tasted today was full of life and great.”
“What I’ve seen and what I’ve tasted today was fantastic,” he said.
“I had a couple of pies, both were fantastic and the mash was very creamy. My wife had the fish and chips and the feedback was that it was incredible.
“It looked fantastic value for money but more importantly fantastic taste. Probably the most important for me and most fans was the beer and what I’ve tasted today was full of life and great.”
I said Lager not beer!!!
Love a salt beer sandwich but not really a local favourite in SE London