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Peeters: Owner has told me to make sure Charlton stay up



  • Out the 24 clubs in the championship....I believe our club, charlton athletic, has the most unassuming league prospects for the upcoming season. RD probably thinks, perhaps, along similar lines to the fans.

    Considering he sacked Riga and brought in a replacement manager, he should be bl**dy confident and self assured in the big decisions hes made, otherwise it makes no sense. He is still probably cautious and skeptical like we are, and rightly so, its his business.
  • Makes it seem like we're definitely in for him.
  • Peeters said "at the moment there's no deal". He tries to keep a straight face, but then a great big grin emerges.
    I've said all along & I'll say it again. I'm confident Delort will sign (hopefully tomorrow).
  • Absolutely ridiculous. All the players should be told that anything but a top six finish is unnacceptable as clearly that's what we're all expecting so they need to feel the additional pressure and not get it into their heads that coming between 21st and 7th is what we expect.
  • jac52 said:

    Absolutely ridiculous. All the players should be told that anything but a top six finish is unnacceptable as clearly that's what we're all expecting so they need to feel the additional pressure and not get it into their heads that coming between 21st and 7th is what we expect.

    This is a joke right? I mean seriously, we've had people on here predicting promotion, relegation, and everything in between. Saying top 6 is 'what we all expect' is provably wrong by reading just about any thread more than three pages long. I for one would take between 21st and 7th and consider that a success - the higher the better of course.
  • thenewbie said:

    jac52 said:

    Absolutely ridiculous. All the players should be told that anything but a top six finish is unnacceptable as clearly that's what we're all expecting so they need to feel the additional pressure and not get it into their heads that coming between 21st and 7th is what we expect.

    This is a joke right? I mean seriously, we've had people on here predicting promotion, relegation, and everything in between. Saying top 6 is 'what we all expect' is provably wrong by reading just about any thread more than three pages long. I for one would take between 21st and 7th and consider that a success - the higher the better of course.
    That is a joke. I for two would take that.
  • edited August 2014
    Well seeing as many delusionals thought that last season we should have been challenging for the playoffs, I expect they think nothing less than winning the league by a record points total is acceptable this season.

    I've put bets on us finishing top 6 and getting promotion but I'm not expecting anything. They're are too many unknowns with players and management to make an informed judgement yet and if you're not clearly geared up for a promotion push, then in a tough league like the Championship that means your goals are first and foremost survival.
  • jac52 said:

    thenewbie said:

    jac52 said:

    Absolutely ridiculous. All the players should be told that anything but a top six finish is unnacceptable as clearly that's what we're all expecting so they need to feel the additional pressure and not get it into their heads that coming between 21st and 7th is what we expect.

    This is a joke right? I mean seriously, we've had people on here predicting promotion, relegation, and everything in between. Saying top 6 is 'what we all expect' is provably wrong by reading just about any thread more than three pages long. I for one would take between 21st and 7th and consider that a success - the higher the better of course.
    That is a joke. I for two would take that.
    Oh good. Sorry if I was a bit abrupt, there are some quote-unquote fans around whose views I literally cannot get my head around - apprehension I can understand, outright negativity before we've kicked a ball in earnest I can't.

    Onwards and (pleasepleaseplease) upwards the Addicks!
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  • When will our club ever show some ambition? We're buying an unkown quantity in Delort for 3 million, and our objective is to stay up??

    Where did Delort come from? Somewhere in the network? If so the price is just as irrelevant as shoving money from one account to the other.
  • thenewbie said:

    jac52 said:

    thenewbie said:

    jac52 said:

    Absolutely ridiculous. All the players should be told that anything but a top six finish is unnacceptable as clearly that's what we're all expecting so they need to feel the additional pressure and not get it into their heads that coming between 21st and 7th is what we expect.

    This is a joke right? I mean seriously, we've had people on here predicting promotion, relegation, and everything in between. Saying top 6 is 'what we all expect' is provably wrong by reading just about any thread more than three pages long. I for one would take between 21st and 7th and consider that a success - the higher the better of course.
    That is a joke. I for two would take that.
    Oh good. Sorry if I was a bit abrupt, there are some quote-unquote fans around whose views I literally cannot get my head around - apprehension I can understand, outright negativity before we've kicked a ball in earnest I can't.

    Onwards and (pleasepleaseplease) upwards the Addicks!
    Ditto. No offence taken.
  • To be fair negativity is acceptable with this type of comment, the money being spent and the calibre of players brought in, have to have a better aim than our last lot. If we spend in excess of 5m and have free reign to Champs League (even if only qualifying stages) experienced players, being relegated would be a shambles and narrowly avoiding would be nothing to be proud of. But he's obviously playing down expectations to take pressure off himself and the boys, and he's not going to say 'our aim is slap bang in the middle of the table', it's either one of the other 'playoffs/promotion' or 'avoiding relegation', the inbetween no one really aspires to.
  • To be fair negativity is acceptable with this type of comment, the money being spent and the calibre of players brought in, have to have a better aim than our last lot. If we spend in excess of 5m and have free reign to Champs League (even if only qualifying stages) experienced players, being relegated would be a shambles and narrowly avoiding would be nothing to be proud of. But he's obviously playing down expectations to take pressure off himself and the boys, and he's not going to say 'our aim is slap bang in the middle of the table', it's either one of the other 'playoffs/promotion' or 'avoiding relegation', the inbetween no one really aspires to.

    I understand that, it's a fair point. I do still think though that the fans taking at face value and assuming that survival is the be all and end all of the Bob Peeters Project are being either naive or deliberately obtuse. Still, it's their opinion, which they're entitled to, and I guess the only thing to do now is wait and see.
  • When will our club ever show some ambition? We're buying an unkown quantity in Delort for 3 million, and our objective is to stay up??

    Where did Delort come from? Somewhere in the network? If so the price is just as irrelevant as shoving money from one account to the other.
    He's not in the network. None of our players outside of Buyens and Ben Haim this summer have been.
  • edited August 2014

    When will our club ever show some ambition? We're buying an unkown quantity in Delort for 3 million, and our objective is to stay up??

    Where did Delort come from? Somewhere in the network? If so the price is just as irrelevant as shoving money from one account to the other.
    He's not in the network. None of our players outside of Buyens and Ben Haim this summer have been.
    Tucudean too and come on Foreign is close enough to being Network ;-)
  • Of course we all know that words uttered pre-season by owners and managers are froth and puff - nobody seriously expects anyone to know whether we will be winning or losing in two months' time. Yet, Duchatelet baldly states - and he said it a couple of months ago, too - that our priority for this season is "to avoid relegation".

    How's that for blinding ambition? Since words are indeed cheap, why doesn't our owner pronounce: "I expect Charlton to be in the Championship play-offs at the very least next May"?
  • I must say that I found Bob's press conference pretty compelling and full of common sense. Leaving aside the fact that our turnover and budget is well below the average for this division, why would he want to put himself and the players (a number of whom have never kicked a ball in this country) under unnecessary pressure at this stage ? As The Curbs used to say, an important part of any manager's job is to manage expectations.

    As for Roland, he is letting his actions do the talking at the present time and the basic strategy of signing good young talent looks to be a very sound one, as long as the team overall is sufficiently streetwise for this brutal division. Whilst a balance is always required, it is understandable that the club is shopping abroad when you look at the fees of £11 million and £5.5 million for McCormack and Assombalonga respectively - and that's before you even get on to the issue of wages.

    As to new signings, it seems pretty clear that the Delort deal is still under discussion, although Bob quite rightly made the point that the focus now is on Saturday and our existing squad. His reference to our having plenty of time to secure reinforcements until 31 August may have been a coded message to Tours not to overplay their hand but no doubt all will become clear shortly.

    Overall, whilst there are inevitably uncertainties in this period of change, it all looks pretty encouraging.
  • Still very confident this will happen, just can't see it falling through now.
  • edited August 2014
    Is it too soon to call our esteemed manager, SBP ?

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  • Is it too soon to call our esteemed manager, SBP ?

    Yes. We haven't played a competitive game under him yet.
  • Subject to the result, I reckon we should exercise some constraint and hold off until 5pm on Saturday. If we lose, no doubt some people will find him another another moniker. No pressure, Bob
  • Uboat said:

    Is it too soon to call our esteemed manager, SBP ?

    Yes. We haven't played a competitive game under him yet.
    B*GGER !

    Or in Big Bob's case BIGGER ?

  • Maybe it's a translation thing. Maybe it should have read "if we look like going down, I will get the bullet"
  • Blucher said:

    I must say that I found Bob's press conference pretty compelling and full of common sense. Leaving aside the fact that our turnover and budget is well below the average for this division, why would he want to put himself and the players (a number of whom have never kicked a ball in this country) under unnecessary pressure at this stage ? As The Curbs used to say, an important part of any manager's job is to manage expectations.

    As for Roland, he is letting his actions do the talking at the present time and the basic strategy of signing good young talent looks to be a very sound one, as long as the team overall is sufficiently streetwise for this brutal division. Whilst a balance is always required, it is understandable that the club is shopping abroad when you look at the fees of £11 million and £5.5 million for McCormack and Assombalonga respectively - and that's before you even get on to the issue of wages.

    As to new signings, it seems pretty clear that the Delort deal is still under discussion, although Bob quite rightly made the point that the focus now is on Saturday and our existing squad. His reference to our having plenty of time to secure reinforcements until 31 August may have been a coded message to Tours not to overplay their hand but no doubt all will become clear shortly.

    Overall, whilst there are inevitably uncertainties in this period of change, it all looks pretty encouraging.

    Couldn't agree more. I don't think there is any lack of ambition. Duchatelet has a plan, but he doesn't know how well it might work or how aggressive he needs to be. We'll all learn a lot this season and for Duchatelet this will mean finding out how much to up the ante next summer in order to have a real crack at the Play-Offs. Peeters made it very clear that the expectation is for the side to improve over the next 2-3 years.

    Peeters comes across well. He's thoughtful and yet direct. I'd guess he knows what he wants from his players and that he doesn't take prisoners when he's not satisfied. I like him.

    There are no guarantees and things can always go wrong, but we really are in much better shape than we were 12 or 24 months ago.
  • roll on Saturday
  • I was hoping the bar would be set a bit higher but it's going to be an exciting season either way. Roll on Saturday.
  • I was hoping the bar would be set a bit higher but it's going to be an exciting season either way. Roll on Saturday.

    That's bordering on optimistic. Frankly, I haven't the faintest idea. That may be because of my ignorance but I think all league positions are possible.
  • 2 seasons and we will know what Rd wants this one and the next

    The ground is looking mint to get folks through the door, entice players into.thinking it's being geared up for prem, and get Corp monies back in, with the food company changing

    All spells good times ahead and the club not going to go into administration

    Which wasn't how it was feeling this time lady season
  • Very telling words ... he's an interesting player and we'll see what happens...
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