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Can we discuss "Severe Terror threats"



  • I get what everyone is saying but I think I've been misunderstood. I didn't suggest we ignore what is going on in Iraq and Syria and hope they stop. I think we all know how serious this extremists are; they have already slaughtered a number of local people including women and children, those too vulnerable to flee.

    I still maintain my view though that by printing full and graphic images of the hostage killings, our media are somewhat playing into the extremist's hands. You don't need to see a knife wielding maniac to accompany the news that an innocent man has been murdered.

    Nor am I suggesting that a higher authority tell the media what and who to print, I think those responsible for printing should be able to realise this for themselves.

    But also the British public putting their fingers in their ears and saying lalalala, isn't going to make life any better for the people that have to suffer through this.

    Do you think the public would actually care about ISIS if we weren't subjected to these images? They'd just wash over it like they do with the Syrian civil war nowadays, or Israel/Hamas recently. Those atrocities haven't stopped, we're just no longer seeing the devastation so no longer care.
    It's a sad state of affairs, I agree. I actually feel that more should be printed of those two conflicts as I believe the situations are, and should be treated, different.

    ISIS want the world's attention, by getting it we can only guess at the number of European and American citizens that have gone to join them. Countless more have grown fearful of similar attacks taking place on home soil.

    I still think that there would be enough uproar about the beheading of an innocent British citizen and aid worker, without the need for seeing the knife that did it being wielded all over front pages.

    Where ISIS are concerned it's the graphic images that they WANT you to see that I object to being printed, not the reporting of the incident.
    You'd think so, but considering a British soldier was butchered on the streets of Britain and there was very little uproar, it appears most people just forget about it & get on with their lives nowadays.
  • Interesting piece from Bradley / Chelsea Manning here on how to contain ISIS -

    Good piece and some interesting ideas but they are all long term strategies and while isis are beheading our citizens the UK and especially the US can't wait to bomb the shit out of them ( if they can find them) but we all know that can just serve as a massive recruitment programme for Isis when innocent civilians die.
    one thing is for sure, there is no simple solution.
  • RIP to Hervé Gourdel - apparently murdered in another video released this afternoon.
  • Interesting piece from Bradley / Chelsea Manning here on how to contain ISIS -

    Great article.

  • edited September 2014

    I get what everyone is saying but I think I've been misunderstood. I didn't suggest we ignore what is going on in Iraq and Syria and hope they stop. I think we all know how serious this extremists are; they have already slaughtered a number of local people including women and children, those too vulnerable to flee.

    I still maintain my view though that by printing full and graphic images of the hostage killings, our media are somewhat playing into the extremist's hands. You don't need to see a knife wielding maniac to accompany the news that an innocent man has been murdered.

    Nor am I suggesting that a higher authority tell the media what and who to print, I think those responsible for printing should be able to realise this for themselves.

    But also the British public putting their fingers in their ears and saying lalalala, isn't going to make life any better for the people that have to suffer through this.

    Do you think the public would actually care about ISIS if we weren't subjected to these images? They'd just wash over it like they do with the Syrian civil war nowadays, or Israel/Hamas recently. Those atrocities haven't stopped, we're just no longer seeing the devastation so no longer care.
    It's a sad state of affairs, I agree. I actually feel that more should be printed of those two conflicts as I believe the situations are, and should be treated, different.

    ISIS want the world's attention, by getting it we can only guess at the number of European and American citizens that have gone to join them. Countless more have grown fearful of similar attacks taking place on home soil.

    I still think that there would be enough uproar about the beheading of an innocent British citizen and aid worker, without the need for seeing the knife that did it being wielded all over front pages.

    Where ISIS are concerned it's the graphic images that they WANT you to see that I object to being printed, not the reporting of the incident.
    You'd think so, but considering a British soldier was butchered on the streets of Britain and there was very little uproar, it appears most people just forget about it & get on with their lives nowadays.
    What do you mean very little uproar? Most people I know we're horrified and outraged by Lee Rigbys murder! There was a national outcry and a huge outpouring of sympathy and revulsion. The events and trial were headline news for weeks

    Keeping calm and carrying on is what we do! Doesn't mean that people don't care or have forgotten.

    What sort of uproar do you think appropriate?
  • Well said Lucky Reds, the article makes good points but the proposed actions were curiously naive. My difficulty is that I can't see any effective way of dealing with this type of barbarism. Already this morning there are reports of civilian deaths in Syria after a US air strike. How many recruits for the caliphate will that produce? There's a group in the Southern Philippines who gave just beheaded a victim. Now we are being put on a fast track to war, I understand why but I fear the consequences.
  • Anjem Choudary thought to have been arrested. Made my day that has. Vile man.
  • Curb_It said:

    Anjem Choudary thought to have been arrested. Made my day that has. Vile man.

    Hear Hear to that. He should have been dragged of our streets years ago.

    Let's hope the police don't infringe his 'uman rights.

  • Curb_It said:

    Anjem Choudary thought to have been arrested. Made my day that has. Vile man.

    Hear Hear to that. He should have been dragged of our streets years ago.

    Let's hope the police don't infringe his 'uman rights.

    Yeh, just one slip of them crocodile clips on his bollocks, hope they take care...
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  • The FBI have identified "Jihadi John".
  • edited September 2014

    Well said Lucky Reds, the article makes good points but the proposed actions were curiously naive. My difficulty is that I can't see any effective way of dealing with this type of barbarism. Already this morning there are reports of civilian deaths in Syria after a US air strike. How many recruits for the caliphate will that produce? There's a group in the Southern Philippines who gave just beheaded a victim. Now we are being put on a fast track to war, I understand why but I fear the consequences.

    We can only hope that the local population see external intervention as the lesser of two evils; afterall - death by bomb vs death by decapitation..

    Perhaps for every one person radicalised and joining the ranks of IS(IS), there will be another two or three that see the tide could be turning - and take up arms against IS(IS) themselves. Unfortunately, that's no consolation for those in the middle and those who have (and those who still will) lose loved ones and suffer horrific atrocities aimed against them.

    I too fear the consequences, but similarly - I just don't see where the next step could potentially be without risking war. With the news that the RAF could be conducting strikes from tomorrow, pending parliament, it looks like this is another step in the wrong direction. (I've actually seen this referred to as The Third Gulf War already today.)

    How the situation ever got to this extreme is utterly beyond me; this wasn't a situation that developed over night.
  • LuckyReds said:

    Well said Lucky Reds, the article makes good points but the proposed actions were curiously naive. My difficulty is that I can't see any effective way of dealing with this type of barbarism. Already this morning there are reports of civilian deaths in Syria after a US air strike. How many recruits for the caliphate will that produce? There's a group in the Southern Philippines who gave just beheaded a victim. Now we are being put on a fast track to war, I understand why but I fear the consequences.

    How the situation ever got to this extreme is utterly beyond me; this wasn't a situation that developed over night.

    ISIS are not a new breed of terror . They are just the bad people that the yanks (and us ) never flushed out previously (second gulf war). So they went away , back to their caves and holes and waited.
    Waited for the yanks (and us) to spend £billions on a new Iraq government and army. An army, that when left to their own devices were about as much use as a chocolate teapot. They did have some shiny new toys that would be of use though.
    So when the yanks (and us) left,out they popped,wrestled the shiny new toys away from the 'Dads' army holding them and went on there next assault. They'll be back in their holes soon enough.But I suspect gulf wars 4,5 & 6 are not too far away!

  • Assad has been warning the West of this threat for two years.

    However, all we could see was a nasty Dictator who was refusing the give his people Democracy.

    Meanwhile whilst we're looking the other way.........
  • I remembered reading this article and found it again. It's a complicated but knowledgeable account of the origins of ISIS

    ...yes Nigel, it's all about U(kip).

    Yeah, quite. Now, remind me how many UKIP MPs are there? And how many Labour? :-) That said, apart from a few fringe loonies, who is going to vote against? Was it REALLY necessary to recall parliament? Is anything likely to be debated going to change the outcome of the vote?
    You'd think it would not have been impossible that the MPs could have voted from wherever they were (having first received a .pdf of the rationale). Perhaps someone could develop an App for that?
  • George Galloway was spot on on channel 4 news last night.
    Saudi Arabia has 700 warplanes and a well equipped army, there is no need for the west to get involved at all.
    Let them sort their own problems out.
    edited September 2014

    Let them sort their own problems out.

    So if, god forbid, one of your family was beheaded and that disgusting act was shown to the world you would not expect your government/country to get involved?

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  • The Jihadis holding hostages have been uploading videos showing the executions every two weeks, late (UK time) on a Saturday night.

    The last one was two weeks ago today.

    I hope we don't see another one tonight.
  • WSS said:

    Let them sort their own problems out.

    So if, god forbid, one of your family was beheaded and that disgusting act was shown to the world you would not expect your government/country to get involved?

    Of course I would, but sending western forces will only make things worse imo.
  • WSS said:

    Let them sort their own problems out.

    So if, god forbid, one of your family was beheaded and that disgusting act was shown to the world you would not expect your government/country to get involved?

    Of course I would, but sending western forces will only make things worse imo.

    Worse than the brutal, systematic genocide of populations?

    Worse than the torture, rape and murder of innocent people?

    Worse than the establishment of an evil, repressive, corrupt state, bent on self-preservation at any cost?

    Worse than the disgraceful, cowardly, gloating, broadcast murder of innocent westerners?

  • George Galloway was spot on on channel 4 news last night.
    Saudi Arabia has 700 warplanes and a well equipped army, there is no need for the west to get involved at all.
    Let them sort their own problems out.

    "Saudi Arabia is part of the coalition helping the U.S. carry out airstrikes against Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) targets in Syria, and the country's former U.S. ambassador, Prince Turki al-Faisal, confirmed that Saudi war planes were involved during the campaign."
  • What would you suggest Chizz, full scale invasion by the coalition of 60 countries? because air strikes without the aid of troops on the ground will probably kill as many civilians as ISIS will.
    If we are to send forces lets do it properly.

    * I should have said by sending western forces piecemeal will only make things worse.
  • Bombing them will make no difference whats so ever long term, i belive our goverments want us to see the beheadings so we can all jump on board and say look how evil these people are. (and yes it is despicable to behead innocent people from where ever they are from)
    Its about oil and money for the west always was and we need to have a good hard look at our foreign policies.
  • Howe many people does the Saudi state behead, why don't we bomb them as well? I fear this response is ill thought out and is about short term political advantage. There is no long term strategy, it won't solve the problem of fanatical extremism, you can't bomb ideas out of existence. Given a choice of who to support, poorly educated Muslims will choose their own rather than support the West. It is time to allow the Muslim nations to deal with their own problems, to date we have only made things worse.
  • The point - and the one Obama has been trying to push - is that several states directly affected by ISIS, principally Turkey and Saudi Arabia, have massive military capability - and yet are once again sitting on their hands in terms of putting in actual ground forces to fight ISIS.

    Yet again all eyes are turned to the 'Great Satan' to come in and sort it all out - and as Obama has hinted all along - this mentality has to stop and the region has got to get its act together and start taking responsibility for its own security - God knows the Yanks sell them enough weapons.

    Now, of course, that utter fucktard Bush did cause much of this himself - with help from Blair - but sending huge western forces back in there to combat ISIS when the regional states have their own substantial forces that should be fighting ISIS is just repeating the same mistake.

    The great complaint from so many Muslims is over the repeated military interventions of the US in the middle-East, Obama is trying to limit those interventions and force the regional powers to step up to the plate - and that's where we are now.

    this seems to make perfect sense but what is the reason that these people won't interject, is it because there would be muslims killing muslims?
  • Bombing them will make no difference whats so ever long term, i belive our goverments want us to see the beheadings so we can all jump on board and say look how evil these people are. (and yes it is despicable to behead innocent people from where ever they are from)
    Its about oil and money for the west always was and we need to have a good hard look at our foreign policies.

    Much of this is right. There is also an attitude amongst the main 3 parties of maximising a "beneficial crisis" by removing yet more freedoms and liberties from ordinary decent people within this country by making travelling even more hellish and problematic than it is already as just one example.
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