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Movie ratings - what do you use?

Having a discussion at work about movie ratings and which brands are popular and well known. Figured I'd ask you guys, what sites do you use, and which ratings do you respect? Rotten Tomatoes, MetaCritic, Empire, Total Film, newspapers etc. - which ones actually help you make a decision on what to watch? Your input would be gratefully received!


  • I use IMDB myself.
  • has everything there.

    Seems trust worthy in the ratings and reviews.
  • IMDB is by far the best. I never watch a film below 7 rating and its always bang on!
  • IMDB is decent but it's largely about what's popular subjectively, not what's actually good. That's why Shawshank Redemption is number one, because everyone likes a cliched underdog story that tugs on the heart strings. It's also biased towards modern films and overrates brand new films.

    The best resource I have come across is the Halliwell Film Guide, though obviously you need to purchase that. It lists pretty much every film ever plus a brief synopsis, review and (very stringent) star rating.

  • Bloody hell, I really didn't think IMdb was that popular ratings wise! I thought Rotten Tomatoes would win. I personally use MetaCritic but it's much of a muchness compared to RT.

    We are looking at getting a third party to do ratings on the website I work on, and potentially on the telly, because nobody trusts ours (which I fully understand, but it's frustrating as my team are super honest about movies). We thought RT would be the winner, but this has given me real pause for thought. Thanks for your feedback, it's very, very appreciated.
  • Another IMdb user here. What's your website, JiMMy?
  • It's....
  • I always look at IMDB
  • How many in your team though Jimmy?

    If a film is rated by just one person then I think the rating is irrelevant unless you have a wide body of their ratings to compare too and judge against what your own ratings are.

    Would always go by the views/ratings of my friends and colleagues as more likely to know if they are of the same mindset.

    Mind you, last film I saw at cinema was four Weddings and a Funeral so I am probably not your target audience !!!

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  • There's four of us (with the occasional freelancer). We've all been doing this a long while, and we know what our audience likes (Adam Sandler in drag, apparently) so we try to watch movies with them in mind. None of us like rom-coms very much but we know there's a big audience! But we'll never, ever convince people that we're not rating movies to sell them, so there's no point fighting it.
  • TBH, IMO:
    IMDB = FTW
  • I use Rotten Tomatoes, find that it pans pretty much everything I fancy watching though.
  • IMDB without doubt, haven't watched a film without checking it out on there first for years.
  • RT usually, flixster (same thing really) on android.
  • I tend to be a Rotten Tomato person but often look at other sites for comparison purposes. I remember years ago looking films up in Halliwell's Film Guide to see how many stars a film got. It was the most read book in the house, I think.
  • Talal said:

    RT usually, flixster (same thing really) on android.

    This, I like that the critic and public reviews are together.
  • IMDB but only as a general guide. Generally if the film is less than 7, it's's probably rubbish. If it's above 7 it may or may not be to my taste.

    I though Halliwells stopped publishing a while ago?
  • Jints said:

    I though Halliwells stopped publishing a while ago?

    Probably, the edition I've got is the one I posted. Obviously it's great for anything pre-2004.

    I love it but on the go I admit I use IMDB more. After a film I go on IMDB as well to have a look on the movie's message board and trivia.
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  • rotten tomatoes, imdb is voted by users whilst rotten tomatoes takes the reviews of critics - who i'd trust more than a knuckle dragging member of public with too much time on their hands.
  • As a knuckle dragging member of the public I use IMDB as I dont trust those haughty critics
  • Knuckle dragging imdb using member of public here, rather that than some '' in the know' twot that I have nothing in common with.
  • Just checked what I would consider one of the best films ever 'dead mans shoes' on imdb it has 7.8 and on rotton toms it's a 58% rating. Just shows wtf so called critics know.
  • shine166 said:

    Knuckle dragging imdb using member of public here, rather that than some '' in the know' twot that I have nothing in common with.

    You surmise that you've nothing in common with someone based on a film review?
  • Talal said:

    shine166 said:

    Knuckle dragging imdb using member of public here, rather that than some '' in the know' twot that I have nothing in common with.

    You surmise that you've nothing in common with someone based on a film review?

    Well I'm not a film critic for starters, just a knuckle dragging member of the public.

    FYI I'm replying to Kentaddicks post
  • shine166 said:

    Knuckle dragging imdb using member of public here, rather that than some '' in the know' twot that I have nothing in common with.

    I'm a reviewer and we both support charlton....
  • shine166 said:

    Talal said:

    shine166 said:

    Knuckle dragging imdb using member of public here, rather that than some '' in the know' twot that I have nothing in common with.

    You surmise that you've nothing in common with someone based on a film review?

    Well I'm not a film critic for starters, just a knuckle dragging member of the public.

    FYI I'm replying to Kentaddicks post
    But you both like movies so there's something in common ;-)

    Yh I got that, I've written a few reviews in the past so I guess I'd fall into the knuckle dragger category too.
  • Always IMDB. Some films (obviously not the newer ones) have thousands of ratings which means you should get a fairly representative, balanced, view.
  • JiMMy 85 said:

    shine166 said:

    Knuckle dragging imdb using member of public here, rather that than some '' in the know' twot that I have nothing in common with.

    I'm a reviewer and we both support charlton....

    If you gave 'dead mans shoes' 58% you need your head testing :)

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