The 86-88 blue kit with the diagonal black lines was a fantastic shirt. The blue Admiral away kit from the following relegation year is also a classic.
I'd give my right eye for the yellow away kit from when Steve MacKenzie scored at Highbury.
Signed up to SnapChat to get an early view. Thought what a crapapp - should call it SnapShit. Deleted. Why do they do much additional revenue can it possibly generate - surely the only reason for doing it!?
Signed up to SnapChat to get an early view. Thought what a crapapp - should call it SnapShit. Deleted. Why do they do much additional revenue can it possibly generate - surely the only reason for doing it!?
Probably trying to appeal to the younger ones again. I'm too old for Snapchat and Instagram
Signed up to SnapChat to get an early view. Thought what a crapapp - should call it SnapShit. Deleted. Why do they do much additional revenue can it possibly generate - surely the only reason for doing it!?
Probably trying to appeal to the younger ones again. I'm too old for Snapchat and Instagram
I'm an old git too! Like to think I'm pretty savvy with technology - but could not see the point of SnapClap.
I'd give my right eye for the yellow away kit from when Steve MacKenzie scored at Highbury.
Middlesbrough got a lovely new kit this season
yellow background and black dots with a half-egg shape thing and our home kit shirt in the middle.
our players will be laughed at.