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Although I have the most amazing and beautiful face, but I've decided to grow a beard.
Has anyone got any growth or msintainance tips?

Ladies, don't panic, if anything, so far it's made me even more attractive. ;0)


  • They are the new waxed moustache, and therefore only acceptable in Hoxton.
  • Although I have the most amazing and beautiful face, but I've decided to grow a beard.
    Has anyone got any growth or msintainance tips?

    Ladies, don't panic, if anything, so far it's made me even more attractive. ;0)

    When you said "Ladies, don't panic..." it was going to be followed by "'re included too as I need your advice too on having a brazilian"
  • Surely beards being fashionable has to be nearly over now?
    These things tend to be cyclical and big beards have been the in thing for what seems like ages.
  • edited January 2015

    Although I have the most amazing and beautiful face, but I've decided to grow a beard.
    Has anyone got any growth or msintainance tips?

    Ladies, don't panic, if anything, so far it's made me even more attractive. ;0)

    Are you female?
  • Make you look old.
  • I genuinely thought that Ben Hamer had converted to Islam when I saw his big beard for the first time. That's how down with the kids I am. I have had a beard for years, because I have no chin.
  • Haha, after being crucified for my beard just before Xmas, I think it'll be a while before I try it again!
  • They are awful. Dont do it.
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  • Never got past 5 days growth, Itchy as buggery and makes me look like Bob Geldoff on a bad day. If you brave all that, keep it trimmed short and manly rather than go for the Ayatollah Hamer look - complete knob.
  • You'll be called a pretentious hipster - and they'll be right. Don't do it.
  • Davo55 said:

    Never got past 5 days growth, Itchy as buggery and makes me look like Bob Geldoff on a bad day. If you brave all that, keep it trimmed short and manly rather than go for the Ayatollah Hamer look - complete knob.

    How itchy is buggery?
  • If you grow one, avoid soup.
  • use hair conditioner and trim regularly to get the smartest and shiniest looking beard
  • If you grow one, avoid soup.

    and cheese-on-toast!
  • I genuinely thought that Ben Hamer had converted to Islam when I saw his big beard for the first time. That's how down with the kids I am. I have had a beard for years, because I have no chin.

    Jihadi chic
  • I'm just sticking with my usual look of several days stubble growth. Had a beard many moons ago and not going back there now that the hair on the top of my head is shorter than the beard would be!
  • I've got a marvellous bushy growth that I've been cultivating for a month or so now. I can't say it's done anything for me though, other than make me look older. I'm definately looking more Buster Merryfield than Zac Efron.
  • Ignore the naysayers, beards can be timeless on the right person:

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  • There are two things to consider when thinking of growing a beard:

    Firstly, can you actually grow a proper beard? I see any number of kids walking around with a gentle patchwork of down covering bits of their face and they look ridiculous.You also see people unable to grow a proper moustache and ending up with an unintentional Lincoln; equally ridiculous.

    Secondly, assuming you can grow a decent beard and moustache, does it suit you? Be honest with yourself; although you may have invested six weeks of cultivating a vibrant bush, you might look like a twat with one.

    Personally, I don't think anyone under the age of forty has any business growing a beard.

    I have grown a beard every winter for the last seven years and been told by everyone I look incredibly distinguished...
  • Davo55 said:

    Never got past 5 days growth, Itchy as buggery and makes me look like Bob Geldoff on a bad day. If you brave all that, keep it trimmed short and manly rather than go for the Ayatollah Hamer look - complete knob.

    How itchy is buggery?
    Use the right lube and it shouldn't be a problem.
  • colthe3rd said:

    They are awful. Dont do it.

    Can't grow one eh?
    No, its just my mums one looks shit so i know it wouldn't suit me.
    Been trying on her clothes again?
  • Davo55 said:

    Never got past 5 days growth, Itchy as buggery and makes me look like Bob Geldoff on a bad day. If you brave all that, keep it trimmed short and manly rather than go for the Ayatollah Hamer look - complete knob.

    How itchy is buggery?
    Use the right lube and it shouldn't be a problem.
    So would you recommend "Rosemary & Olive" or "larger Size"?

  • Paulie has highlights in his beard.
  • Had a good beard. Although I was the only one who liked it and it's earnt me the nickname jihadi. Used my beard trimmers to trim it down recently and I'm missing it.

    Haven't been fully clean shaven in nearly a year
  • Ignore the naysayers, beards can be timeless on the right person:


    Ah yes - the perrenial "homelessness special".
  • Are you able to grow an actual full beard or does it grow in patchy? If you can grow a full one then just let it go and keep it nice and trimmed. Best way to go
  • Do you intend to put highlights in it?
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