Me and the other half have been debating about this, it is apparently the new phase, he said its disgusting and taking liberation too far. I thing it's beautiful and it's photographing one of natures most natural bonds, mum feeding baby. I think if the nipples are not on show then it's not tasteless or pornographic but just natural. What does everyone else think. Beautiful and tasteful? Or too far and tasteless?
On a serious note I don't know how anyone could think it was disgusting but it does seem a bit unnecessary.
I'd think the same about people taking selfies whilst pinching one out.
Honestly though, in this context it isn't sexual at all, and anyone who sees someone breastfeeding and thinks it is inappropriate has issues differentiating the difference between eroticism and feeding a child, that's the worrying thing.
I think taking your phone out and reaching it out to arm's length and taking a picture of yourself to put on social media is narcissistic and weird (babies are not fashion accessories).
That said, if it increases the percentage of people that breastfeed (even for these shallow reasons) I'm all for it.
Very odd thing to take a photo of.
Posting it on any form of public social medium just takes attention-seeking twattery to the next level.
Not normal at all to to Breast Feed Selfie... that's just odd why does it need a selfie?
Maybe the craze should be 'take a selfie with someone stupid enough to hate breast-feeding'.
I weep for humanity when I read/ hear about this sort of stuff. (None of my comments are aimed at you Sadie by the way)
I just hate all forms of selfie.
can't get my head around the need for people to display every bloody part of their boring lives to friends, families and strangers.
and who on earth started it?
"c'mon Charmaine, just a little bit more for mummy.
hang on, why don't I take a picture of this and let others see what I'm doing cos it's just so like natural and I want others to share the bond I'm sharing with my baby on the privacy of this train."