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Game of Thrones



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    I am sorry, I have defended this series and enjoyed it, however that last episode was pointless on many levels.

    I get the what did you expect, but anyone but bran to finish on the throne. No twists, only one major death, no tits, just felt like it kind of pittered out. They did have to tie up a lot but you could easily have left the previous episode as the finale and it would have been better just throw in the death of Dany at the end. The last bit with all the starks walking was a bit cringe too.

    Hey ho, overall fantastic series and will be missed. Look forward to rewatching it at some point, not really that bothered about the last episode though

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    edited May 2019
    So it turns out Danaerys isn't mad at all.  They just turned her into a nazi, complete with her own Nuremburg rally.

    At least Tyrion made it to the end, so I'm happy with that.  Peter Dinklage acted everybody else off the screen last night.
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    paddycafc said:
    It's not over til it's over. Prequel under way set 5000 years in the past and films in the pipeline. 
    Plus it felt like that were setting up for at least two spin offs (Arya and Jon)
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    Missed It said:
    So it turns out Danaerys isn't mad at all.  They just turned her into a nazi, complete with her own Nuremburg rally.

    At least Tyrion made it to the end, so I'm happy with that.  Peter Dinklage acted everybody else off the screen last night.
    He can't cry tho. He looked like something off Spitting Image.
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    Missed It said:
    So it turns out Danaerys isn't mad at all.  They just turned her into a nazi, complete with her own Nuremburg rally.

    At least Tyrion made it to the end, so I'm happy with that.  Peter Dinklage acted everybody else off the screen last night.
    Dinklage was the best actor in the whole show!!

    Once he lived I didnt care what happened to anyone else
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    It made sense to have Bran as King due to his all-seeing nature - even if it didn't make sense considering what he'd said in previous episodes - but I think it would have made more sense to have the lineage now to be based on future Three-Eyed Ravens, Bran replaced the older fella in Season 6, so there's clearly some kind of cosmic succession there. That surely would secure a consistent ruler who could protect the people and wouldn't be consumed by greed, power etc, as seems to be destined to happen after Bran has kicked the bucket, if he could kick anything that is.
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    Now that it's finished, when do you all plan on losing your virginity? 
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    Now that it's finished, when do you all plan on losing your virginity? 
    Next Monday around 9pm
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    As @se9addick has already posted, I think Arya is going into her own story. Maisie Williams is not so successful an actress as to spurn the opportunity for something like that and HBO will see $$$. As for Jon Snow and the wildlings having their own series I’m not so sure. Kit Harrington is already limited box office in Hollywood and I see his future in films rather than getting further type cast as Jon. 

    Wasn't completely happy with what was a rushed and ending that didn’t tie up lots of loose ends but I’m going to miss GoT a lot. Think I will leave it a few months and watch the whole series in its entirety during the long cold winter months.
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    Now that it's finished, when do you all plan on losing your virginity? 

    I didn't realise GOT was holding me back so much, thanks for your kind words of wisdom.
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    edited May 2019
    Certainly didnt understand how the Unsullied knew that Jon had killed Dany - think it would have been one of the better explanations, even if Greyworm had been watching in the shadows having just arrived for a meeting with her

    Nor do I get their full reasoning for picking Kings and Queens in the future - i.e. Surely its better to have it through birth rather than through being elected, isnt that effectively how the trouble began in the first place with certain people not being happy at how the succession to the throne had gone so the War started out and has only just ended
    I did think that about Greyworm knowing.

    Maybe Jon was too honest to say "Daenerys and Drogon?  No idea, just flew off somewhere together, me and Tyrion will be acting King and Hand while we're waiting for her to come back, shall we?  Good, that's settled.  First point of order, stop killing everyone now."
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    Certainly didnt understand how the Unsullied knew that Jon had killed Dany - think it would have been one of the better explanations, even if Greyworm had been watching in the shadows having just arrived for a meeting with her

    Nor do I get their full reasoning for picking Kings and Queens in the future - i.e. Surely its better to have it through birth rather than through being elected, isnt that effectively how the trouble began in the first place with certain people not being happy at how the succession to the throne had gone so the War started out and has only just ended
    I did think that about Greyworm knowing.

    Maybe Jon was too honest to say "Daenerys and Drogon?  No idea, just flew off somewhere together, me and Tyrion will be acting King and Hand while we're waiting for her to come back,s we?  Good, that's settled.  First point of order, stop killing everyone now."
    For sure. He's Jon Snow, of course he confessed, just like Ned Stark would have.
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    Certainly didnt understand how the Unsullied knew that Jon had killed Dany - think it would have been one of the better explanations, even if Greyworm had been watching in the shadows having just arrived for a meeting with her

    Nor do I get their full reasoning for picking Kings and Queens in the future - i.e. Surely its better to have it through birth rather than through being elected, isnt that effectively how the trouble began in the first place with certain people not being happy at how the succession to the throne had gone so the War started out and has only just ended
    I did think that about Greyworm knowing.

    Maybe Jon was too honest to say "Daenerys and Drogon?  No idea, just flew off somewhere together, me and Tyrion will be acting King and Hand while we're waiting for her to come back,s we?  Good, that's settled.  First point of order, stop killing everyone now."
    For sure. He's Jon Snow, of course he confessed, just like Ned Stark would have.
    Yeah that in all honesty is what I took to believe

    Just another scene Id preferred to have seen rather than a slow motion camera in Tyrion's face which seemed to happen on about three occasions - I loved him as a character and actor but calm down with the dramatics
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    In previous series I thought Tyrion was a stand out character with lots of funny dialogue mixed with intense sweeping speeches delivered superbly by the actor. In this last series the director seems to have asked the actor to express a lot of the character’s emotions and feelings without speech using mainly facial expressions which resulted in a lot of hammy overacting.
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    Enjoyed the series.Some great one liners.Truly horrific villians.Great surprises. Didn't enjoy the ending after all The Hound was dead.What,and Brine just sat down at the table .
    There are huge holes left in the plot for spin offs and I'm sure it's designed that way the the TV channel and the author to make the big shilling
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    Missed It said:
    I can't believe Ser Podrick Payne is in the Kingsguard now.  Knights of the Kingsguard have to take an oath of chastity.  The ladies are going to miss out on Pod the Tripod!!
    So do Catholic priests
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    Missed It said:
    I can't believe Ser Podrick Payne is in the Kingsguard now.  Knights of the Kingsguard have to take an oath of chastity.  The ladies are going to miss out on Pod the Tripod!!
    but they're planning on building a brothel?
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    Missed It said:
    I can't believe Ser Podrick Payne is in the Kingsguard now.  Knights of the Kingsguard have to take an oath of chastity.  The ladies are going to miss out on Pod the Tripod!!
    Never stopped Jaime Lannister.
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    Missed It said:
    I can't believe Ser Podrick Payne is in the Kingsguard now.  Knights of the Kingsguard have to take an oath of chastity.  The ladies are going to miss out on Pod the Tripod!!
    Never stopped Jaime Lannister.
    Or the Kingsguard guy that Arya slit his throat in the pedo brothel.
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    I think the chastity is more an aspiration than a policy.
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    Rizzo said:
    I think the chastity is more an aspiration than a policy.
    Yes, it does seem to be more of a loose guideline.  A bit like, when the bells ring they've surrendered and its all over!
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    I’ve put this season behind me and from this point out am awaiting the next season of Westworld.
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