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Game of Thrones



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    Even Aaron Rodgers hated GOT's ending. And his reasoning is sound!

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    Why was greyworm allowed to live. 
    Once bran was king, greyworm was just a dany collaborater.
    It would have saved Jon joining a pointless Knight watch. 
    Yeah, the fact that he basically slaughtered unarmed people who had surrendered did seem to get glossed over rather easily.
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    Why was greyworm allowed to live. 
    Once bran was king, greyworm was just a dany collaborater.
    It would have saved Jon joining a pointless Knight watch. 
    I guess the fact he had a big army behind him put them off.  Let him and the Unsullied piss off quietly to Naath and hope the Dothraki decide to go back East.
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    JiMMy 85 said:
    The Unsullied occupied Kings Landing and had two prisoners of value. Then they parlayed with the people who had surrounded the city. They agreed a deal. 

    I dont think the the last two seasons were perfect, but most of these complaints are easily explained. The question I’m interested in is, why are people so keen to give it a kicking?
    Explaining why it's bad doesn't make it good.  

    I'll grant you it has turned into an internet dog pile, but that's the internet and that's fandom.  If you break people's favourite TV show they won't sit and take it quietly these days.
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    cs1986 said:

    I thought about this during the episode too. What on Earth are 10 thousand dickless men trained only to kill going to do now? Sounds like they're going to the Summer Isles to live out their days but surely that presents a logistical problem in of itself?
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    Even Aaron Rodgers hated GOT's ending. And his reasoning is sound!

    Who the fck is Aaron Rodgers!?!
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    cafcpolo said:
    Even Aaron Rodgers hated GOT's ending. And his reasoning is sound!

    Who the fck is Aaron Rodgers!?!
    Captain America's brother
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    Missed It said:
    JiMMy 85 said:
    The Unsullied occupied Kings Landing and had two prisoners of value. Then they parlayed with the people who had surrounded the city. They agreed a deal. 

    I dont think the the last two seasons were perfect, but most of these complaints are easily explained. The question I’m interested in is, why are people so keen to give it a kicking?
    If you break people's favourite TV show they won't sit and take it quietly these days.
    Self-entitled nonsense. The whining and the snarky memes have done far more to ‘break’ this show than the show runners. 

    There are comments in this thread that make absolutely no sense. For instance, there’s a comment about how ‘the director’ has affected the performances of the cast. Each episode has a different directors ffs. 
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    JiMMy 85 said:
    Missed It said:
    JiMMy 85 said:
    The Unsullied occupied Kings Landing and had two prisoners of value. Then they parlayed with the people who had surrounded the city. They agreed a deal. 

    I dont think the the last two seasons were perfect, but most of these complaints are easily explained. The question I’m interested in is, why are people so keen to give it a kicking?
    If you break people's favourite TV show they won't sit and take it quietly these days.
    Self-entitled nonsense. The whining and the snarky memes have done far more to ‘break’ this show than the show runners. 

    There are comments in this thread that make absolutely no sense. For instance, there’s a comment about how ‘the director’ has affected the performances of the cast. Each episode has a different directors ffs. 

    If it's great everybody sits at home and laps it up.  Nobody is up all night photoshopping memes.  Something has gone on with the viewers to turn them against the show.  This wasn't just a Daenerys Targaryen character flip.  This used to be the best thing on TV and now, production values aside, it quite clearly isn't. 

    Are people self-entitled?  I guess they are.  The petition to remake the whole series is one of the most ridiculous things going.  It's never getting remade, it's a stupid proposition, but the petition is a publicly available and visible expression of the audience's dissatisfaction.  It's really no different to old fashioned 'word of mouth' either boosting or sinking a movie.  It just happens to be the biggest TV show on the planet so everything is magnified x1,000    

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    Just a shame that George RR Martin’s true ending which was that just after everyone left went off happy ever after, a meteor struck Westeros, 99% human death rate. 

    Cut to shots if three years of no sun from the dust cloud, remaining 1% die.

    Dead planet, cut to millions off years later, life begins again, etc
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    What happened to the Dothraki 
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    What happened to the Dothraki 
    Became demilitarized, began laying with the lamb people, made Dothraki/Westerosi babies and lived violently ever after. I don't know if they conquered their fear of the poison salt waste when they crossed over with Jorah and Dany so they could always head back to Vaes Dothrak and return to raping, pillaging and decapitation

    Something I was disappointed about is the in the books a guy called Vargo Hoat captured Jaime Lannister and someone described as "the fattest Dothraki ever seen" chopped his hand off. I'd have loved to see those two. Locke was a pretty nasty villain though 
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    edited May 2019
    The more I think about it, the more I like the ideas of the last series, it was just executed poorly . Dany is almost like Jamie in reverse, a character you like at the start but hate by the end. It's all about POV and you, the viewer, lose her as a protagonist at some point. Just like the characters in the show start to see her for the monster she really is one by one, starting with Varys and Sansa.

    The White walkers should have been this entire series, and Dany's turn the next one. I imagine that is how the books will be split and I can't wait to read GRRM's version.
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    Fiiish said:
    cs1986 said:

    I thought about this during the episode too. What on Earth are 10 thousand dickless men trained only to kill going to do now?  
    Get season tickets at Millwall 
    Shame you can only LOL comments once!
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    PWR ... Never seen it, what have I missed out on? What’s all the fuss about
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    Fiiish said:

    Over the last couple of years, a trend has emerged where anything remotely popular is being mass-downvoted by gatekeepers on IMDB and RT. Then everyone else follows suit because they think they're following a trend.
    Or maybe some just know garbage when they see it.
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    The White walkers should have been this entire series, and Dany's turn the next one. I imagine that is how the books will be split and I can't wait to read GRRM's version.
    I like that idea. Might have been cool also to combine them... Dany dies, becomes the Night Queen, along with the Night King. They have two dragons, Jon has one. Could have been fun.
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    I was thinking yesterday (I know dangerous) there is the possibility this isn't the finale, for now yes. Possible spin offs? Yes.... however it feels to me the author could have lead them in a different direction from the books so people will buy the books when they come out (if ever), who is to say a few years / 5 years they might just do some form of flash back or alternate ending on the series. Its so popular there are so many options even if a lot of the press has been poor this season.
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    On the plus side, GRRM seems to have indicated that Winds of Winter should be out by July 2020
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    Prefer Game of Throw-ins!
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