Hello people i am a Charlton fan and i'm also leading a student protest movement in south london schools to stop academisation. Below is a video i made and a link that is on the protest page 'stop academies in Lewisham' which i felt worth sharing. Feel free to ask questions on here about prendergast can not become an academy i will be happy to answer as best i can.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7K31_NUvoT8 students coming together to fight academisation. Please support us with solidarity messages and watch the vid its 2mins.
A video the NUT made of passionate teachers fighting against academisation. This is not about teachers trying to save their job, there was been 3 strike days so far and there will be more strikes, education in south london should not be run from the cty of london, quite literally.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTCCV6Mp2k0&feature=youtu.beURGENT UPDATE:
On February 12th, the Chair of Governors, Christopher Barrow, posted on the Federation Website that "The Governing Board of the Leathersellers' Federation of Schools would like to inform all its stakeholders that it has made an application to the Secretary of State to grant an Academy Order. If an Academy Order is granted there will follow a period of consultation. It is anticipated this process will take six months"
Today, the Governors have announced that the Academy Order has been granted by the Government (no surprise there) but that "the consultation will last six weeks". Are they deliberately ignoring the voices of the school community and pressing ahead at even greater speed?
Once again, they are not giving clear information on timescales but could they be seeking to launch this consultation soon after their Governors' meeting next Tuesday, then perhaps extend the six weeks over the Easter holidays, so that it can be finished in time for a final Funding Agreement to be signed off soon after the General Election and a new Government in mid-May??
We all have to respond, and fast:
1) With immediate demands for a full and open consultation, with those opposed to the proposal given as many rights as those in favour, and then a full ballot of staff and parents on the proposal.
2) A timetable for any consultaion that does not begin until after the General Election, as first stated by the Governors. Local councillors and MPs need to be told that, unless they are happy for the Election campaign to be dominated by the academies issue, then they should urgently come out in opposition to the plans - or, at the very least, support a full and open consultation and parental ballot to be put in place after May 7.
3) Unions are discussing escalating to a two-day strike as well.
Thank you for reading.
Smacks of worrying about their own self-interest or political ideology above the interests of children's education.
All academies are trying to do is what teachers ask for, stopping the State interfering with how teachers teach.
No wonder the "who shouts loudest parties" are in favour of voting at 16.
Academy Schools, Foundation Trusts (NHS) & Network South East.............all should be run by the authorities. and I'm a Tory.
Luke. Will reply to other comments when i cam, leading a student protest against some big rich city boys is a busy job.
So rather than aswering those that have the valid question as to the problem with acedemy schools, you decided to throw insults around.
That's bound to get people to support your cause.
Incidentally, who are these 'rich city boys'? Most of the people that I met in the past who worked in the city were hard-working south east londoners, many from council estate backgrounds.
Luke. Will reply to other comments when i cam, leading a student protest against some big rich city boys is a busy job.
oh dear.
However, here are many Acadmies and chains of Academies that are failing. Of course these are not in the news as they do not fit the rhetoric. Free schools are a complete farce.mfor example there is one in Labeth that cost 18 million to build and has 13 students!
When schools become Academies it allows for a sea of change to sweep in and alter job descriptions, working conditions, staff structure etc.
I support the Prendergast schools in fighting this, but do yourself a favour Lewy and maintain your dignity in the responses you give. That is as important as the pointt you are attempting to make.
I respect your right to protest and wish you well. However, when you are older you will find that sometimes people try and manipulate you to get your support for their own ends. Also, we have to live alongside people with a different point of view.
Also the Charter school (David Sheppard's old school which he oversaw the transition to the academy) has been criticized for re drawing the catchment area to no longer include 2 council estates. His wife is an investment banker and so is the head of the leathersellers, the historic 'charitable foundation'. The leathersellers have a long historical affiliation with prendergast and the view amoung intelligent teachers is that this is all about power, for a board of governors to take control of 3 schools in south london which intake students from a wide range of schools and is a federation with 1 school rated outstanding by ofsted and another school rated good and the third does require improve but it was only 4 years ago it was made into a federation and the teachers at hilly fielders were told then that they were becoming a federation to help raise standards. Theres no evidence that suggests academies raise standards anyway. The leathersellers all have enough money anyway so its about power to city boys. Sorry for being rude earlier.
How do you know, My Daughter isn't put under pressure as far as i know and the Teachers seem to be Pretty relaxed with the Teaching side of things.
Then they knocked my school down, rebuilt it and called it Prendergast.
Lewyaddick, do yourself a favour mate. Fight for whatever you want, but don't expect people to support you if your rude and slagging off people you know nothing about.
I work in the city. Wear a suit. Wear a watch. Born and brought up in Lewisham.
Let's hope you never come to my firm looking for a job because your attitude stinks.