Obama has slowed the economic recovery with Obamacare. fewer people have health insurance now than had it before. Obamacare is the cause of the slow economic recovery, anybody who says different has not seen it's daily effects first hand as I have. For instance, a married couple with no kids, in their thirties and in good health, have to pay a premium of around 1200 - 1500 dollars a month in premiums, approximately the same as before, but now their deductible, per annum, before insurance pays for anything, is 10,000 dollars! People who previously had no insurance can't afford this any more than they could have before. Now, if they don't buy Obamacare they are fined. When people go on the Obamacare web-site, they have to "sign-up" as they go into the site, if they then see that they can't afford the insurance and bail out, they are counted as "signed up", to make the numbers look better. It's a total farce. As for the foreign policies of this administration, we are all in more danger than we were when they took over.
Thanks for your informed insight Limeygent. More insights?
An interesting candidate on the Republican side, Marco Rubio, announced his candidacy yesterday. If he can win the Republican nomination he can beat Hilary.
An interesting candidate on the Republican side, Marco Rubio, announced his candidacy yesterday. If he can win the Republican nomination he can beat Hilary.
interestingly enough, despite being cuban american, he supported the embargo of all trade with cuba and doesn't support obama's easing of sanctions.
As for the foreign policies of this administration, we are all in more danger than we were when they took over.
I'd be very interested if you could expand on this point because, from this side of the Atlantic, it would appear to be almost exactly the opposite of what you're claiming.
An interesting candidate on the Republican side, Marco Rubio, announced his candidacy yesterday. If he can win the Republican nomination he can beat Hilary.
interestingly enough, despite being cuban american, he supported the embargo of all trade with cuba and doesn't support obama's easing of sanctions.
This would make sense .. the vast majority of Cubans living in the USA are vehemently anti Castro/Communism .. many own small businesses, perfect potential Republican voters
An interesting candidate on the Republican side, Marco Rubio, announced his candidacy yesterday. If he can win the Republican nomination he can beat Hilary.
interestingly enough, despite being cuban american, he supported the embargo of all trade with cuba and doesn't support obama's easing of sanctions.
Mostly because of human rights abuses which continue in Cuba.
As for the foreign policies of this administration, we are all in more danger than we were when they took over.
I'd be very interested if you could expand on this point because, from this side of the Atlantic, it would appear to be almost exactly the opposite of what you're claiming.
As for the foreign policies of this administration, we are all in more danger than we were when they took over.
I'd be very interested if you could expand on this point because, from this side of the Atlantic, it would appear to be almost exactly the opposite of what you're claiming.
Not a single mention of Russia or China in connection with the Syria situation? Forgive me if I don't take that piece too seriously, even coming, as it does, from such a balanced and unbiased source as the National Review.
Obama has slowed the economic recovery with Obamacare. fewer people have health insurance now than had it before. Obamacare is the cause of the slow economic recovery, anybody who says different has not seen it's daily effects first hand as I have. For instance, a married couple with no kids, in their thirties and in good health, have to pay a premium of around 1200 - 1500 dollars a month in premiums, approximately the same as before, but now their deductible, per annum, before insurance pays for anything, is 10,000 dollars! People who previously had no insurance can't afford this any more than they could have before. Now, if they don't buy Obamacare they are fined. When people go on the Obamacare web-site, they have to "sign-up" as they go into the site, if they then see that they can't afford the insurance and bail out, they are counted as "signed up", to make the numbers look better. It's a total farce. As for the foreign policies of this administration, we are all in more danger than we were when they took over.
If you are going to quote Republican/Fox News anti-Obamacare fake news then I think, in the interests of keeping CL 'Fair and Balanced', we should get an alternative view.
As for the foreign policies of this administration, we are all in more danger than we were when they took over.
I'd be very interested if you could expand on this point because, from this side of the Atlantic, it would appear to be almost exactly the opposite of what you're claiming.
Not a single mention of Russia or China in connection with the Syria situation? Forgive me if I don't take that piece too seriously, even coming, as it does, from such a balanced and unbiased source as the National Review.
As for the foreign policies of this administration, we are all in more danger than we were when they took over.
I'd be very interested if you could expand on this point because, from this side of the Atlantic, it would appear to be almost exactly the opposite of what you're claiming.
Not a single mention of Russia or China in connection with the Syria situation? Forgive me if I don't take that piece too seriously, even coming, as it does, from such a balanced and unbiased source as the National Review.
Hang on a minute! Are we sure Obama isn't secretly Schrodinger's cat? Because apparently his "dedication to regime change in Syria" is also a policy that "has explicitly tried to keep the rebels in a stalemate with Assad" So he's dedicated to regime change whilst also preserving the status quo? Which is it? Also he should be arming the opposition in Syria, and therefore opposing Russia but is causing chaos by arming the rebels in the Ukraine, and therefore opposing Russia.
Since this has become a thread about US politics... I just saw the news that Russia has lifted a ban on the sale of an anti-airstrike missile system to Iran. It is somehow ironic: after spending so much effort on the Iran deal, the Obama administration is still facing a possibility of it being killed by Congress. Some of the Republicans are obviously doing everything they can to sort of undermine the work the administration's done. But Russia on the other hand has already taken a step forward themselves and made the whole situation even more complicated. (Israel must be furious)
Er, I thought it started as a thread about US politics. I'd just had a lunch with a bunch of US navy wives who had very interesting views but I was sadly uninformed on the matters they were discussing. Hence starting this thread to find out others views.
I think it was fantastic that the us got Obama it showed that colour doesn't matter in a country that is as influential as America in the global power struggle, that alone is worth 8 years of people picking holes in what he achieved or didn't achieve,
I don't live in America in December I will finally get to visit it with my family and see the things I want to see for myself,
But I hope one day Obama will be viewed as much as a positive black role model to all Americans black white and any other colour in between, not because he was just a black man in a position of power but that he had honest and good intentions and tried to do the best he could with his hands continually tied behind his back on numerous occasions
I don't normally like the use or the focus being on colour but in this instance I see it as vitally important for trying to change the clear and overtly visible issues the usa has with regards to race
Unless you're one of the unarmed black men seemingly getting shot and killed by gung ho American cops nla. Then I'd say race is still a big issue in the States. Not to mention the disproportionate number of African-American males incarcerated.
Unless you're one of the unarmed black men seemingly getting shot and killed by gung ho American cops nla. Then I'd say race is still a big issue in the States. Not to mention the disproportionate number of African-American males incarcerated.
There were 211 homicides in Baltimore last year, 180 of which were committed by black men. Who would YOU want to see locked up?
Unless you're one of the unarmed black men seemingly getting shot and killed by gung ho American cops nla. Then I'd say race is still a big issue in the States. Not to mention the disproportionate number of African-American males incarcerated.
Obama has slowed the economic recovery with Obamacare. fewer people have health insurance now than had it before. Obamacare is the cause of the slow economic recovery, anybody who says different has not seen it's daily effects first hand as I have. For instance, a married couple with no kids, in their thirties and in good health, have to pay a premium of around 1200 - 1500 dollars a month in premiums, approximately the same as before, but now their deductible, per annum, before insurance pays for anything, is 10,000 dollars! People who previously had no insurance can't afford this any more than they could have before. Now, if they don't buy Obamacare they are fined. When people go on the Obamacare web-site, they have to "sign-up" as they go into the site, if they then see that they can't afford the insurance and bail out, they are counted as "signed up", to make the numbers look better. It's a total farce. As for the foreign policies of this administration, we are all in more danger than we were when they took over.
If you are going to quote Republican/Fox News anti-Obamacare fake news then I think, in the interests of keeping CL 'Fair and Balanced', we should get an alternative view.
These people were my friends. He tore his Achilles tendon and had to have surgery which cost just under 5000 dollars. We did the arithmetic, we compared Obamacare, private insurance and no insurance. No insurance was the best option, in this case.
I'm not an apologist for any one. I post my own opinions, and sometimes post links to others with no comment. When the Tea Party first became popular, it was with the notion that government was too big, too expensive, and too intrusive. Who can argue with that? Unfortunately many others, with their own agenda, associated themselves with the Tea Party and gave it, with the help of the popular media, a bad name.
"Am I damning with faint praise? Not at all. This is what a successful presidency looks like. No president gets to do everything his supporters expected him to. FDR left behind a reformed nation, but one in which the wealthy retained a lot of power and privilege. On the other side, for all his anti-government rhetoric, Reagan left the core institutions of the New Deal and the Great Society in place. I don't care about the fact that Obama hasn't lived up to the golden dreams of 2008, and I care even less about his approval rating. I do care that he has, when all is said and done, achieved a lot. That is, as Joe Biden didn't quite say, a big deal."
Unless you're one of the unarmed black men seemingly getting shot and killed by gung ho American cops nla. Then I'd say race is still a big issue in the States. Not to mention the disproportionate number of African-American males incarcerated.
There were 211 homicides in Baltimore last year, 180 of which were committed by black men. Who would YOU want to see locked up?
Was it deliberate that you chose to ignore the fact that unarmed African Americans are routinely gunned down by an increasingly militaristic police force?
As for your point about Baltimore's murder situation then yes, if guilty, then of course prison is the best place for them. I just find it a shocking statistic that there are more black males either in prison or monitored under the justice system today than there ever was male slaves during that shameful era of American history. Equally shocking is the statistic that states that an African-American male born today has a one in three chance of ending up in prison. I refuse to believe that black males in America are inherently criminal minded. Especially when you consider that a white, middle class student has a good chance of avoiding prison for drug possession whilst a poor black male will more than likely will be sent down, mainly because he has inadequate state appointed defence lawyer as opposed to being able to afford a lawyer that they hire themselves. Still, this is only my view of course, you no doubt will tell me I'm wrong.
Also if you Google ''www.americanprogress.org" and search the Top 10 Most Startling Facts About People of Color and the Justice System you'll find an enlightening article about the issue of race and incarceration in America.
Obama's key legislation, "The Affordable Care Act", is the key issue he's being judged on here. Unless you see and hear of it's effects, every day, as I do, you couldn't know what a disaster it has become. Fewer people have affordable health care now than had it before. Millions tried to sign up for it when it was first supposed to be available, and couldn't get on the web-site. Most who finally got to sign up found that they couldn't afford the premiums, so they bailed out and have no insurance, but are counted as signed up anyway. Those who do have coverage under the act have such high deductibles that they are paying as much as people with no insurance at all. Those with private insurance are paying much higher premiums than before, as the insurance companies anticipated having to cover many more people with health issues than before. The premise that "if you get more young healthy people paying for insurance, it will pay for the older less healthy peoples healthcare" will never work if you do the arithmetic. Young people are choosing to pay the fine rather than the premiums. The slow recovery of the economy is a direct result of companies not wanting to increase their work-force as their obligation under the Act increases with the number of full-time employees. Some companies have even reduced their work force or made employees part-time instead of full-time to avoid the additional costs of the Act. Some of the Republican candidates are talking about repealing the Act, this issue alone could sway the election in the Republican's favor.
Unless you're one of the unarmed black men seemingly getting shot and killed by gung ho American cops nla. Then I'd say race is still a big issue in the States. Not to mention the disproportionate number of African-American males incarcerated.
There were 211 homicides in Baltimore last year, 180 of which were committed by black men. Who would YOU want to see locked up?
Was it deliberate that you chose to ignore the fact that unarmed African Americans are routinely gunned down by an increasingly militaristic police force?
As for your point about Baltimore's murder situation then yes, if guilty, then of course prison is the best place for them. I just find it a shocking statistic that there are more black males either in prison or monitored under the justice system today than there ever was male slaves during that shameful era of American history. Equally shocking is the statistic that states that an African-American male born today has a one in three chance of ending up in prison. I refuse to believe that black males in America are inherently criminal minded. Especially when you consider that a white, middle class student has a good chance of avoiding prison for drug possession whilst a poor black male will more than likely will be sent down, mainly because he has inadequate state appointed defence lawyer as opposed to being able to afford a lawyer that they hire themselves. Still, this is only my view of course, you no doubt will tell me I'm wrong.
The police forces concentrate their efforts where there is the most crime. These are often neighbourhoods where you wouldn't dare go in daylight, let alone at night, the police go in having no idea what or who they might encounter. They know that at any second they might have to defend their own lives. There are many more unreported arrests where nobody gets hurt than there are incidents where people get hurt or killed. In almost (if not) all of the recent well publicized incidents, the people who got shot were not obeying the police commands and were resisting arrest. Everyone in the US knows that, even if you're just stopped for speeding, you don't make the officer think they might be in danger themselves, and you obey their instructions. Behavior is what gets people hurt by police, or locked up in jail, not the colour of their skin.
Incidentally, I do run my own small business and don't really have the time for all of this, I don't suppose I'll ever change anybody's mind, either. I will however, be in the UK later this year, staying with friends in Ashford, (Kent) Norwich and Northampton, and would happily debate with any Lifer over a pint or two, as long as they haven't called me names.
Also if you Google ''www.americanprogress.org" and search the Top 10 Most Startling Facts About People of Color and the Justice System you'll find an enlightening article about the issue of race and incarceration in America.
The big statistic for me is the number of civilians killed by the police. US Police killed between 98 and 115 civilians in March 2015. In the 24 and a bit years since 1990, the police in England and Wales have killed 55 civilians.
More insights?
I'd just had a lunch with a bunch of US navy wives who had very interesting views but I was sadly uninformed on the matters they were discussing. Hence starting this thread to find out others views.
I don't live in America in December I will finally get to visit it with my family and see the things I want to see for myself,
But I hope one day Obama will be viewed as much as a positive black role model to all Americans black white and any other colour in between, not because he was just a black man in a position of power but that he had honest and good intentions and tried to do the best he could with his hands continually tied behind his back on numerous occasions
I don't normally like the use or the focus being on colour but in this instance I see it as vitally important for trying to change the clear and overtly visible issues the usa has with regards to race
When the Tea Party first became popular, it was with the notion that government was too big, too expensive, and too intrusive. Who can argue with that?
Unfortunately many others, with their own agenda, associated themselves with the Tea Party and gave it, with the help of the popular media, a bad name.
Read more: http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/in-defense-of-obama-20141008#ixzz3Xa9WGIXM
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Also if you Google ''www.americanprogress.org" and search the Top 10 Most Startling Facts About People of Color and the Justice System you'll find an enlightening article about the issue of race and incarceration in America.
The slow recovery of the economy is a direct result of companies not wanting to increase their work-force as their obligation under the Act increases with the number of full-time employees. Some companies have even reduced their work force or made employees part-time instead of full-time to avoid the additional costs of the Act.
Some of the Republican candidates are talking about repealing the Act, this issue alone could sway the election in the Republican's favor.
I will however, be in the UK later this year, staying with friends in Ashford, (Kent) Norwich and Northampton, and would happily debate with any Lifer over a pint or two, as long as they haven't called me names.
This statistic comes from a fact-checking website as the original claim was more extreme