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General things that Please you



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    The Grand Big Mac and the Big Tasty are both available at McDonalds at the moment.

    It's basically become a Michelin star restaurant.
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    Um in the same way as Nando’s has been a Michelin starred restaurant for years yep.
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    The Grand Big Mac and the Big Tasty are both available at McDonalds at the moment.

    It's basically become a Michelin star restaurant.

    The Grand Big Mac is the don. Extra Big Mac sauce takes it to heavenly levels.
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    Listening to Jermain Jenas talk about football
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    Waking up with a muzzy head after a few beers last night and my wife making poached eggs on sourdough toast for breakfast.
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    We're fortunate enough to have plenty of these running wild in our garden. Beautiful birds.
    Agree. Absolutely delicious
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    Wish I’d used the old ‘striking from school’ when I got caught bunking 
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    For Planet Earth. 
    Best wishes to all the youngsters who are striking for a better future for all. x

    Was in Central London today and saw lots of striking school students.
    Very impressed with their commitment. Hope for the future unless it's all gone too far by the time they take over.
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    Going out for a few beers and a curry with some of my oldest friends tonight.
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    Going to Northern Ireland tomorrow for the first time to celebrate a good friend's 60th birthday. There are seven of us flying from here, one is already there and six more who live here part time flying in from England and Wales. He has absolutely no idea we are coming. He'll be in bits when we turn up... :smiley:   
    “The Algarve lot wanted to do something for my 60th but I thought sod that, would rather celebrate with my mates back in Northern Ireland “ 
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    iainment said:
    For Planet Earth. 
    Best wishes to all the youngsters who are striking for a better future for all. x

    Was in Central London today and saw lots of striking school students.
    Very impressed with their commitment. Hope for the future unless it's all gone too far by the time they take over.
    Heard five young girls interviewed on C4 news just now. Very impressive; committed and eloquent. Hats off to them,
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    ISIS bride opting to return to Syria of her own accord after turning down a council house in Norwood
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    No surprise to hear the Wheatfield Wanderer criticising the children for taking a stand.
    ("Increasing teachers' workloads", blah, blah, blah)
    Having presided over a right-wing government that has caused much of the problem, she could apologise. 
    But, being Teflon Theresa, no chance of that.
    More pollution and ecological destruction from the Captains Of Industry and a telling off for those who oppose the stinking, wretched status quo. 
    What? cracking band.
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    Dan Walker and his elderly mate Tony organising the fly past remembering the 10 american soldiers that lost their lives in a plane crash. Really heartwarming relationship that they've struck up.
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    Dan Walker and his elderly mate Tony organising the fly past remembering the 10 american soldiers that lost their lives in a plane crash. Really heartwarming relationship that they've struck up.
    Not sure the story warrented an entire morning on bbc breakfast though, it was painful. 
    Cut to Steph asking the same 3 questions to Tony and the USAF guy. Cut to a airfield and a few planes sitting on tarmac, cut to Charlie asking the same 3 questions to Tony and the RAF guy.....
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    Every now & again, I get to do some testing at work. Usually attacking APA / BR glass  with a hammer at work. This week I managed to hit the glass with the hammer 49 times in 30 Secs. Still go it.

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    Meeting a friend for lunch on a Friday - fish & chips, big glass of wine and a hour of gossip. Just a shame to have to come back to the office after. 
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    Helping to rehabilitate a young horse that was attacked by loose dogs, walking 3 dogs along the street alongside a horse is pretty surreal and while beautiful animals I'm not over keen. (They kick and bite)  :#
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    Always been a fan of a good shag. 
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