Anyone else have foods that they miss out on because of the fact they eat as a family so all have the same?
I love a good curry and chilli but the Mrs doesn't and a spicy one if either would be too hot for the little un who is on proper food (the other is only 6 weeks old).
Take every opportunity to choose either when out to eat!
Or foreign lifers, any food you miss because you can get your hands on it abroad?
sweet potato
I was going to say Indonesian food in general, but Mee Goreng aka Bami Goreng in particular
Being able to just pop to the chippy and get a good sized meal for under a fiver - I miss that.
Curry is the big miss for me though. I used to have at least 1 a week back home (as indicated by the girth of my waist!) but they are just not the same. Nice enough in their own way and probably closer to authentic Indian cooking, but nowhere near as tasty as even an average British-Indian curry. I've resorted to mostly making my own, with mixed results.
Pork Scratchings.
Pastries - pork pies, scotch eggs, pasties etc, savoury pies. You can get stuff like that here but you have to hunt it down and go out of your way and pay over the odds at specialst store or farmers market. Miss just being able to grab one off the shelf in Sainsbury's . I quite miss Sainsbury's come to mention it.
Has to be double pie double mash double liquor , cup of strong tea , and an orange squash In a polystyrene cup , from either Manze's or Tony's Waltham abbey ( so good there becks gets it sent out to every city he has played football in) his fruit pie and custard is legendary Rd here , great pie and mash
The other thing I loved in America was the sweet pretzels that you dipped in icing. So bad for you but taste unreal. Also it's the only place where it's acceptable to have scrambled egg and bacon on the same plate as syrup and let it all mix in together.
It's marinated beef deep-fried in batter and coated with a sweet and sour sauce...staple of many Chinese restaurants around here....
It's not too far removed from General Tso chicken in fact....