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Showing your rude bits on the top of a mountain.

Ellie Hawkins From Derby flash her boobs and got three days in prison and deported.(expect a story in the Sun and page 3 pic)
Just like when a Romania person forgets to pay for a item in Marks and Spencer in Oxford street.(other nationalities are available)
when Brits travel the world, try to find out about the local cultures and laws; it different to ours.

when i was 6 in Lagos i knocked a Fanta bottle over and it smashed on the head of a Nigerian in a football stadium and my dad who proves you can take take the boy out of Bermondsey but not the Bermondsey out the Boy, offered £5, take it or leave it as a peace offering as a near riot broke out, ( a lot of money in the 60's to a local Igbo ) When i asked my dad recently he said he was prepared to go up to a tenner before conceding defeat and letting me become a tribesman(we all have a price ?)

OK CL Reprobates, when did you break the law or fall fail to local customs in far off parts ?


  • Does Neasdon qualify as a far off part?
    I held my wifes hand in the Hindu temple and got told off.
  • As Neasden is near Wembley, and that seems a million miles away for a CAFC fan,
    I'll let you have that one Baldybonce.
  • As Neasden is near Wembley, and that seems a million miles away for a CAFC fan,
    I'll let you have that one Baldybonce.

    It's certainly a million miles away from me!
  • Ellie Hawkins From Derby flash her boobs and got three days in prison and deported.(expect a story in the Sun and page 3 pic)
    Just like when a Romania person forgets to pay for a item in Marks and Spencer in Oxford street.(other nationalities are available)
    when Brits travel the world, try to find out about the local cultures and laws; it different to ours.

    when i was 6 in Lagos i knocked a Fanta bottle over and it smashed on the head of a Nigerian in a football stadium and my dad who proves you can take take the boy out of Bermondsey but not the Bermondsey out the Boy, offered £5, take it or leave it as a peace offering as a near riot broke out, ( a lot of money in the 60's to a local Igbo ) When i asked my dad recently he said he was prepared to go up to a tenner before conceding defeat and letting me become a tribesman(we all have a price ?)

    OK CL Reprobates, when did you break the law or fall fail to local customs in far off parts ?

    Wouldn't have been a problem if it hadn't caused a volcano to erupt....
  • I put a foot on a statue in Thailand to do up my laces. Fortunately my brother slapped my leg down before I got handed my aris
  • limeygent said:

    Ellie Hawkins From Derby flash her boobs and got three days in prison and deported.(expect a story in the Sun and page 3 pic)
    Just like when a Romania person forgets to pay for a item in Marks and Spencer in Oxford street.(other nationalities are available)
    when Brits travel the world, try to find out about the local cultures and laws; it different to ours.

    when i was 6 in Lagos i knocked a Fanta bottle over and it smashed on the head of a Nigerian in a football stadium and my dad who proves you can take take the boy out of Bermondsey but not the Bermondsey out the Boy, offered £5, take it or leave it as a peace offering as a near riot broke out, ( a lot of money in the 60's to a local Igbo ) When i asked my dad recently he said he was prepared to go up to a tenner before conceding defeat and letting me become a tribesman(we all have a price ?)

    OK CL Reprobates, when did you break the law or fall fail to local customs in far off parts ?

    Wouldn't have been a problem if it hadn't caused a volcano to erupt....
    In the history of mankind there been many eruptions when clothes come off.

  • When camping in Austria aged about 19......apparently it is illegal for 10 of you to get utterly shitfaced, have a massive fight with some Germans on the camp site and then return at 4am to pick up a tent with 2 Germans in and chuck it in the river.....who'd have thought it!

    Yes over there I think they are very fussy about what you throw in their rivers....
  • Quite a few Frenchies took exception to me shouting "God Save The Queen" at the Annual Remembrance ceremony in the Compiegne Forest on 11th November one year.

    Luckily I was stopped from the "You'd all be speaking German now" rant by some noble people on this forum.
  • Sousse vs kaislauton I found out that throwing caramel pea nuts around and at the fella In the suit but the same padded chair as myself was the priminster of Tunisia and his mates aren't just big but have guns
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  • edited June 2015
    Why do Brits have to act like complete knobs when they go to other countries, if I pulled me kit off at the top of shooters hill I'd be banged up in a paddy wagon before you could Say Simon Jordan is a twat.
  • Why do Brits have to act like complete knobs when they go to other countries

    Doh! Because we're Brits and Johnny should be grateful that we've deemed it suitable that we've visited their Country.

    After all, we could be making complete knobs of ourselves elsewhere.
  • Not a big deal really if you ask me. The girl did well!
  • edited June 2015
    I'm surprised that there has never been an earthquake with all the nakedness that goes on at the top of shooters hill
  • shirty5 said:

    I'm surprised that there has never been an earthquake with all the nakedness that goes on at the top of shooters hill

    There used to be a lot more of that sort of behaviour when it was part of Watling Street - that's why it's now called Shooters' Hill.
  • When camping in Austria aged about 19......apparently it is illegal for 10 of you to get utterly shitfaced, have a massive fight with some Germans on the camp site and then return at 4am to pick up a tent with 2 Germans in and chuck it in the river.....who'd have thought it!

    Was it you that started WW2 ?
  • edited June 2015
    Getting shitfaced on a Spanish campsite in 1982 one night with six of us jumping in and out of the pool bollock naked shouting "Las Malvinas estas Inglesias" then getting chased off by local plod.

    I of course in hindsight regret my actions because as you all know my Spanish grammar was appalling that night, I believe "...son Iglesias" is the correct use of the verb.
  • **Gives thanks to all the gods including the mountain ones that there was no social media when I was backpacking/young.**
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  • Not a big deal really if you ask me. The girl did well!

    Just to be serious for a Wee while.
    Sounds like some of the guys urinated in a holy spot on top of the mountain.(on this occasion the guys weren't Brits)
    If foreign tourist were caught doing the same in Whitehall over the cenotaph
    we would be outraged.

    This story does show how we think it's 2015 but in parts of the world, Beliefs are from ages past, we forget that at our peril.

    The shocking punishment of 1000 lashes and ten years in jail handed out by Saudi Arabia(who Britain love's to brown nose) to the local blogger who just wanted freedom of speech, makes you realise that when Europeans go traveling you could be going by a time tunnel and not just the channel tunnel.

  • Got a proper telling off in New York last week for trying a t shirt on without a vest underneath. Illegal apparently , no wonder those yanks wear all that baggy clobber , only way to make sure it ain't too small if you can't try it on.
  • edited June 2015
    I think the party showed disrespect. Not sure we are so different, If a group of foreigners took their clothes off and peed on Buckingham palace there would be similar outrage.

    i think more generally there is a lack of desire to integrate and find out more about differing cultures from us British. Many british tourists are actually annoyed when people don't speak English and make no attempt to communicate in the country they are in. Most countries love people having a go (except France for some reason). I was in Italy recently and Italians loved that I could speak Italian pretty well - they don't expect that from the English and a few told me so - so like to think I did my bit.
  • buckshee, you're joking right? I'm off to New York tomorrow, and I have'nt worn a vest since I left primary school. Are they likely to check if I'm wearing underpants, or if my socks match? Still, at least I don't own Crystal Palace clothing, as I can't how many vests you'd need to wear to make that aceptable.
  • I think the party showed disrespect. Not sure we are so different, If a group of foreigners took their clothes off and peed on Buckingham palace.

    So, (setting aside the nudity thing) you've just slogged up a mountain for a couple of hours and you find yourself needing to urinate... I'm guessing there's not a public toilet or a handy pub up there. Where do you go precisely?
  • buckshee, you're joking right? I'm off to New York tomorrow, and I have'nt worn a vest since I left primary school. Are they likely to check if I'm wearing underpants, or if my socks match? Still, at least I don't own Crystal Palace clothing, as I can't how many vests you'd need to wear to make that aceptable.

    Thing is I did it on the shop floor (big shop floor to be fair) and when the woman came over and went into one I said "what if I go to the fitting room" and she then told me it was a hygiene thing. Shame really as the shop I was in was really cheap but this put me off buying anything.
  • cafcfan said:

    I think the party showed disrespect. Not sure we are so different, If a group of foreigners took their clothes off and peed on Buckingham palace.

    So, (setting aside the nudity thing) you've just slogged up a mountain for a couple of hours and you find yourself needing to urinate... I'm guessing there's not a public toilet or a handy pub up there. Where do you go precisely?
    My problem is the locals saying it could anger the gods and cause an earthquake! Oh please , do me a favour . Gods schmods.
  • edited June 2015
    cafcfan said:

    I think the party showed disrespect. Not sure we are so different, If a group of foreigners took their clothes off and peed on Buckingham palace.

    So, (setting aside the nudity thing) you've just slogged up a mountain for a couple of hours and you find yourself needing to urinate... I'm guessing there's not a public toilet or a handy pub up there. Where do you go precisely?
    you go discretely*

    *except in Wales.
  • I dropped my trousers on top of a mountain once, but only to see if my todger would reach the ground. It did, but unfortunately two swiss climbers and a sherpa used it as a shortcut to climb up to the summit, and its never been the same since!.
  • Halix said:

    I dropped my trousers on top of a mountain once, but only to see if my todger would reach the ground. It did, but unfortunately two swiss climbers and a sherpa used it as a shortcut to climb up to the summit, and its never been the same since!.

    What a Tool Story :blush:

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