Obviously Escobar in the most unfortunate of senses, but in terms of the importance of the game, or timing therein, and in terms of the degree of awfulness -which is the worst and which is the worst in an England shirt?
Obviously Escobar in the most unfortunate of senses, but in terms of the importance of the game, or timing therein, and in terms of the degree of awfulness -which is the worst and which is the worst in an England shirt?
I remember Steve Downman scoring a 30 yard own goal over Nicky johns at The Valley back in the early eighties or did i dream it?
Was this sheffield wednesday at home.
Blimey I have no idea who it was against .All I remember us that I was about 12 years old standing high up on the open East terrace and Downman scored a corker in front of the covered end.
Gary neville played a very innocuous, innocent back pass to paul Robinson. Ball hits divot and hops over Robinsons already heftily swinging foot
That was pretty unfortunate for everyone involved
That was the only goal he scored for Forest too, IIRC.[Edit: having just checked on Wikipedia, thats totally incorrect. Walker scored one goal for Forest, an equalizer in a 1-1 draw with Luton Town]
This one's good as well.