How many homeless people do you currently accommodate all ready, your home must he huge, such a kind and considerate offer surely you offer that too all in need regardless of their immigration status,
Well I'd be homeless if I didn't live here, so one I suppose.
So you don't want to answer if you currently accommodate any uk people in need such as homeless people in your town or a single mum on her uppers or is it only immigrants you want to help.
Another person who can't quite grasp the difference between "immigrant" and "refugee"...
Why are these refugees not following the rules imposed by the EU by declaring refugee status in the first country they enter?
Also, now that they are out of harms way in Syria and safely in Hungary, why not stay there? You were fleeing for safety, you're safe... Why the need to proceed onto Germany, the UK etc? Oh I remember, money. Every single thing in this world comes back down to money or lack there of
Why not go to these refugee camps that Hungary has setup, you're safe at least, correct? But no, they don't want they, they start a skirmish with officers and start chanting Germany, Germany...
A point I made earlier. If you are fleeing for your life then surely Hungary is a very safe haven. But no, they refuse to register themselves there and want to move onwards to Germany or beyond. This isn't doing their cause any good at all as people then stop seeing them as genuine refugees and as people who just want to get as much money as possible from whomever is offering the best deal. In the end they just become the same as illegal immigrants to many.
These are real people with real lives that have been ruined through no fault of their own. It's not some sheep that we're herding around and trying to keep safe, these people are entitled to dream of starting a new life, especially given that the vast majority didn't want to leave the ones that they had previously. Expecting them to just settle for the bare minimum of human requirements, some food and shelter, but with no future to speak of, shows a serious lack of empathy.
I find it hard to understand how people can't see that in the twenty first century you are entitled to want more from your life than simply being free from the threat of being bombed in the night.
There's uproar on here when our trains are late yet we think that these refugees should be happy with a spot in a tent in some fetid refuge camp.
Completely agree with what you're saying however when it begins to effect the people that already reside and have contributed to the welfare of a nation, do you not think they are well within their right to be concerened and ask questions such as 'where are they gonna live?'...'what will they receive?'...'how many are coming?'...'isn't there a better alternative for all?'.
I completely agree with all of those questions because they're questions that are searching for a viable solution rather than an outright dismissal of the issue that starts 'why don't they just...?' or 'we're full'.
There's not an easy solution and only so much we can do but a general lack of empathy makes me worry about what kind of society we're living in.
There is such a lack of logic behind this old: "Well if you believe we should welcome refugees, how many are you gonna put up in your house?" It's total rubbish. Sharing a country and sharing a toilet are not a rational link at all.
You might think we should leave the EU. And that would be like me saying - Well if you really think that, why are you still buying goods that come from EU trade agreements? Why are you still propping up the European parliament by paying your taxes? Why do you own a German car and buy A-Grade EU vegetables. Why do you work the hours mandated by the EU? Surely if you really believed we should leave, you should do everything in your power to refute them?
No? No. Because those kinds of leaps are bloody ridiculous. Because to believe in an ideal you don't have to take that ideal to its absolute extreme.
One region in Spain (Galicia) is actively encouraging people to go there because of the population drop.
Of course, you would have to work and rent somewhere to live (rents are obviously very low due to low demand), and go about setting up a new rural life - in perfect safety. There are approx 1500 abandoned villages. The average birth rate is only 1 child per woman (compared to 1.55 in the EU as an average).
I don't notice any migrants or refugees heading for Galicia - they have probably never heard of it (like most of us). Why not get the EU to send 25000 refugees there and solve two problems in one go?
Norway offers people a subsidy to live in the North of the country, due to population loss in that part. Once again, all perfectly safe - maybe not ideal - but if these are genuine refugees, then safety should be their first concern.
These people are heading to UK and Germany for reasons other than safety - so that's where our obligations should stop.
We are not the world's police force/ambulance service/or job centre - any problems? Then ring Obama, and his boys will happily pop over and sort out international issues - we in UK have plenty of problems of our own to sort out.
Keep your politics out of football, we don't need a flag. It destroys one of the beauties of football to be honest, I can be sitting at The Valley with a Guardian reader one side, a Daily Mail reader the other but we have something in common. We can hug, cheer and jump together... no politics.
Don't ruin that beauty.
On the subject of Guardian readers I'm still yet to meet a lifer on any of my away day ventures!
Exactly. To come back to my first post of not enough accommodation(affordable as well) and too many people. To all the people who think the Government should help with more and more people coming in to this country, would you be prepared to offer accommodation in your own homes?
We've already had that ludicrous question but yes, yes I would.
That is very noble of you. You are a truly generous person and a inspiration to us all. Will you be so kind as to get me a ticket for the Rotherham game?
ok this is what i think we could do and should do long and short term:
1) Agree to take 10,000 ---a one off no more thats TOTAL. 2)Identify how many newcomers of the 330,000 legal immigrants a year go to NI,Wales,and Scotland and relocate the 10,000 to whom ever takes the fewest of the 330,000. 3) Amend (not get rid) of the Human Rights Act so Failed asylum seekers can be moved out quick and criminal scum cant use the act to stay here. 4) Dont send foreign aid budget to India or countrys that have a poor human rights record and use the money on the infrastructure to accommodate the newcomers. 5) Instead of paying the EU £3billion more as our economy is doing well use the money on new schools,hospitals and homes. 6)Tell Emma Thompson to go f--k her socialist self and stay in the USA.
How many homeless people do you currently accommodate all ready, your home must he huge, such a kind and considerate offer surely you offer that too all in need regardless of their immigration status,
Well I'd be homeless if I didn't live here, so one I suppose.
So you don't want to answer if you currently accommodate any uk people in need such as homeless people in your town or a single mum on her uppers or is it only immigrants you want to help.
Another person who can't quite grasp the difference between "immigrant" and "refugee"...
And do you seriously think the British border police could do a better job?
The minority of people in the UK are right wing and happen to be the least intelligent. They are scared of change. Scared of what they can't understand. The media control them through their fear eg stories of nhs education housing being limited, the march of Europe, the march of Muslim fundamentalism, poor people coming for their jobs, disabled people taking their taxes etc etc. They are managed like that for the benefit of the establishment. Immigration is one such fear that is planted.
The fact is immigration has never hurt our economy or us as individuals and never will.
Don't fear and embrace the change. The 1930s 1950s etc have gone.
It's a shame that amongst the understandable passionate debate which the subject of migrants generates, there hasn't been any mention of long-term demographics which might explain why Germany is putting down the welcome mat more readily.
In short Germany has a demographic timebomb on its hands (median age of its population is 46 compared to the UK at 40) - its birth rate is even lower than Japan's which is engaged in a perennial struggle with its own demographic timebomb.
One of the easiest ways to solve the situation is to invite lots of hard-working young men as immigrants (something which has been culturally anathema to the Japanese until now).
Some countries need migrants, some don't. Some can help more financially. All have a part to play but they have to have a starting point of how can do something about this and what is the best way of doing it. Where it is every country for itself, it creates more confusion. If we all worked together with the same goals which we put above self interest, it would all be a lot better. Germany sending a message out that they want migrants isn’t necessarily the wisest thing to do. It doesn’t matter how you get to Hungary, whether it being escaping a war or not – when you do get there, you want the best option. I don’t see how that is so strange or in need of criticism. Then you hear that the best option (Germany) seems to want you and the Hungarians are trying to stop you it causes problems! The Germans feel a bit better but it doesn’t necessarily help the situation.
Scotland's population is 5 and a half million. London's is 8 and a half million. There is no room in England for refugees. They state 58 million is our population but add a couple of million more. That is at least 10 million more than our infrastructure can handle.
Nicola Sturgeon as first Minister wants to help. Scotland could take 2 million extra people with no trouble at all, will need more police,hospitals Schools which will create jobs, for builders, teachers nurses, leisure industry etc. Then Scotland decide, stay part of the UK and get your money from Westminster, or get Independence and stand on your own two feet.
This Country is struggling to look after our own old folk, and having to sell my in-laws house which they had worked all their life for, to pay for their care,Sorry if i come across callous to some of you but i won't succumb to emotional Blackmail. A child dies of hunger every 10 seconds in Africa so a leaflet that came through my door tells me. shame the head of that organisation can't earn 60k a year instead of 250k a year then more money could go towards helping.
There are plenty of countries with room, not just Scotland. Canada and parts of the States, Alaska has plenty of space. This is like a crazy guilt trip. Help to find a solution but don't be naive to think that this won't get worse as the world becomes even more polarized by religious and tribal differences which result in internecine carnage.
How many homeless people do you currently accommodate all ready, your home must he huge, such a kind and considerate offer surely you offer that too all in need regardless of their immigration status,
Well I'd be homeless if I didn't live here, so one I suppose.
So you don't want to answer if you currently accommodate any uk people in need such as homeless people in your town or a single mum on her uppers or is it only immigrants you want to help.
Why do you think you have the right to dictate to others what issues or causes they should support? It's up to him what he does and at least he is thinking of doing something that helps. And you - do you house someone in need? Or are you just trying to look clever without doing anything to help anyone except your position with the naysayers.
Scotland's population is 5 and a half million. London's is 8 and a half million. There is no room in England for refugees. They state 58 million is our population but add a couple of million more. That is at least 10 million more than our infrastructure can handle.
Nicola Sturgeon as first Minister wants to help. Scotland could take 2 million extra people with no trouble at all, will need more police,hospitals Schools which will create jobs, for builders, teachers nurses, leisure industry etc. Then Scotland decide, stay part of the UK and get your money from Westminster, or get Independence and stand on your own two feet.
This Country is struggling to look after our own old folk, and having to sell my in-laws house which they had worked all their life for, to pay for their care,Sorry if i come across callous to some of you but i won't succumb to emotional Blackmail. A child dies of hunger every 10 seconds in Africa so a leaflet that came through my door tells me. shame the head of that organisation can't earn 60k a year instead of 250k a year then more money could go towards helping.
There are plenty of countries with room, not just Scotland. Canada and parts of the States, Alaska has plenty of space. This is like a crazy guilt trip. Help to find a solution but don't be naive to think that this won't get worse as the world becomes even more polarized by religious and tribal differences which result in internecine carnage.
This country is not struggling to look after its own folk. It is a conscious decision called austerity. It is a choice. Our economy can support our folk and millions more. Use all the empty properties in London for a start. The full up idea is just media propaganda to support the austerity heist.
o dear o dear so there we have it the "Right" are less intelligent the the "left" ---of course they are its why your socialist ideology is in the dustbin with all the trash--rejected time and again---but all those people who rejected it are of the "right" and less intelligent !! cant wait till Corbyn wins and nails your political coffin shut for good.
just a point but if MASS immigration is so good for the UK why did your Labour Party lie about it happening for 13 years ?
Fill up the empty houses tick What about schools Dentists Dr's Hospitals And every other infrastructure required to facilitate the influx, then let's see how far the penny's stretch
I'm well aware of the empty properties and the laundered money that has gone into properties, from Russian etc but if you think that there is room for millions of people in England you must love being crammed together. All you end up with is illness and the NHS being more under siege than it is. The austerity illusion is true as the so called poor seem to afford their latest phone contracts Ok.
Scotland's population is 5 and a half million. London's is 8 and a half million. There is no room in England for refugees. They state 58 million is our population but add a couple of million more. That is at least 10 million more than our infrastructure can handle.
Nicola Sturgeon as first Minister wants to help. Scotland could take 2 million extra people with no trouble at all, will need more police,hospitals Schools which will create jobs, for builders, teachers nurses, leisure industry etc. Then Scotland decide, stay part of the UK and get your money from Westminster, or get Independence and stand on your own two feet.
This Country is struggling to look after our own old folk, and having to sell my in-laws house which they had worked all their life for, to pay for their care,Sorry if i come across callous to some of you but i won't succumb to emotional Blackmail. A child dies of hunger every 10 seconds in Africa so a leaflet that came through my door tells me. shame the head of that organisation can't earn 60k a year instead of 250k a year then more money could go towards helping.
There are plenty of countries with room, not just Scotland. Canada and parts of the States, Alaska has plenty of space. This is like a crazy guilt trip. Help to find a solution but don't be naive to think that this won't get worse as the world becomes even more polarized by religious and tribal differences which result in internecine carnage.
This country is not struggling to look after its own folk. It is a conscious decision called austerity. It is a choice. Our economy can support our folk and millions more. Use all the empty properties in London for a start. The full up idea is just media propaganda to support the austerity heist.
I take it you've not been to an A&E waiting room recently?
Scotland's population is 5 and a half million. London's is 8 and a half million. There is no room in England for refugees. They state 58 million is our population but add a couple of million more. That is at least 10 million more than our infrastructure can handle.
Nicola Sturgeon as first Minister wants to help. Scotland could take 2 million extra people with no trouble at all, will need more police,hospitals Schools which will create jobs, for builders, teachers nurses, leisure industry etc. Then Scotland decide, stay part of the UK and get your money from Westminster, or get Independence and stand on your own two feet.
This Country is struggling to look after our own old folk, and having to sell my in-laws house which they had worked all their life for, to pay for their care,Sorry if i come across callous to some of you but i won't succumb to emotional Blackmail. A child dies of hunger every 10 seconds in Africa so a leaflet that came through my door tells me. shame the head of that organisation can't earn 60k a year instead of 250k a year then more money could go towards helping.
There are plenty of countries with room, not just Scotland. Canada and parts of the States, Alaska has plenty of space. This is like a crazy guilt trip. Help to find a solution but don't be naive to think that this won't get worse as the world becomes even more polarized by religious and tribal differences which result in internecine carnage.
This country is not struggling to look after its own folk. It is a conscious decision called austerity. It is a choice. Our economy can support our folk and millions more. Use all the empty properties in London for a start. The full up idea is just media propaganda to support the austerity heist.
I take it you've not been to an A&E waiting room recently?
Due to deliberate underfunding and mistakes on GP working hours not due to population.
o dear o dear so there we have it the "Right" are less intelligent the the "left" ---of course they are its why your socialist ideology is in the dustbin with all the trash--rejected time and again---but all those people who rejected it are of the "right" and less intelligent !! cant wait till Corbyn wins and nails your political coffin shut for good.
just a point but if MASS immigration is so good for the UK why did your Labour Party lie about it happening for 13 years ?
Because the establishment have used the Tories and the press to make the words socialism and left hated, because they know their audience are thick. They laugh at those that vote for them. They gave the majority the chance of power but knew they could control that vote.
o dear o dear so there we have it the "Right" are less intelligent the the "left" ---of course they are its why your socialist ideology is in the dustbin with all the trash--rejected time and again---but all those people who rejected it are of the "right" and less intelligent !! cant wait till Corbyn wins and nails your political coffin shut for good.
just a point but if MASS immigration is so good for the UK why did your Labour Party lie about it happening for 13 years ?
Because the establishment have used the Tories and the press to make the words socialism and left hated, because they know their audience are thick. They laugh at those that vote for them. They gave the majority the chance of power but knew they could control that vote.
o dear o dear so there we have it the "Right" are less intelligent the the "left" ---of course they are its why your socialist ideology is in the dustbin with all the trash--rejected time and again---but all those people who rejected it are of the "right" and less intelligent !! cant wait till Corbyn wins and nails your political coffin shut for good.
just a point but if MASS immigration is so good for the UK why did your Labour Party lie about it happening for 13 years ?
Because the establishment have used the Tories and the press to make the words socialism and left hated, because they know their audience are thick. They laugh at those that vote for them. They gave the majority the chance of power but knew they could control that vote.
Would you say they are as thick as wanting your own team to get relegated?
o dear o dear so there we have it the "Right" are less intelligent the the "left" ---of course they are its why your socialist ideology is in the dustbin with all the trash--rejected time and again---but all those people who rejected it are of the "right" and less intelligent !! cant wait till Corbyn wins and nails your political coffin shut for good.
just a point but if MASS immigration is so good for the UK why did your Labour Party lie about it happening for 13 years ?
Because the establishment have used the Tories and the press to make the words socialism and left hated, because they know their audience are thick. They laugh at those that vote for them. They gave the majority the chance of power but knew they could control that vote.
Would you say they are as thick as wanting your own team to get relegated?
just a personal experience about the nhs - my grandfather age 91 was on a nhs waiting list for a pacemaker ( quite a simple operation ) for nearly 18 months, the inevitable happened and he had a major heart attack on Christmas day which nearly finished him off thankfully it didn't and he has such had the operation and is recovering, now all of this was caused due to the nhs being stretched beyond there capabilities, so with all due respect people need to stop spouting crap about how we can manage, they say 300,000 have signed a petition to take more refugees well what about people that don't want them, im sure there would be more than 300,000
as this is a discussion forum - im not dictating to anyone just giving my view, which im entitled to, far too much of it on here lately about what people can and cant say.
send aid, send the army to help, but we don't have to take anymore the population of the uk has raised by nearly 500,000 in the last year, eventually were going to burst!.
o dear o dear so there we have it the "Right" are less intelligent the the "left" ---of course they are its why your socialist ideology is in the dustbin with all the trash--rejected time and again---but all those people who rejected it are of the "right" and less intelligent !! cant wait till Corbyn wins and nails your political coffin shut for good.
just a point but if MASS immigration is so good for the UK why did your Labour Party lie about it happening for 13 years ?
Because the establishment have used the Tories and the press to make the words socialism and left hated, because they know their audience are thick. They laugh at those that vote for them. They gave the majority the chance of power but knew they could control that vote.
It would be like bashing your head against a brick wall trying to tell most people on Charlton Life that. They are way too far gone!
just a personal experience about the nhs - my grandfather age 91 was on a nhs waiting list for a pacemaker ( quite a simple operation ) for nearly 18 months, the inevitable happened and he had a major heart attack on Christmas day which nearly finished him off thankfully it didn't and he has such had the operation and is recovering, now all of this was caused due to the nhs being stretched beyond there capabilities, so with all due respect people need to stop spouting crap about how we can manage, they say 300,000 have signed a petition to take more refugees well what about people that don't want them, im sure there would be more than 300,000
as this is a discussion forum - im not dictating to anyone just giving my view, which im entitled to, far too much of it on here lately about what people can and cant say.
send aid, send the army to help, but we don't have to take anymore the population of the uk has raised by nearly 500,000 in the last year, eventually were going to burst!.
Noooo we can cope, you're just another thick ring wing supporter,embrace the change you racist!
o dear o dear so there we have it the "Right" are less intelligent the the "left" ---of course they are its why your socialist ideology is in the dustbin with all the trash--rejected time and again---but all those people who rejected it are of the "right" and less intelligent !! cant wait till Corbyn wins and nails your political coffin shut for good.
just a point but if MASS immigration is so good for the UK why did your Labour Party lie about it happening for 13 years ?
Because the establishment have used the Tories and the press to make the words socialism and left hated, because they know their audience are thick. They laugh at those that vote for them. They gave the majority the chance of power but knew they could control that vote.
I hate it when you read someone's posts on a topic and think "this guys kinda on my wavelength, I like the things he has to say" then he goes and writes something mental.
There's not an easy solution and only so much we can do but a general lack of empathy makes me worry about what kind of society we're living in.
You might think we should leave the EU. And that would be like me saying - Well if you really think that, why are you still buying goods that come from EU trade agreements? Why are you still propping up the European parliament by paying your taxes? Why do you own a German car and buy A-Grade EU vegetables. Why do you work the hours mandated by the EU? Surely if you really believed we should leave, you should do everything in your power to refute them?
No? No. Because those kinds of leaps are bloody ridiculous. Because to believe in an ideal you don't have to take that ideal to its absolute extreme.
Of course, you would have to work and rent somewhere to live (rents are obviously very low due to low demand), and go about setting up a new rural life - in perfect safety. There are approx 1500 abandoned villages. The average birth rate is only 1 child per woman (compared to 1.55 in the EU as an average).
I don't notice any migrants or refugees heading for Galicia - they have probably never heard of it (like most of us).
Why not get the EU to send 25000 refugees there and solve two problems in one go?
Norway offers people a subsidy to live in the North of the country, due to population loss in that part.
Once again, all perfectly safe - maybe not ideal - but if these are genuine refugees, then safety should be their first concern.
These people are heading to UK and Germany for reasons other than safety - so that's where our obligations should stop.
We are not the world's police force/ambulance service/or job centre - any problems? Then ring Obama, and his boys will happily pop over and sort out international issues - we in UK have plenty of problems of our own to sort out.
To come back to my first post of not enough accommodation(affordable as well) and too many people.
To all the people who think the Government should help with more and more people coming in to this country, would you be prepared to offer accommodation in your own homes?
We've already had that ludicrous question but yes, yes I would.
That is very noble of you. You are a truly generous person and a inspiration to us all.
Will you be so kind as to get me a ticket for the Rotherham game?
1) Agree to take 10,000 ---a one off no more thats TOTAL.
2)Identify how many newcomers of the 330,000 legal immigrants a year go to NI,Wales,and Scotland and relocate the 10,000 to whom ever takes the fewest of the 330,000.
3) Amend (not get rid) of the Human Rights Act so Failed asylum seekers can be moved out quick and criminal scum cant use the act to stay here.
4) Dont send foreign aid budget to India or countrys that have a poor human rights record and use the money on the infrastructure to accommodate the newcomers.
5) Instead of paying the EU £3billion more as our economy is doing well use the money on new schools,hospitals and homes.
6)Tell Emma Thompson to go f--k her socialist self and stay in the USA.
The fact is immigration has never hurt our economy or us as individuals and never will.
Don't fear and embrace the change. The 1930s 1950s etc have gone.
We should be grateful to have one of the more enlightened on board to put this one to bed.
In short Germany has a demographic timebomb on its hands (median age of its population is 46 compared to the UK at 40) - its birth rate is even lower than Japan's which is engaged in a perennial struggle with its own demographic timebomb.
One of the easiest ways to solve the situation is to invite lots of hard-working young men as immigrants (something which has been culturally anathema to the Japanese until now).
London's is 8 and a half million.
There is no room in England for refugees.
They state 58 million is our population but add a couple of million more.
That is at least 10 million more than our infrastructure can handle.
Nicola Sturgeon as first Minister wants to help.
Scotland could take 2 million extra people with no trouble at all,
will need more police,hospitals Schools which will create jobs, for builders, teachers nurses, leisure industry etc.
Then Scotland decide, stay part of the UK and get your money from Westminster,
or get Independence and stand on your own two feet.
This Country is struggling to look after our own old folk, and having to sell my
in-laws house which they had worked all their life for, to pay for their care,Sorry
if i come across callous to some of you but i won't succumb to emotional Blackmail. A child dies of hunger every 10 seconds in Africa so a leaflet that came through my door tells me. shame the head of that organisation can't earn
60k a year instead of 250k a year then more money could go towards helping.
There are plenty of countries with room, not just Scotland.
Canada and parts of the States, Alaska has plenty of space.
This is like a crazy guilt trip.
Help to find a solution but don't be naive to think that this won't get worse as the world becomes even more polarized by religious and tribal differences which result in internecine carnage.
And you - do you house someone in need? Or are you just trying to look clever without doing anything to help anyone except your position with the naysayers.
just a point but if MASS immigration is so good for the UK why did your Labour Party lie about it happening for 13 years ?
What about schools
And every other infrastructure required to facilitate the influx, then let's see how far the penny's stretch
people in England you must love being crammed together.
All you end up with is illness and the NHS being more under siege than it is.
The austerity illusion is true as the so called poor seem to afford their latest phone contracts Ok.
as this is a discussion forum - im not dictating to anyone just giving my view, which im entitled to, far too much of it on here lately about what people can and cant say.
send aid, send the army to help, but we don't have to take anymore the population of the uk has raised by nearly 500,000 in the last year, eventually were going to burst!.