He has to go but probably wont. I bet Boris is laughing on the inside desperately hoping to jump into the position ( god help us)
I fear for Lord Ashcroft though. i wouldn't be surprised if in a couple of years time he's found dead - David Kelly style.
I doubt it was Boris laughing, as he was in most of the societies that Dave was.
Whereas George Osbourne...
He was in the Bullingdon as well.
I think this is a pretty weak story. Ashcroft says that a Tory MP (no names) claimed that he had seen a photo of the pork stuffing. If the story is to have any legs, the name of the MP will have to be divulged. At the moment, it just sounds like a smear base on Lyndon Johnson's famous accusation that an opponent had relations with a sow on his farm. Not because it was true but because he wanted to hear the bastard deny it.
Lyndon, Boris still a Johnson talking about a Johnson.....
Why would he resign because of an unsubstantiated claim made by a man clearly out to humiliate Cameron in any way he can? Unless Ashcroft pops up with this picture the whole thing will die down
(whoosh alert: in case you're incredibly dense this is not actually a video of David Cameron and Lord Ashcroft but in fact a clip from an animated film called South Park: Bigger, Longer, Uncut)
Had a friend that fell asleep with his mouth open, which his best mate then obliged by dropping his cock in his mouth (and egged on by their wives). Always wondered what would happen if he woke startled and bit it
I'm sure most people have a story where 'a friend' has parked their penis in a non-standard (un)loading bay.....
I love the way everyone just assumes this is 100pc true! As for the lefties all jumping on the 'he needs to resign' bandwagon - oh give over. In fact, I would rather we had a dead pig running the country than Jeremy 'I look like DamoNorthStands smelly old Geography teacher' Corbyn.
I love the way everyone just assumes this is 100pc true! As for the lefties all jumping on the 'he needs to resign' bandwagon - oh give over. In fact, I would rather we had a dead pig running the country than Jeremy 'I look like DamoNorthStands smelly old Geography teacher' Corbyn.
It's certainly a convenient morning for those normally sceptical of the Daily Mail to take complete leave of their intellectual capacities.
I love the way everyone just assumes this is 100pc true! As for the lefties all jumping on the 'he needs to resign' bandwagon - oh give over. In fact, I would rather we had a dead pig running the country than Jeremy 'I look like DamoNorthStands smelly old Geography teacher' Corbyn.
Well Lord Ashcroft is telling us it is true and he's not a lefty. I can't believe he or the Mail have made it up to sell books/papers.
Chill out, no one really cares if it is true, it's just silly. Hilarious that you're trying to spin it as a lefty attack when it is totally an inhouse righty job. Et tu Brutus as they say at Eton.
The accusation that he knew about Ashcrofts non-dom status is much more significant. We'll see what else the former tory bigwig has to reveal this week.
I hope this answers your question.
Probably didn't happen anyway.
prime minister allegedly was amorous with a pig
Leader of the Labour Party allegedly amorous with Diane abbot
I'd say it's 1-1
I can't stand Cameron or his cronies but what Lord Ashcroft has done , whether it's true or not , is childish and pathetic.
(whoosh alert: in case you're incredibly dense this is not actually a video of David Cameron and Lord Ashcroft but in fact a clip from an animated film called South Park: Bigger, Longer, Uncut)
Corbyn though, how could he?
I'm sure most people have a story where 'a friend' has parked their penis in a non-standard (un)loading bay.....
I must not be most people then as I have no such story to tell.
This I'm pretty damn sure, will be a thread that @Carter will dominate once he comes across it :-)
Chill out, no one really cares if it is true, it's just silly. Hilarious that you're trying to spin it as a lefty attack when it is totally an inhouse righty job. Et tu Brutus as they say at Eton.
The accusation that he knew about Ashcrofts non-dom status is much more significant. We'll see what else the former tory bigwig has to reveal this week.