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Another Shooting In America?



  • limeygent said:

    limeygent said:

    limeygent said:

    No matter which side of this argument you are on, you will never be persuaded by the other. It's the same over here.
    I'm at an age now where I couldn't fight my way out of a paper bag. I keep a pump-action shot-gun in my house, and hope that any intruder would be persuaded to leave by the noise the gun makes when a shell is chambered. If not, I'm prepared to protect myself and my family.

    So you agree there is no need for the public to be able to buy and own assault rifles?
    I have no need for one myself.
    That wasn't the question as you know.
    I see no need for civilians to own these weapons, but I know people who have them. I wouldn't deny these people the right to own them because I don't see them (the people) as dangerous.
    But that's the thing with mental/ emotional can deteriorate over a short space of time with devastating effects and possibly impercebtibly to those around them.

    I am sure there may well be a correlation of the stereotypical loner who's family may have concerns about their mental state before they've gone on a sickening rampage but I would bet there will be a good number whos friends and family will have had no idea what was going through their minds leading up to stuff like this.

    How many times do the parents of these perpetrators come across genuinely shocked and give the "Had no idea they were capable" line. By having access to automatic weapons whether legally or by proliferation in a nation where ownership of firearms is constitutional then it's a ticking time bomb for every disturbed individual who's had enough and decides to go out in their own twisted blaze of glory for their warped cause.

  • edited June 2016

    Personally I wouldn't own an assault rifle anyway. 500 rounds per minute. I mean what's the point. Get an Uzi at 1700 rounds per minute is the way to protect yourself and your loved ones.

    Helpful comment.
  • Personally I wouldn't own an assault rifle anyway. 500 rounds per minute. I mean what's the point. Get an Uzi at 1700 rounds per minute is the way to protect yourself and your loved ones.

    Helpful comment.
    An effort to show the stupidity of allowing assault rifles. No fllipen intent.

  • Does anybody believe that ANY ban, on ANY type of gun, would cause people to turn them in? What would be left after law-abiding people complied?
  • limeygent said:

    Does anybody believe that ANY ban, on ANY type of gun, would cause people to turn them in? What would be left after law-abiding people complied?

    You are absolutely right. The boat has long sailed in the respect of doing anything positive to this lunacy in the USA.

  • limeygent said:

    Does anybody believe that ANY ban, on ANY type of gun, would cause people to turn them in? What would be left after law-abiding people complied?

    How many accidental deaths and injuries a year in the homes of law abiding gun owners? They might drop for a start
  • McBobbin said:

    limeygent said:

    Does anybody believe that ANY ban, on ANY type of gun, would cause people to turn them in? What would be left after law-abiding people complied?

    How many accidental deaths and injuries a year in the homes of law abiding gun owners? They might drop for a start
    It's about the same as car accidents, but far fewer than accidental poisonings. Stupidity and carelessness to blame in most cases. Maybe we should ban cars as well?
  • limeygent said:

    Does anybody believe that ANY ban, on ANY type of gun, would cause people to turn them in? What would be left after law-abiding people complied?

    People caught with guns thereafter are automatically criminals... same as in Australia after they banned guns and have not suffered a spate of shootings of innocent civilians since despite their law abiding citizenship being unarmed.
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  • If nobody had a gun, obviously nobody would get shot. If everyone had a gun would nobody get shot? Or would the overall murder rate be lower than if nobody had a gun but used knives? Just wondering what the optimum gun ownership rate to preserving human life might be.
  • That the existing gun laws are so flouted should be an indication of how effective any new laws would be.
  • For all that limeygent is getting unrelenting stick and incredulity here, bear in mind that his position is very typical of Americans, and moderate compared to many. Terrifying but sadly true
  • edited June 2016
    The gun companies and gun lobby must be in disbelieving wonder that the right to bear arms is still considered a legitimate rationale for this lunacy.
  • limeygent said:

    No matter which side of this argument you are on, you will never be persuaded by the other. It's the same over here.
    I'm at an age now where I couldn't fight my way out of a paper bag. I keep a pump-action shot-gun in my house, and hope that any intruder would be persuaded to leave by the noise the gun makes when a shell is chambered. If not, I'm prepared to protect myself and my family.

    How many intruders have there been in your neighbourhood in the last year that have killed or assaulted the residents?
  • vffvff
    edited June 2016
    The shooter allegedly pledged allegiance to Daesh. Trump says that this shooting proves his point. Trump will try to use the shooting for his own political ends and to deflect any criticism away from the country's gun laws.

    Daesh wants Trump as this fits into their aim of dividing all people between christian / muslim as they think this is leading to a big confrontation, which they think will win. Daesh are an Anti human death cult. Daesh also want Trump to win, as his actions and what he says, creates further division, which is what Daesh are all about. The hardline conservatives / hawks on both sides feed off each others actions for their own ends.
  • BBC have just reported that he allegedly called 911 to pledge allegiance to ISIS
  • Oh the irony of ringing that number
  • ISIS have said on their news network that they claim responsibility.
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  • edited June 2016
    I cannot see how anyone can justify owning an assault rifle in peacetime in a " civilised" country. If I was somewhere where I felt the need to own one for my safety, then I would not consider I was in a civilised place. Luckily I am somewhere that I don't feel requires me to arm myself to the teeth for that level of protection.
    The other point I would like to make, is what level of gun is unacceptable - machine gun, howitzer, where is the line drawn?
    Mass shootings in America will not stop, until there is a major shift in US thinking on their gun laws.
  • edited June 2016
    I haven't read all the posts on here but it seems that the FBI/Law Enforcement Agencies were aware that the gunman had made Anti Gay/pro islamic extremist statements more than once but even so was allowed to keep his weapons as he 'worked in security'
    This incident could well play into the hands of Donald Trump .. Islamic extremism/ murderer married to a Muslim immigrant .. the USA continues to be in a mess without any type of clean up in sight
  • ISIS have said on their news network that they claim responsibility.

    Which they would do, true or not. This is exactly the kind of situation that plays right into their hands.
  • yeah bit of 'street cred' for isis either way.
  • limeygent said:

    Protection against those who would do me harm, obviously, and is my right.

    And so the circle gets more vicious!! Love visiting the country on holiday but it really is a barmpot of a nation.
  • Personally I wouldn't own an assault rifle anyway. 500 rounds per minute. I mean what's the point. Get an Uzi at 1700 rounds per minute is the way to protect yourself and your loved ones.

    the vast majority of assault rifles have a much greater muzzle velocity and larger calibre ammunition than your Uzi .. Uzis are deadly in the right circumstances but as a rule, the good old assault rifle gives far more killing potential bang for your buck
  • @limeygent I have a question for you. It's not intended to create or cause an argument. It's just a means of balancing opinion. It's (thankfully) a hypothetical question.

    If someone breaks into your house and you shoot him dead, have you prevented a crime or committed one?
  • The sole purpose of a gun is to inflict massive injury or death to whatever it is fired at. There is zero reason for anyone to own one. Plus im pretty sure the constitution has been amended once or twice so the right to bear arms bollocks doesnt really stand up to scrutiny
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