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Taking Back our Charlton - Blackburn onwards



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    edited January 2016
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    if we get a draw at colchester the replay would be a cash game so would we be inclined to not attend at all and risk going out of cup as no support there or attend fully and support the team?.

    Or, turn up,go into West Stand,give the team support,and give the regime pelters.
    fair play but we cant boycott not buy anything for a few games then just hand over 100k in ticket sales worked that on 3000 visiting colchester fans and 7000 home fans at £10.00 a ticket
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    "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter" - Martin Luther King

    I hope that we stay up, but either way these people need to leave our club.
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    mogodon said:

    We need to do things that won't inconvenience the fans and won't harm the club (ie get us fined, deducted points or made to look like thugs in the media). Boycotts a good start, and of everything from programmes to food and drink (toilets exempt from this action). If that woman is still there come the summer then nobody should buy new kit. Season ticket renewal is a personal choice but suspect a lot won't renew anyway if the Wicked Witch of the West Stand is still in situ.

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    RedChaser said:

    mogodon said:

    We need to do things that won't inconvenience the fans and won't harm the club (ie get us fined, deducted points or made to look like thugs in the media). Boycotts a good start, and of everything from programmes to food and drink (toilets exempt from this action). If that woman is still there come the summer then nobody should buy new kit. Season ticket renewal is a personal choice but suspect a lot won't renew anyway if the Wicked Witch of the West Stand is still in situ.

    As we move towards season ticket renewal time I think an organised boycott would be necessary, and could be very effective. I am not suggesting a match boycott, but losing the 2/3 million advance they get from ST sales will have an impact.

    If they do not get the normal season ticket revenue in May/July RD will have to put his hand in his pocket big time to keep the club going and protect his investment.

    At some point he will cut his losses and go, but it may not be yet.
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    RedChaser said:

    mogodon said:

    We need to do things that won't inconvenience the fans and won't harm the club (ie get us fined, deducted points or made to look like thugs in the media). Boycotts a good start, and of everything from programmes to food and drink (toilets exempt from this action). If that woman is still there come the summer then nobody should buy new kit. Season ticket renewal is a personal choice but suspect a lot won't renew anyway if the Wicked Witch of the West Stand is still in situ.

    Can someone post a picture of Katrien with a green face... the resemblance looks uncanny
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    RedChaser said:

    mogodon said:

    We need to do things that won't inconvenience the fans and won't harm the club (ie get us fined, deducted points or made to look like thugs in the media). Boycotts a good start, and of everything from programmes to food and drink (toilets exempt from this action). If that woman is still there come the summer then nobody should buy new kit. Season ticket renewal is a personal choice but suspect a lot won't renew anyway if the Wicked Witch of the West Stand is still in situ.

    Can someone post a picture of Katrien with a green face... the resemblance looks uncanny
    Now she's firmly in the firing line, it'll be no good stalking her on the train or from the station, she'll be flying in on her broom if she's got any sense............Oh hang on a minute :wink:
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    mogodon said:

    We need to do things that won't inconvenience the fans and won't harm the club (ie get us fined, deducted points or made to look like thugs in the media). Boycotts a good start, and of everything from programmes to food and drink (toilets exempt from this action). If that woman is still there come the summer then nobody should buy new kit. Season ticket renewal is a personal choice but suspect a lot won't renew anyway if the Wicked Witch of the West Stand is still in situ.

    Agreed, however a lot of people will still buy season tickets regardless. It may cost people a few more quid but wait until the last possible moment (beginning of August) if you wish to purchase one.

    The other items mentioned yes, start from the Blackburn game if you haven't done so already. I've seen a comment on another thread about occupying Crossbars before home games but not purchasing anything. Another good idea.
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    shirty5 said:

    mogodon said:

    We need to do things that won't inconvenience the fans and won't harm the club (ie get us fined, deducted points or made to look like thugs in the media). Boycotts a good start, and of everything from programmes to food and drink (toilets exempt from this action). If that woman is still there come the summer then nobody should buy new kit. Season ticket renewal is a personal choice but suspect a lot won't renew anyway if the Wicked Witch of the West Stand is still in situ.

    Agreed, however a lot of people will still buy season tickets regardless. It may cost people a few more quid but wait until the last possible moment (beginning of August) if you wish to purchase one.
    Yes, that should be the approach.
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    Standard tonight saying RD has no intention of selling. We'll see KM at Blackburn for round 2 then.
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    cabbles said:

    Standard tonight saying RD has no intention of selling. We'll see KM at Blackburn for round 2 then.
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    cabbles said:

    Standard tonight saying RD has no intention of selling. We'll see KM at Blackburn for round 2 then.
    No surprise, at this stage what else would he say? In any event, I'm sure it's not a direct quote, so we will see.
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    cabbles said:

    Standard tonight saying RD has no intention of selling. We'll see KM at Blackburn for round 2 then.

    Would not read into any of that article, no quotes so just pure hot air.
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    cheap journalism - If they had spoken to him they would have a quote,
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    I read this from the Standard. Really, I saw no source other than 'the Evening Standard understands'. Anyway, the protests need to ho on.
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    Ignore it. It's piss poor writing (won't credit it with being journalism) as expected from that rag. Find something on the web, rewrite it (often they don't even do that) and give it a headline relevant to what is trending in that subject area and, bingo, a story in five minutes without even needing to speak to anyone or so any work.
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    cabbles said:

    Standard tonight saying RD has no intention of selling. We'll see KM at Blackburn for round 2 then.

    Would not read into any of that article, no quotes so just pure hot air.
    Yeah almost as bad as not coming to say hello to a fellow lifer when lifer identifies himself to another lifer on a coach back from Bristol :wink:
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    I'm making a new year resolution to spend nothing in the ground . No programme , no lottery ,no hotdog (cheaper and better outside ) and no drinks .
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    If we draw at Colchester I will boycot the home game .
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    I'm making a new year resolution to spend nothing in the ground . No programme , no lottery ,no hotdog (cheaper and better outside ) and no drinks .

    Good for you. I managed on Saturday, my only weakness a visit to the urinal. Given the state of those on a match day we could plaster them with Meire Out posters and they'd still be there next season.
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    You scored the best away goal I had seen Charlton score when you belted one in at qpr

    Great post better goal 8)
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    cabbles said:

    cabbles said:

    Standard tonight saying RD has no intention of selling. We'll see KM at Blackburn for round 2 then.

    Would not read into any of that article, no quotes so just pure hot air.
    Yeah almost as bad as not coming to say hello to a fellow lifer when lifer identifies himself to another lifer on a coach back from Bristol :wink:
    Got me there, I'm shy!
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