Was listening to David Mitchell talking about civility on the radio earlier and he was talking about how we greet people we know.
Now we are all sensitive new men in touch with our inner feelings on here so I was wondering how do you greet your mates these days?
Arm round the shoulder?
Manly handshake?
Affectionate headbutt?
A mumbled "Alright?"
Or as my mum used to say to me - " Morning, wanker."
The thing is, it has got quite tricky in the last few years, I shake hands with some of my mates, hug a couple, and my best mate I normally give him a pat on the back. The worst one is a mate started hugging me every time we met the few times each year, then the bastard looked at me in shock the last time when I had already committed to moving in to give him the "hug" to demonstrate I could do this new thing too. Awkward. Maybe he just wanted to shower on his own, who knows ;-).
Anyway, I have decided to start asking people what they do, so feel free anyone to share your views and experiences, which will only ever be used for the purposes of blackmail :-)
I don't actually agree that they should do this handshake though! It's a bit informal and although it is pretty inconsequential it should be a proper handshake before a game IMO, but what do I know?
Although when I go round my mates flat I usually press the buzzer until he opens the door so he usually answers by telling me the f**k off
with my best mate to this day I still do the fresh prince handshake though...
You are the prime suspect now.
Right, who's up for a pre match 'meet and greet' then? ;-)
That is the one I meant.
The Christmas period means that there is a game nearly every two days so we've constantly got Football to discuss, go back to normal and this happens
I don't advocate the arm-wrestle shake. I prefer the old school firm grip meeting open palms.
2 things I don't like about this though. Those who grip and squeeze your fingers before palms have touched giving the impression of a limp fish handshake from me and a false impression of dominance and power from the opposite shaker.
And an actual fanny, limp, weak, drippy gripped handshake.
No problem with genuine palm to palm crushing handshakes, they make the world go round
Or if I'm meeting @DaveMehmet it's a quick ball squeeze and a kiss on both cheeks
Many of my best mates are women so they get a hug, a peck on the cheek and sometimes even a cheeky pat on the bum.
Its quick, clean and easy. No clasping of dirty hands, hugging of soiled, germ ridden clothing or exchanging of bodily fluids involved. The handshake, hug and kiss have had their day.