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The Laundry Basket

Seems to be conflicting accounts of what happened post match with some saying it was an orderly retreat by Fraeye and the fragrant Ms Meire, others that they completed an evacuation via the kit van more befitting the last days of a tin-pot dictatorship. Clubs employees have gone onto social media to call the BBC reporter who first published the claim a "liar" (rather apt given Meire's reputation) so does anyone actually know what did happen? Suspect the laundry basket will feature in future protests regardless ...


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    Why would the BBC reporter make it up ? He was a local reporter for Colchester matches so knows the layout of the stadium well, he isn't on the payroll of either club and is presumably impartial either way. I'm not saying the story is true or false, simply I don't see what the BBC reporters motive to lie would be.
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    there was a team coach os the main entrance
    there was a club minibus os a side entrance
    the interim one travelled up on one
    he travelled back on the other

    any references to laundry baskets alive or dead are purely coincidental

    do not let the club deflect from what was a completly unacceptable performance
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    Despite what I wrote earlier on other threads I don't know for sure what happened, and was inspired somewhat by the Neil Kelly posting.
    I saw it in rather a poetic light both as an apt image and an analogy for our situation.
    It does seem a bit like travel plans were being altered though.
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    edited January 2016
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    I am totally convinced he went out in a linen basket!! No smoke without fire as they say.
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    Chunes said:

    As has been pointed out on other threads, there's a video of KF signing autographs outside the ground after the game, not appearing in any rush to dive into a laundry basket.

    Why our fans were asking for his autograph, I'll never understand.

    That was Statto - Karel was half way back to London nestled in among the dirty kit.
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    I guess the subject of this thread may rank as the least likely subject ever
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    Was it our fans asking for autographs?

    I have not seen the video BTW
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    edited January 2016
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    I want to hear them deny it. Horses mouths.
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    Chunes said:

    As has been pointed out on other threads, there's a video of KF signing autographs outside the ground after the game, not appearing in any rush to dive into a laundry basket.

    Why our fans were asking for his autograph, I'll never understand.

    November 5th?
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    edited January 2016
    Oakster said:

    Chunes said:

    As has been pointed out on other threads, there's a video of KF signing autographs outside the ground after the game, not appearing in any rush to dive into a laundry basket.

    Why our fans were asking for his autograph, I'll never understand.

    That was Statto - Karel was half way back to London nestled in among the dirty kit.
    This ^ or he now has a doppelganger like many leaders had down the years, Churchill, Montgomery, Saddam, Hitler...............oh hang on a minute I said leaders :neutral:
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    Godwin's Law!
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    edited January 2016
    I have it on good authority that no laundry baskets were harmed during The Great Escape.

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    edited January 2016
    JohnnyH2 said:

    Should a mini bus that Valley Gold has purchased for the Academy be used for the CEO and Head Coach to be ferried around in?

    The only reason I can think a mini bus was there is that they live further up the A12, which we know is not the case. This bit about them not all going back to Sparrows Lane is BS, they could have had a drop off point on the M25 ( the QE bridge sounds a good place). If it was a VG minibus more reason to withdraw from it.
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    What are zees flashing knobs I see before me??
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    JohnnyH2 said:

    Should a mini bus that Valley Gold has purchased for the Academy be used for the CEO and Head Coach to be ferried around in?

    The only reason I can think a mini bus was there is that they live further up the A12, which we know is not the case. This bit about them not all going back to Sparrows Lane is BS, they could have had a drop off point on the M25 ( the QE bridge sounds a good place). If it was a VG minibus more reason to withdraw from it.
    They do live further up the A12. I just wish they'd stay there.

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    edited January 2016
    Redchaser, they Reckon we all have a doppelganger somewhere in the world ?

    I found out mine lives in Munich, and supports Bayern,
    Has a big Brieftasche and has a beautiful young Fraulein on his arm.

    The German word that is being used in relation to CAFC is Schadenfreude;
    And that is no laughing matter !

    PS. Say hello if you see me at Hull, I will be dressed as a Zebra and standing on a soapbox.
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    So he / they didn't leave hidden in a laundry basket then ?
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    Fumbluff said:

    What are zees flashing knobs I see before me??

    Where are you exactly? :wink:
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