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Addicks v's Huddersfield match thread 12/01/15



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    hahahaahahahah 4...
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    While I will continue to encourage Fox when he plays by the means of shouting 'Come on Fox' and 'Close him down Fox' and 'better luck next time Fox' he's still no where as good as THD in that position and unless THD is injured there is no way I would start Fox ahead. Manager me may need Fox on the bench in case THD can't do so many full games because he is young but starting Fox is basically the act of an idiot.
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    BOLLOCKS...I'm off. I really can't take much more of this...REALLY.
    Thanks for the updates chaps.........

    And a final thanks to the Belgian cunts for fucking my club up!!!!
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    Sacked in the morni..... oh no he won't be will he?


    I said that on Saturday!
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    edited January 2016
    never ever said this before....please lose this so badly and we go on and lose 6-0, then maybe RD will go!!!
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    Charlton Athletic FC ‏@CAFCofficial 27s28 seconds ago
    79' Goal. 0-4. #cafc #CAFCLive
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    Sky said we are lucky down its single figures. Might not be for much longer now 4-0
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    Four nil
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    Louis Mendez ‏@LouisMend 6s7 seconds ago Huddersfield, England
    Jesus Christ #cafc
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    "Roland told me he was happy with the first 5 minutes"
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    well my commentary had cut out so there is a god I it just me?
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    Peter_G said:


    Sacked in the morni..... oh no he won't be will he?


    In any normal club, he'd have been sacked long before this. What a shower of shite we have running our CAFC.
    Any normal club wouldn't employ him
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    Do it for RM! We all understand this is thankless stuff, but we appreciate it.
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    4 now
    CMon Udd we can make this 7 or 8.

    Bloke on SKy said we had done well to keep it to single figures.
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    I feel sorry for all fellow addicks tonight, not just those that are there. Yet another sad evening following our beloved club.
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    Dunno why I'm still bothering to listen... Reckon this could finish 4 or 5-0

    Quote me on that.....
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    god I can't wait for Blackburn.
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    We want 5
    We want 5
    We want 5
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    Teams must be rubbing their hands together when they see they have us up next
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    oh apparently it is 4-0
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    1StevieG said:

    Defence just let him have all the time in the world to shoot outside the area. The vultures are licking their beaks.....

    The Vultures are circling even !
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    Commentators seem really interested in this.
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    Belgians out. Fuck off Fraeye. Fuck off Meire. Duck off douchbag. Fuck off Murray. Apologies for the language.

    There's a theme emerging here!!!!!
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    For the first time ever I just cheered a goal against us, needs to be 6/7 to really send a message.
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!