I moved to West Yorkshire last year and despite the continued troubles at the club this season it's been a bit of a weird feeling not being at The Valley every other Saturday. I still get to the odd home game when visiting friends and family but my experience this season has been limited to 3-0, 4-0 and 6-0 reverses at Boro, Burnley and Hull respectively!
Over the last few weeks I've noticed I'm not the only Addick living north of the M25 and there seems to be quite a few of us dotted about 'oop north' around Leeds, Lancashire, Lincolnshire etc. on Charlton Life alone. I wondered if there's any interest in jointly setting up a 'Northern Addicks' supporters group?
I'm not entirely sure on what it's purpose would be at first but at the very least it could be useful for meeting up for a beer before or after northern away games, travel, regular meet-ups and tie-ins with other supporter groups...protests ;-)
Anyway, if anyone is up for getting involved then PM me and we can set a group to get the ball rolling.
Our owner and his puppet are on another planet.
Go luck with your idea by the way
There is I believe quite a group of Addicks in Sheffield, @SheffieldRed can tell y'all more
Heckington is a nice little place. Played a lot of football and cricket there over the years.
I live right at the bottom of Lincolnshire, I'm not northern or southern!
Heckington is near Sleaford ?, Boston ? .. Lincolnshire is a BIG county .. when I moved here I used to get phone calls/emails about work .. 'near you, just north of Peterborough in Lincolnshire' they'd say .. yeah right, Peterborough is about 80 miles away
Will be at Rotherham tomorrow with my 15yr old son who has a strong Barnsley accent owing to the nursery staff who influenced it. I'll tell him to quieten down tomorrow as he might get mistaken for an invader!!!
You don't live in Immingham do you mate? I went through there 20 years ago, and still haven't got over it.
Would also be interested in helping setting up a northern supporters club (North West Branch) First agenda item convince him and her to move up north and show the them delights of The Mersey with heavy weights around their ankles!!!!!