Anyone play / involved?
Had a long association with the Kent Suburban League up until 4 years ago and just tried to look up the current league tables to see which teams were still going, and seen it has merged at some point with the London and Kent Border League. When did that happen? I assume Josh and Sylvie are no longer running anything?
Looking down the list, don't see too many of the 4 divisions of teams from the KSL now playing in it. Have the rest just folded over time or is there another local league now other than the North Kent Sunday?
bloke at work used this site to find his club
Blimey - just looked on the website, Starks Park, top of the 4th division (looks like they have one division less now). Always used to be the whipping boys in my day...! They are one of the few team names I recall in the lower leagues so been going a while and on the up...maybe somewhere to look at?
Does anybody know when and why the Eltham & District Sunday League folded?
Edit. Nevermind; found my answer -