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Will Trump become President?



  • Joe Biden, your time has come. America, indeed the whole of the free world, need you to step up and do your duty and prevent the planet being consumed by a conflict between Red Neck Christian Zombies and Muslim fanatics.

    Reading around this I have come to the conclusion that you might not be wrong.


    This one is from a month ago. The more you look at it the worse it gets. I feel awful looking at an old woman who is obviously trying to keep a serious medical condition private but this isn't the 1930's and neurological issues can't be swept under the carpet in the way FDR's infermity was.

    This one is from a month ago. The more you look at it the worse it gets. I feel awful looking at an old woman who is obviously trying to keep a serious medical condition private but this isn't the 1930's and neurological issues can't be swept under the carpet in the way FDR's infermity was.

    oh dear
  • I'm pretty sure that during Obama's campaign, Joe Biden was a walking calamity. That said, I've long given up trying to understand that mind of the American voter
  • stonemuse said:

    This one is from a month ago. The more you look at it the worse it gets. I feel awful looking at an old woman who is obviously trying to keep a serious medical condition private but this isn't the 1930's and neurological issues can't be swept under the carpet in the way FDR's infermity was.

    oh dear
    Not sure what the fuss is about. Clinton haters trying to get something out of nothing.

    Looks to me like a comic reaction to three people all barking questions at exactly the same moment.

    Nothing to see here. Move on.


    This one is from a month ago. The more you look at it the worse it gets. I feel awful looking at an old woman who is obviously trying to keep a serious medical condition private but this isn't the 1930's and neurological issues can't be swept under the carpet in the way FDR's infermity was.

    Jesus fucking christ.
  • (at you, not at HRC)
  • stonemuse said:

    This one is from a month ago. The more you look at it the worse it gets. I feel awful looking at an old woman who is obviously trying to keep a serious medical condition private but this isn't the 1930's and neurological issues can't be swept under the carpet in the way FDR's infermity was.

    oh dear
    Not sure what the fuss is about. Clinton haters trying to get something out of nothing.

    Looks to me like a comic reaction to three people all barking questions at exactly the same moment.

    Nothing to see here. Move on.

    maybe, not so sure

    I'm not a clinton 'hater' but just want to see real opposition to Trump
  • This is NOT a seizure or a stroke. It's a joke in response to a barrage of shouted questions and to avoid having to answer difficult questions.

    This one is from a month ago. The more you look at it the worse it gets. I feel awful looking at an old woman who is obviously trying to keep a serious medical condition private but this isn't the 1930's and neurological issues can't be swept under the carpet in the way FDR's infermity was.

    I think you will find that Hillary Clinton has been replaced with a robot that just had a brief malfunction.
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  • Try reading the comments to that video and you have an insight into the feral uninformed hateful slavering-at-the-jaws insanity of Middle America
  • Leuth said:

    (at you, not at HRC)

    Leuth said:

    (at you, not at HRC)

    Leuth you're quite eloquent when you want to be. Do you not think there's a problem with Hillary's health or do you not think it's anyone's business even though she's running for such a poweful position? BTW I've just checked the odds on the next president, Hillary is drifting fast and Biden is being backed heavily, something is happening.
  • She's clearly unwell as things stand right now, but that video is a load of utter nonsense. Maybe she really does just have pneumonia? Let's see how it plays out. All this craven speculation is thinly-disguised Trump propaganda.
  • Leuth said:

    She's clearly unwell as things stand right now, but that video is a load of utter nonsense. Maybe she really does just have pneumonia? Let's see how it plays out. All this craven speculation is thinly-disguised Trump propaganda.

    Maybe you're right but its fucking genius propaganda if he's behind it because the race is getting worryingly close again. The odds on Hillary winning are now down to 60% for what should be the easiest election stroll of the century.
  • The issue now is not just her health. It is the fact that she was diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday and yet her campaign decided to try and keep it secret. It just feeds the narrative that Fox news and the rest of the right wing media have been trying to push for the last two years. I agree with Obama when he says no one has ever been better qualified to be President than her. But, I think circumstances have overtaken her and I think she and the Dem party need to make some tough decisions in the next few weeks.
  • Surely with John Hinckley being released today after 35 years we are relying on Jodie Foster to sort this mess? All she has to say is " if Trump was shot I would be well impressed " , and the world would be a better place.
  • William Henry Harrison was the ninth president of the US of A.
    He was a Whig, Same as Trump !

    He was 68 years old when he took office on the 4th of March 1841.
    The hustings had taken it's toll and he had a nasty cough and heavy cold.
    A month Later on the 4th of April he died from complication due to Pneumonia. His Grandson Benjamin Harrison was the 23th President but at least he lasted 4 years. (1889-1893)

    Hillary Clinton is also 68 Years old.

    Get well soon Hillary.
  • McBobbin said:

    I'm pretty sure that during Obama's campaign, Joe Biden was a walking calamity. That said, I've long given up trying to understand that mind of the American voter

    Might be because of what you are fed by the lefty media.
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  • breaking news delivered, as ever, by a poorly-composed mspaint image
  • limeygent said:

    McBobbin said:

    I'm pretty sure that during Obama's campaign, Joe Biden was a walking calamity. That said, I've long given up trying to understand that mind of the American voter

    Might be because of what you are fed by the lefty media.
    That and knowing a lot of Americans
  • William Henry Harrison was the ninth president of the US of A.
    He was a Whig, Same as Trump !

    He was 68 years old when he took office on the 4th of March 1841.
    The hustings had taken it's toll and he had a nasty cough and heavy cold.
    A month Later on the 4th of April he died from complication due to Pneumonia. His Grandson Benjamin Harrison was the 23th President but at least he lasted 4 years. (1889-1893)

    Hillary Clinton is also 68 Years old.

    Get well soon Hillary.

    Fortunately medicine has moved on slightly in the 175 years since then. I think it's reasonable to think that Hillary will make a full recovery.

  • edited September 2016
    limeygent said:

    McBobbin said:

    I'm pretty sure that during Obama's campaign, Joe Biden was a walking calamity. That said, I've long given up trying to understand that mind of the American voter

    Might be because of what you are fed by the lefty media.
    Might be because we have a lot more people willing to vote for a bigot maniac than outsider observers expected. I, however, am not surprised.

    Re: Biden. No, his time has certainly gone. It's very easy to poll very well when you're not running for anything. And as a VP, he has done some wonderful things (links below). But whenever he ran for president in his own right he was roundly beaten because despite being strong on foreign policy (Americans don't care, see Trump, Donald), he doesn't have a whole lot more to offer.

    All that said, one of the nice things about this Administration has been the fact that two of the old WASPs of the Democratic party, John Kerry and Joe Biden, have really found their purpose. Biden has become the kindly grandad who still says things that are either dated or vaguely inappropriate (calling someone a "Shilock," an anti-semitic term so old I had to look up if it was still anti-semitic). He is prone to a gaffe, and it was his original awkward comments about gay marriage (people are more accepting because of TV shows like Will and Grace) that kind of forced Obama's hand on the issue in 2012 (there's also a question about whether either really opposed it for anything other than political gain). But by that same token, he seems to be a genuinely decent person who, like a kindly grandad has had his views on the world around him evolve in a frank, honest, and loving way.

    Kerry's negotiations with Iran were very impressive, and he's done very well with the negotiations around Syria too. Both he and Biden ran for president twice in 2004 (when I voted for Kerry and will never forgive the Dems for running him) and 2008 and both failed miserably, but have really found a home in the twilight of their careers.

    "The Biden Doctrine" The Atlantic

    Biden wrote an open letter to the victim of rape at the hands of Brock Turner, the Stanford swimmer who got six months in jail (served only three) and who gave an incredibly powerful statement at Turner's sentencing which was later published

    And this is Biden's letter to her, a really touching gesture:

    Lastly, last month he married two White House officials in a gay marriage (another really touching moment):
  • Looking more and more likely now.
  • edited September 2016
    On the Hillary health concerns thing, the genesis of this is people on the far right claiming they could diagnose her with dementia or Cerebral Palsy based on looking at videos of her. These are smears after things like the Benghazi "scandal" didn't land and gain traction with a wider audience. Trying to diagnose someone simply by looking at pictures is somewhere between incredibly stupid and unethical.

    Now, to earlier in the week. By all accounts, she has pneumonia. She was diagnosed on Friday, she campaigned through the weekend and on Monday, and then in the sweltering heat of a NY summer she nearly fainted. Should anything change or worsen, we can discuss it as it comes. Until then, if someone is looking for an in as a sub editor at a rightwing rag, you can try "HILLARY CLINTON SPREADS DEADLY VIRUS TO 9/11 SURVIVORS AND FAMILY MEMBERS!"

    What is interesting, and I think this speaks to Clinton's tendencies as a whole, is that she decided to keep quiet, fearing in part that it would be used against her. And, ironically, when it came to light it was used against her, and thus her fears were not totally irrational. But I do thinks it's a bit of insight into her and her team's thinking, instead of being up front and honest, bury the lead and attempt to soldier on (which is fine in this instance, it's her campaign and her choice).

  • What is most likely is that Clinton wins but is only a one term President, making way for Tim Kaine or somebody else.
  • What is most likely is that Clinton wins but is only a one term President, making way for Tim Kaine or somebody else.

    If Hillary Clinton were to be a one term president, be it because of lack of popularity or health problems, and I think the former is far more likely than the latter, I don't think Kane would be in any kind of position to step in (unless forced to should Clinton leave office). He is, by his own admission, boring, incredibly milk toast, lacking in anything noteworthy despite a long career in politics. That's not to say he's a terrible person, there are plenty of politicians who do things who are far worse. But I can't see him winning a general election.

    Furthermore, there are various democrats, namely Corey Booker and Elizabeth Warren, on the more left leaning side of the party who are lying in wait. It's one of the many frustrations about Hillary as the de facto nominee going into the primaries--the Democrats have a pretty deep bench with some individuals who have some interesting things to say.

    On the Republican side...there isn't really anyone glaringly obvious who looks like winning a general election. When elected to the Senate six years ago, Marco Rubio looked like the golden boy. That said, his presidential run was a disaster, he's barely turned up to the Senate, and he now has a struggle on his hands to retain his senate seat in Florida. He is probably a good example of trying to get too much too soon. Nikki Haley, South Carolina governor and Tea Party darling is the only other person who immediately springs to mind (my knowledge of the Republicans is not as good as of the Dems). She is pretty conservative, but she did take drastic steps such as saying that the Confederate Flag should be taken down from the state house in South Carolina.

    Sorry that got quite inside baseball.
  • She's a damn SYNTH
  • I am not endorsing Donald Trump, but I am now more convinced than ever that Trump (or someone other than Hillary Clinton) will be the next President.

    I may be proven wrong, and like I said, that wouldn't bother me in terms of my politics, I think they are both pretty shit, but I just think Hillary Clinton has successfully had her character completely assassinated. Trump doesn't need to do anything anymore. With Trump the questions are generally about him getting in trouble for "telling it like it is" which voters love (don't ever focus on people that will never vote for you), with Hillary, it is always more a question of her character, she seems to be the kind of person that will tell you she got somewhere on a train rather than a car just for the fun of it. Again, this may completely not be the case, but the portrayal of Hillary Clinton in the media is starting to make her less and less unelectable.

    Roll on Mr Trump, be kind to us.
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