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Gardening Advice



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    Here is said Bar. The cheap vodka is for when you come around @DaveMehmet

    Looks like a new Weatherspoons :wink:
    Only if the bogs are 400 yards away 
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    Looks like a Punch and Judy booth
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    edited March 2021
    Looks like a Punch and Judy booth
    Sorry to disappoint you but I couldn’t fit a 200 seater venue in my back garden. Feel free to post a picture of the bar in your garden. 
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    Any advice or tips on how to prevent or deal with dog peeing on the lawn ultimately creating those yellow nitrogen rich patches ? I’ve tried soaking those areas when they pop up to dilute the nitrogen and even tried a volcanic rock in the dogs drinking water but it’s a losing battle. Any help appreciated. 
    Artificial grass is the answer. Means you save time with mowing etc.
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    Love the Sun deck - bit tricky getting down after a few sherberts though. :smile:  
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    My little bit of SE7 in tropical Daarrzet 😁😁
    Looks like you’ve got a wood burning stove in - lovely.
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    edited March 2021
    Do  you want some Charlton beer mats @ricky_otto ?  I've still got a few hanging around from the protests, some Roland's Ruin and a couple of others.  They are hopeless as beer mats but might look good.  Send me your address if so.  Will post but wont be until next week.

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    Found this little fella (not my son) when starting to clean the pond of leaves yesterday...he’s safely back in there now 
    What is it?
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    se9addick said:
    Found this little fella (not my son) when starting to clean the pond of leaves yesterday...he’s safely back in there now 
    What is it?
    It's a smooth newt
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    As I scrolled down that looked like it was in a blender. 
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    no idea what it is, Oli (son) thinks it's a baby croc! - haha
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    Dazzler21 said:
    As I scrolled down that looked like it was in a blender. 
    That would be a smoothie newt
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    no idea what it is, Oli (son) thinks it's a baby croc! - haha
    Definitely a Newt. Had them as pets as a kid. Would go over to this park that always had them swimming in there, would nick them and put them in our fish tank at home. They lived off the fish food. 
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    Curb_It said:
    Do  you want some Charlton beer mats @ricky_otto ?  I've still got a few hanging around from the protests, some Roland's Ruin and a couple of others.  They are hopeless as beer mats but might look good.  Send me your address if so.  Will post but wont be until next week.

    Nice one thank you! I’ll PM you. 
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    My little bit of SE7 in tropical Daarrzet 😁😁
    Looks like you’ve got a wood burning stove in - lovely.
    Sure have & it gets nice and warm on a cold night, it was always my intention to build one & lockdown last year was the time to do it.  Was going to build it with London Stocks, well frontage, but costs were far too much so used locally reclaimed bricks instead.  As we, main house, are south facing the pub gets the sun as it sets in the West 😁😁 now need to build the pizza oven and Bar B Q next to it. 
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    coffee drunk ,better get on with something 😎
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    coffee drunk ,better get on with something 😎
    How have bananas/palms etc coped with the frosts? 
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    Hi lolwray ,of the 12 bananas I have 6 are shooting so far, I'm in the process of repotting the larger plants at the moment, I left 4 in the ground over winter and they haven't started shooting but I think they will (hopefully), I treating them the same as my potted cannas and they come back every year. 
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    Just to add all the palms survived, 1 only just. 
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    Not impressed with this year's effort from my Acer, just two lousy leaves.

    To think it was only a twig 5 years ago.  I looked after it, fed it, spoke to it and now this ...

    Gardening does that though, just when you think you're winning it dumps you back down on the seat of your pants.

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    Came down this morning to find something had trashed part of the lavender bed.  Think it must be a badger.  Recently covered the bed in horse manure still containing quite a few brandlings.
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    I just wish the weather would do something...its still too cold for most things to really come on and still getting overnight frosts ....really haven't had a lot of rain and I am using pumped water from a well ...I dont normally resort to this until june ..
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    Took delivery of 24 lavender plants (line a path) and of course a couple of palms that are going into large pots. 
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    Chamerops Humilis Cerifera, or hardy blue fan palm to me.
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    Trying out Minibel tomatoes for the first time this year. 

    I have ten growing here in the top secret nursery area behind my shed.  Apparently they only grow to 30 cm - seem to be developing nicely, plenty of blooms appearing. 

    Please excuse the rather ugly anti fox / cat fortifications.

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    Very nice, superb choice of planter I might add.
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