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American teacher caught sleeping with a student (image at the bottom)



  • Dazzler21 said:

    I'd have happily spent time with this attractive lady teacher when I was 13...

    Looking at her now, I do feel split between 'she's a perverted skank' and 'Shiit still would'

    Going for some 'reasons to flag:words in post' record here
  • She's in a position of trust.

    She has committed a crime and unknown psychological damage to a minor.

    Compare this thread to the Adam Johnson one to see a perfect example of hypocrisy.

    It's worse than the Adam Johnson case. In that case the girl was older and presumably (simply based on girls maturing earlier than boys) more mature, whilst Johnson wasn't in anything like the same position of trust. Add on there was no pregnancy involved and this case is far far worse on pretty much every level.
  • edited June 2016

    She's in a position of trust.

    She has committed a crime and unknown psychological damage to a minor.

    Compare this thread to the Adam Johnson one to see a perfect example of hypocrisy.

    It's worse than the Adam Johnson case. In that case the girl was older and presumably (simply based on girls maturing earlier than boys) more mature, whilst Johnson wasn't in anything like the same position of trust. Add on there was no pregnancy involved and this case is far far worse on pretty much every level.
    That's my point. It is worse in many respects but she is not being vilified because she is an attractive woman and the victim is male.
  • DA9 said:

    Irellevant what she looks like, she's 24, he's 13, she's a paedophile in a position of trust, lock her up.

    ^^ this totally, if it was a male teacher he would be vilified and justifiably branded a pervert and paedophile, the fact she is a good looking woman makes no difference..
  • edited June 2016

    She's in a position of trust.

    She has committed a crime and unknown psychological damage to a minor.

    Compare this thread to the Adam Johnson one to see a perfect example of hypocrisy.

    It's worse than the Adam Johnson case. In that case the girl was older and presumably (simply based on girls maturing earlier than boys) more mature, whilst Johnson wasn't in anything like the same position of trust. Add on there was no pregnancy involved and this case is far far worse on pretty much every level.
    That's my point. It is worse in many respects but she is not being vilified because she is an attractive woman and the victim is male.
    I knew it would be perceived differently because teenage boys and girls are different. The majority of people on here are male and have been a horny teenager in the past. So they know that they would give their right arm to get with a teacher - especially if she were attractive.

    My nieces are 14 and 16 and are very much "all boys are gross" camp and far more naive. At least that's the side I see.

    The two cases are markedly different in that she is in a position of trust and was actually sleeping with the boy regularly whereas Johnson is/was a celebrity and used his influence to manipulate the girl - even though he didn't actually sleep with her.

    Both cases are incredibly wrong but also incredibly different - but look at real life. A man who sleeps around is a stud and a woman who does so is a slapper. It's almost the norm to be seen that way nowadays

  • edited June 2016
    Leuth said:

    Dazzler21 said:

    I'd have happily spent time with this attractive lady teacher when I was 13...

    Looking at her now, I do feel split between 'she's a perverted skank' and 'Shiit still would'

    Going for some 'reasons to flag:words in post' record here
    Still don't get it?

    She is still an attractive lady, but she is a pervert who acted in a skanky way...

    Not sure why that deserves a flag which is defined as being for abuse.

    I do note you haven't flagged the others making the same point though.

    So yeah nice one!

    I'd smash that 7 days a week, twice on Sundays!

    What she's done does make her a wrong'un though!

    Talal said:

    She's wrong no doubt, but at 13 I'd have given my right arm for a go on a woman like that. Surely nearly every lads fantasy. She is wrong for doing it though just to reiterate.

    Edit- I'd give both arms now

  • I did it because you're alright and should know better

    plus some of your word choices are especially gross and unfortunate imo
  • edited June 2016
    starting with 'lady teacher'
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  • DA9 said:

    I'm going to open now, I'm a big boy and I can take it, and will probably explain why I so vehemently jump on these topics.
    At the age of 14/15 back in the early 80s (In the words of Micky Flanagan, I was a looker, still am) I was seduced/groomed/bedded by a married woman in her late 20s early 30s. Husband was away in the army. Of course, I did have every teenage boys dream come true. When it was discovered, the shit storm it caused in my family was unreal. It didn't work out too well for her once my traveller side of the family got involved and she moved away sharpish, the law didn't get called and were not involved, different times, different attitudes.
    It's only 30+ years later that I realised how it had an affect on me in my past and current relationships, hard nosed cold bastard sometimes, so it wasn't just me who suffered. Anger issues, moodiness etc, I have been told can all be traced back to that period and how it formed my attitudes towards women and relationships. As the years role on that mellowed, so if anybody thinks it's a jape, good luck son, fill your boots etc, take a think, and whilst your at it, find a mirror and take a long hard look in it.
    This nearly 50, convicted ex con football hooligan has another version.

    Brave post mate and a great one at that!

    At that age although physically you are able to and at the time you think you want to, you're not able to mentally have sexual relationships. By that your brain is not mature enough for it. Ever been head over heels massively in love with that girl you've never spoken to at the other end of the classroom or the year below at that age? You're unable to differentiate between a crush and being in love and everything else, you're just not mature enough for it.

    I've had experiences that, although weren't overtly sexual, were slightly compromising with older women who should've known better than doing things like staring at my crotch when I was 13. That have ultimately influenced what I'm into sexually as an adult. I wouldn't call it damaging per se but it definitely shaped what I'm into.
  • Leuth said:

    starting with 'lady teacher'

    Had it been a bloke I'd have said I wouldn't want to spend time with this male teacher?

    I have to say she doesn't deserve protection for vulgar language and comments based on the fact she knowingly slept with a 13 year old.

    I will agree maybe me saying 'Shiit still would' is potentially flag worthy though...

    Therefore I have removed my 'revenge' flag!
  • Calling a woman a skank is a p bad look too but OK, you're off with a caution
  • DA9 said:

    I'm going to open now, I'm a big boy and I can take it, and will probably explain why I so vehemently jump on these topics.
    At the age of 14/15 back in the early 80s (In the words of Micky Flanagan, I was a looker, still am) I was seduced/groomed/bedded by a married woman in her late 20s early 30s. Husband was away in the army. Of course, I did have every teenage boys dream come true. When it was discovered, the shit storm it caused in my family was unreal. It didn't work out too well for her once my traveller side of the family got involved and she moved away sharpish, the law didn't get called and were not involved, different times, different attitudes.
    It's only 30+ years later that I realised how it had an affect on me in my past and current relationships, hard nosed cold bastard sometimes, so it wasn't just me who suffered. Anger issues, moodiness etc, I have been told can all be traced back to that period and how it formed my attitudes towards women and relationships. As the years role on that mellowed, so if anybody thinks it's a jape, good luck son, fill your boots etc, take a think, and whilst your at it, find a mirror and take a long hard look in it.
    This nearly 50, convicted ex con football hooligan has another version.

    Brave post mate and a great one at that!

    At that age although physically you are able to and at the time you think you want to, you're not able to mentally have sexual relationships. By that your brain is not mature enough for it. Ever been head over heels massively in love with that girl you've never spoken to at the other end of the classroom or the year below at that age? You're unable to differentiate between a crush and being in love and everything else, you're just not mature enough for it.

    I've had experiences that, although weren't overtly sexual, were slightly compromising with older women who should've known better than doing things like staring at my crotch when I was 13. That have ultimately influenced what I'm into sexually as an adult. I wouldn't call it damaging per se but it definitely shaped what I'm into.
    You are Wayne Rooney and I claim my prize :smile:
  • edited June 2016
    I don't disagree for a normal woman Leuth, but for her, she's a special case.

    I certainly wouldn't call many women that!
  • DA9 said:

    I'm going to open now, I'm a big boy and I can take it, and will probably explain why I so vehemently jump on these topics.
    At the age of 14/15 back in the early 80s (In the words of Micky Flanagan, I was a looker, still am) I was seduced/groomed/bedded by a married woman in her late 20s early 30s. Husband was away in the army. Of course, I did have every teenage boys dream come true. When it was discovered, the shit storm it caused in my family was unreal. It didn't work out too well for her once my traveller side of the family got involved and she moved away sharpish, the law didn't get called and were not involved, different times, different attitudes.
    It's only 30+ years later that I realised how it had an affect on me in my past and current relationships, hard nosed cold bastard sometimes, so it wasn't just me who suffered. Anger issues, moodiness etc, I have been told can all be traced back to that period and how it formed my attitudes towards women and relationships. As the years role on that mellowed, so if anybody thinks it's a jape, good luck son, fill your boots etc, take a think, and whilst your at it, find a mirror and take a long hard look in it.
    This nearly 50, convicted ex con football hooligan has another version.

    Brave post mate and a great one at that!

    At that age although physically you are able to and at the time you think you want to, you're not able to mentally have sexual relationships. By that your brain is not mature enough for it. Ever been head over heels massively in love with that girl you've never spoken to at the other end of the classroom or the year below at that age? You're unable to differentiate between a crush and being in love and everything else, you're just not mature enough for it.

    I've had experiences that, although weren't overtly sexual, were slightly compromising with older women who should've known better than doing things like staring at my crotch when I was 13. That have ultimately influenced what I'm into sexually as an adult. I wouldn't call it damaging per se but it definitely shaped what I'm into.
    You are Wayne Rooney and I claim my prize :smile:
    Ha ha ha ha ha...

    *deletes account*
  • On the basis that several people have pointed out the parents seem to be relatively unscathed in the media reports, have they actually outright said they were/are okay with this? The one version I read was that the teacher in question said the parents were happy with the situation but not anything directly from the parents themselves.
  • thenewbie said:

    On the basis that several people have pointed out the parents seem to be relatively unscathed in the media reports, have they actually outright said they were/are okay with this? The one version I read was that the teacher in question said the parents were happy with the situation but not anything directly from the parents themselves.

    I think they've been strongly advised to say nothing in support of it for fear of a lynching

  • I think we need to start a new would ya thread.
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  • T.C.E said:

    DA9. Respect your previous views on here. I'm prepared to be flagged but I suspect your social dynamic, particuarly at this early age was not caused by a randy housewife. At 15, even younger I knew right from wrong in a legal sense. I was lucky not to have a criminal record at this age. How many millions of kids have popped their cherries at your age? Were they only traumatised because it was a fit older woman? If you are a troubled man, it's not down to a cougar.

    I'm not flagging you, Harvey.......... but replace schoolteacher with mother/father/uncle/aunt/next door neighbour etc. He (not Da9) was a child and she was in a position where she was supposed to protect the children. My sisters are shot to pieces because of what happened to them in their teens, I haven't seen them for years. The reason, I have the same surname as the person they hold responsible for fucking their heads up when he was in a position of trust.
    Please see my statement "don't condone her actions" not quoted in later replies. My point is that males having consensual sex before the age of consent is widespread. I can't see that the age of the woman implies some extra psychogical element. Position of Trust is a no no and I don't think anyone disputes this or that the yank is a wrong-un. Don't mix my comments on her with DA9' issues.
    As it is with women too.
  • Brave and honest testimony from DA9

    Was going to post the same. Real respect DA9.

    Puts things into perspective.

    I agree with your take on this case as well btw.
  • edited June 2016
    Apparently another female teacher (31) here has been sacked after she sent flirty snapchat messages to one of her eleven year old pupils
  • edited June 2016
    What if it had been a good looking adult male teacher sleeping with a 13 yr old boy?
  • Apparently another female teacher (31) here has been sacked after she sent flirty snapchat messages to one of her eleven year old pupils

    Getting sicker this!!
  • Agree. Another wrongun. Totally weird.
  • There was a case recently I think in Kent where 27 year old married teacher had affair with pupil 14 sending him nude photos and video of her slapping herself and I don't think they meant face. She got put away for a year.
  • edited June 2016
    If I was him I wouldnt have given a flying..
    Who really trusted there teachers anyway, they were just there to do a job.

    Kids 13, give it a year or two and he'l be shagging up the seafront.

    But thats just me.
  • Total respect to DA9 for opening up on what is a very difficult subject for him. Sadly, this sort of thing has been going on for years. The subject matter took me back to my childhood (I'm fast approaching 57) and I have two different stories.

    When I was in the equivalent of year 11 (1976) I now realise, my English teacher was trying to groom me. She was constantly buying me sweets, rubbing her hand on my shoulder and paying me a lot of attention. She wanted me to go home with her after school to work in her garden. I mentioned this to my mum and she said no and that was the end of it. Didn't go. The attention soon stopped after that.

    Then there was the deputy head teacher. In 1971 he was able to get away with making 11 year old boys take off their trousers and pants if they misbehaved and hit them as hard as possible on their backsides with a slipper. At the time, people considered that to be a suitable punishment for minor indiscretions. It's only now that I and many of my school friends have come to realise that the man was probably a paedophile who abused his position of trust. There was one occasion where he must've lined up 40 kids to get a smack just because they went out of bounds during a lunch break. This man didn't stay long at my school, less than a year, he want on to become the head teacher of a catholic school, I think Dread to think what went on there.
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