
Say Hello to our new addition this little girl joins our pack on July 1st .........Her name Must have a Charlton connection, but please not the obvious one.

We have one name in mind, but if we get one that we choose over ours we will donate £50 to CARD or the Upbeats or the charity of your choice.
Could also have "Nightingale" after Nobby Nightingale, another WW1 fatality but Chick is obviously a feminine name
Hence "Bitch" Lol........
I said not the obvious one.......
This our choice with an amendment to the spelling, our first ever foster Shep is still called "Valli"
after The Stadium of Light, people would assume I copied it from there, also with JJ's Aunty being her Mum, theres a bloody chance she be taller than 5' 3"
Although that tactic didnt really work for Bale.
God I hate it when people dont bother to read the thread properly!!
Unfortunately being a bit confused, changing her name didn't help her so we went back to Xena.....
Anagram of duct tape