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Savings and Investments thread



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    Well done, @TelMc32 and hope you are up and running again soon.
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    £175 from PBs this month.
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    Nothing for wife, £100 for me, £30k and £35k respectively. 

    Really been on a terrible run since I got them
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    £25 on half holding. Really poor return so far this year
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    Victor won £600 (1 x £500 +1 x £100) from £50k and Margaret £100 from £17k
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    edited July 2
    Nothing for me and £100 for daughter, both about 26k. Mrs R7L £75.

    and £50 for Father in law.
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    best for a while for us 
    £1375 over 5xmax
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    £175 me and £75 wife both on max holding. Combined we are running just under 3% for the year.
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    Nothing for me again 
    That's the 3rd time this year I've drawn a blank on 22k.
    Last year I totaled £1275 I'm nowhere near that so far this year. 
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    edited July 2
    2 x £25 and 1 x £100 on full holding. 2.4%  return YTD.
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    Bugger all for me, £200 for Mrs M - 2x max holdings
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    Me £650  (50k)
    Wife nothing (50k)
    Son nothing (33k)
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    £175 for me and £50 for the wife, both max holdings. Still not great.
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    £225 max
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    sod all for me , max holding 
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    £200 for me, £125 for Mrs and £100 for jnr this month after zero for each of us last month.
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    Nothing again 😕
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    £100 on the PBs this morning (2 x £50) on a £45k holding. Prizes, for me anyway, certainly seem to have dropped since January this year.
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    I'll check my results when this thread has petered out. I'm encouraged at the paucity of payouts achieved by other CL members so far. With every measly prize, or absence thereof, it's looking more and more promising  :)
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    £250 for me, £150 for the missus, both 38k holding.
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    Out of curiosity, those with less than maximum holding plow any PB winnings back into PBs?
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    £200 max
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    Solidgone said:
    Out of curiosity, those with less than maximum holding plow any PB winnings back into PBs?
    I do.
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    200 max 
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    £250. Max
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    £200 nowhere near max 
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    edited July 2
    Nug said:
    In the last couple of years I’ve been able to put some money away in an ISA with Vanguard and I’ve been impressed with them. I currently have my pension with Standard life and get charges of about £4,000 per year. I’m pretty much invested in US trackers with a couple of others thrown in. I’ve noticed the charges in a Vanguard SIPP are much lower and I think capped at £375. Worth switching? Seems like a no brainier but wondered if anyone had any thoughts to the contrary. I’ve overall been happy with Standard Life.
    Have started the process of switching my pension to Vanguard, however have hit a snag. I have my own limited company, just me as the only employee and director. I currently put £500 a month into my pension via the company which also reduces my corporation tax. Vanguard don’t allow that so would have to pay from my personal account. I’d lose the tax break but then my £500 would be increased to £600 with the 20% tax relief. Struggling to figure out if there’s much of a difference either way especially as the charges are significantly less with Vanguard.

    My calculations tell me if I switch I will end up with an extra £1,140 of corporation tax for the year but would have an extra £1,200 going into my pension. Then by being with Vanguard save about £2k in fund charges.???? Am I missing something?
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    Nug said:
    Nug said:
    In the last couple of years I’ve been able to put some money away in an ISA with Vanguard and I’ve been impressed with them. I currently have my pension with Standard life and get charges of about £4,000 per year. I’m pretty much invested in US trackers with a couple of others thrown in. I’ve noticed the charges in a Vanguard SIPP are much lower and I think capped at £375. Worth switching? Seems like a no brainier but wondered if anyone had any thoughts to the contrary. I’ve overall been happy with Standard Life.
    Have started the process of switching my pension to Vanguard, however have hit a snag. I have my own limited company, just me as the only employee and director. I currently put £500 a month into my pension via the company which also reduces my corporation tax. Vanguard don’t allow that so would have to pay from my personal account. I’d lose the tax break but then my £500 would be increased to £600 with the 20% tax relief. Struggling to figure out if there’s much of a difference either way especially as the charges are significantly less with Vanguard.

    My calculations tell me if I switch I will end up with an extra £1,140 of corporation tax for the year but would have an extra £1,200 going into my pension. Then by being with Vanguard save about £2k in fund charges.???? Am I missing something?
    You a 20%, 40% or 45% tax payer?
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    Rob7Lee said:
    Nug said:
    Nug said:
    In the last couple of years I’ve been able to put some money away in an ISA with Vanguard and I’ve been impressed with them. I currently have my pension with Standard life and get charges of about £4,000 per year. I’m pretty much invested in US trackers with a couple of others thrown in. I’ve noticed the charges in a Vanguard SIPP are much lower and I think capped at £375. Worth switching? Seems like a no brainier but wondered if anyone had any thoughts to the contrary. I’ve overall been happy with Standard Life.
    Have started the process of switching my pension to Vanguard, however have hit a snag. I have my own limited company, just me as the only employee and director. I currently put £500 a month into my pension via the company which also reduces my corporation tax. Vanguard don’t allow that so would have to pay from my personal account. I’d lose the tax break but then my £500 would be increased to £600 with the 20% tax relief. Struggling to figure out if there’s much of a difference either way especially as the charges are significantly less with Vanguard.

    My calculations tell me if I switch I will end up with an extra £1,140 of corporation tax for the year but would have an extra £1,200 going into my pension. Then by being with Vanguard save about £2k in fund charges.???? Am I missing something?
    You a 20%, 40% or 45% tax payer?
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