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Moreish foods



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    Lamb pilaff

    Oh, I thought you meant Moorish food.

    That one's for you @Ollywozere

    Cheese puffs

    Nuts and pringles

    Buffulo Mozzarella
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    Red grapes
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    edited August 2016

    Chocolate Raisins, I have found myself recently driving miles out of my way just to buy them loose from my favorite dealer shop.

    I have a problem.

    It's the chocolate raisins that's making you loose mate!
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    Tunnocks tea cakes

    I've even perfected the art of getting the whole thing in my gob without breaking it before chomping down and not being able to breathe whilst eating

    whole box in approximately 8 minutes

    Any chance you could give my wife a few tips.
    Feck me, your feeling better. ;)
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    Kettle chips
    Chocolate raisins
    Chinese rice crackers
    Liquorice comfits
    Strawberry liquorice
    Ben and Jerrys phish food or cookie dough
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    Fish pie, but not in this weather
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    Nutella. Basically never grew out of liking it as a kid. I have Nutella in some form nearly every day.

    never tried it
    I imagine that when introduced to the palette of a grown man, it's far too sweet and just positively nauseating.
    To me, having had it nearly every day for a good chunk of my 30 years, it's bloody amazing.
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    Pork scratchins
    Scampy fries
    Bacon fries
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    I just love Cadbury's chocolate fingers. I ate a whole pack recently in one go (and could have started on a second).

    My wife called me greedy and I replied in kind. Apparently we're not talking now.

    What foods do you find extremely moreish ?

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    Le Pork scratchins
    Le Scampy fries
    Le Bacon fries

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    Nutella. Basically never grew out of liking it as a kid. I have Nutella in some form nearly every day.

    I'm known as the Nutella monster by my daughter as I often take one or two spoonfuls from her pot when she's in bed.
    She has a bedside pot of Nutella and you go in and rob some?
    Lol. She even checks the dishwasher in the morning to see if there's a spoon with Nutella residue as evidence.
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    T.C.E said:

    Tunnocks tea cakes

    I've even perfected the art of getting the whole thing in my gob without breaking it before chomping down and not being able to breathe whilst eating

    whole box in approximately 8 minutes

    Any chance you could give my wife a few tips.
    Feck me, your feeling better. ;)
    Fighting fit mate!
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    Greenie said:

    all peanuts, particularly honey roasted peanuts

    This, Waitrose do BBQ flavour coated Peanuts, utterly rank but so bloody addictive......
    Just put some in a glass bowl warm them in the microwave for about 20 seconds = Food Porn.
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    Sundried tomatoes - could eat them by the jar
    Fois Gras - ditto
    Eccles cakes
    American hard gums
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    Ginger nuts
    Jaffa cakes

    All very more-ish
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    Marks and Spencer salt & vinegar twirls
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    note to all: Pringles are shit
    (apart from Martin)
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    Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
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    Danepak said:

    Reese's Peanut Butter Cups

    I thought you might have chosen Bacon
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    Was looking for Hula Hoop Pufts in the supermarket (sold out). Found cheesy Hula Hoop Golden Hoops instead. I ended up eating all six packets in one go! Why don't they make these in 1kg bags?!
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    any Cadbury's chocolate...particularly that one with the popping candy and jelly beans hidden in it....I now avoid all confectionery aisles and try to ban it chocolate from the house as it was becoming a bit of a problem.
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    Nutella. Basically never grew out of liking it as a kid. I have Nutella in some form nearly every day.

    never tried it
    I imagine that when introduced to the palette of a grown man, it's far too sweet and just positively nauseating.
    To me, having had it nearly every day for a good chunk of my 30 years, it's bloody amazing.
    It was far too sweet and nauseating for me when I was 12. And I have a sweet tooth!
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    Extra large Warburtons crumpets with Heinz Curry sauce and a cheese topping.
    As long as my baby is healthy we don't mind what sex it is!!image
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    Edamame beans
    Any shellfish.
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    Durian, Dim Sum, crystallised ginger, macadamia nuts
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    I find samosa addictive, and pakora.

    Chocolate covered crystallised ginger is too moreish to buy often.

    Small broad beans straight out of the pod just taken off the plant.

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    Durian, Dim Sum, crystallised ginger, macadamia nuts

    Had to Google that, thought it was an 80's pop band!

    Looks weird but I guess tasty...
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